Tag Archives: a cup of holiday cheer

Shared by Ann Gattie
Yesterday I was running around in my normal chaotic routine. Not taking much time to think about anything outside of my to do list, dry cleaning, doctor appointment & school pick up.
Connor had fallen asleep in his car seat snuggled with his blanket and to the perfect rhythm of the raindrops. I wanted to snuggle up and get a cat nap, but instead I found the nearest coffee stand drive through.
I drove up to the cashier window, smiled a quick semi-friendly smile and handed her my money. She handed me the cup of warm caffeine for my body and some warmth for my soul...."Ma'am, the car in front of you paid for your coffee."
In awe, I immediately asked if I could pay for the car behind me. I wanted to return the strangers gift. I,too, wanted to share an unexpected treat and hopefully a smile for the next person.
The barista had a huge smile and said "This is the LONGEST line of kindness I have ever seen! This will make 10 cars in a row paying it forward!"
As I drove away, I thought about the impact of small gestures.
"I was hungry...and you fed me. I was thirsty...and you gave me drink. "
Matthew 25:35
Written so long ago, those verses seem to go back and forth quite personally as Jesus talks about himself and then so bluntly points at us. "I was...and you. "
He's putting the ball in our court or rather, pointing out by such effective use of past tense that the ball has been there all along.
Think about it. Everyone we encounter TODAY is an "I was" and to each of them, we are an "and you".
The stranger on the street: I was alone in the world...and you smiled at me.
The angry person at work: I was irritated and having a bad day...and you showed me grace by overlooking my attitude.
The friend: I was worried and you offered assurance.
The teen where you buy lunch: I was working my first job at a fast food restaurant, and you sought out the manager to compliment me.
Whether we want to or not, and whether we realize it or not, we are all the "And you".
By realizing it though, you'd be amazed at how many "I was" lives you can turn around.
"I felt like I was alone in the world...and your kind smile as you passed by reminded me that I wasn't"
I was...
And you...

Be an "and you" on purpose today.

Imagine the impact if we all did this.


This is Ann's second guest post.  It was just the cup of holiday cheer I needed.  Just a reminder, Ann is Jason's sister from Washington.  We had the pleasure of spending some days during Thanksgiving with she and her fun family.  I got to snap a few pictures of them while they were here.  I think this is just the excuse I need to show them off. (Sorry Ann, It's too early in Washington to text you and ask about the pictures 😉 ).