Dear Melania,

I stayed up Tuesday night to watch the election. As soon as I got home that evening I put on my jogging pants and a t-shirt so I could be glued to the TV in comfort.

As you can guess, intensely fixing your eyes on maps with flashes of red, blue and numbers  isn't all that relaxing. My husband crashed on the couch around eleven. Luckily my son joined my watch party, otherwise I would have been talking to myself about result observations.

I was getting heavy-eyed around 2:30 when my son told me that Pennsylvania had been called. I was revived. I sat up and waited for your husband to make his acceptance speech. I was moved when I saw him swallow the lump in his throat. I saw your tired son walk out standing beside his dad. He looks like him.

Then I saw you.

You were beautiful. You smiled. But I couldn't help but think how weighted you looked. Maybe it was because you'd been up, no telling how many hours. Maybe the stress of waiting had taken its toll. It seemed as if the reality of the enormity of the position you'd been granted as First Lady was setting in.  Strangely, I could see myself in you.

You're a wife You're a mom. You're a woman with purpose. And at approximately 3 AM Wednesday morning, you'd landed a near-future residence in the world's biggest fishbowl. I live in a small fishbowl myself. I'm a pastor's wife. And whether real or imagined (probably mostly imagined) I feel my address is often in the court of public opinion. Some people will care about what we say or do without really caring about us. 

I guess we all live in our own fishbowl where we sometimes suspect many of our decisions are weighed unfairly.  (Speaking of decisions, I have a confession to make.) I was a closet voter this election. I felt that my decision would be judged by some without consideration as to my reasons. People can make some wild generalizations based on very little knowledge.

Fishbowl life with kids is tough. I cringe when my kids choose the most public time to do something rude (but totally normal) like interrupt someone or tell someone about a trashy rap song they like. A single action can become who people think they are.

And then there's our husband who lives right in the fishbowl's center. It's easy to feel an overwhelming sense of duty to protect the family from onlookers who

  1. Might try to form an unfair opinion of us through an incomplete picture of who we are
  2. Would try to put us on the shaky position of a pedestal
  3. Just don't like us
Photo Credit- US Weekly

When I saw you standing on stage by your husband, I felt commonality. I also felt an urgent need to pray for you specifically. I'm pretty sure you could use the prayer. Here's what I'm praying.

I'm praying for your marriage. My first thought upon seeing you for the first time announced as First Lady was that this will be an incredibly tough time for you as husband and wife. I know he's already been gone a lot on business, but I read that you stay busy with your son at home. I can imagine how you'll both have exhausting schedules that will constantly steal time, energy and your good mood. I pray you will both be able to spend quality time together and that you will be supportive of one another when the road becomes difficult (as it likely will).

I'm praying for your son and the rest of your family. Unfortunately when I saw Barron, I was reminded of how difficult it must be to be a White House Kid. Anything from appearing unamused to having a particular shaped nose becomes important conversation. I remember how this happened to the Clinton, Bush and Obama girls.  The fact that they're the president's kids makes even the most awful comments fair game. They're just kids, but half of the population wants them to be perfect while the other half wants to make them a laughingstock. I'm praying that your son will be protected, but also that he'll have strength needed in such occasions where he experiences how cruel people can be. I pray that your husband will find the time he needs as dad.

I'm praying for your loneliness. I know you'll be lonely at times. Keeping friends and making friends will be a tricky game. I'm not talking acquaintances, I'm talking good friends; the ones with whom you can share troubles like "how annoying your husband was yesterday" or a health scare- without those troubles going on Facebook, Twitter or to the tabloids (Do people read tabloids anymore?). It will be strange that your husband's position as president of the United States will wrestle with his position to simply be your man. I pray you'll find fulfilling companionship and friendship in those God places around you.

I'm praying that you'll stick to your purpose.  I read an interview you did this summer. One thing I admired about you was how you shamelessly touted your purpose as a mom. You know five, (or is it six?)  languages (for crying out loud) but what you pridefully assume is your job as Barron's mom. You let the public know that being there for him and guiding him through life is your current purpose. I'm praying that you won't cave to the pressure to take up some cause that will take too much time away from your son. He needs you especially now.

I'm praying that you pray. You haven't talked much about your spiritual life. That's ok. I know life will be crazy for the next four years. Whether or not you open up about your spiritual life, I hope you'll pray. I can't imagine how any First Family could survive without it. But then again, how could any of us?  I pray that your walk with God becomes more frequent and intimate. You'll be better for it. So will your husband and family. So will our country.

I don't know you. Only what I've read and that you've been chosen to serve our country as First Lady. What a responsibility. I pray you'll serve with grace and integrity.


Just another girl in a fishbowl

I Timothy 2:1-2 - I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.


I had a lady comment on this letter to Melania. She asked to see the same nice letter I'd written to Michelle.

Of course there wasn't one.
In my regret and in the spirit of second chances I've written a letter to Mrs. Obama. You can read it HERE.

73 thoughts on “Dear Melania,

  1. Sissy

    That was beautiful and beautifully written. so wish there was a way that Melania could read your deep heartfelt words because I'm sure they would be such a blessing and encouragement to her.

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      Thanks Sissy! I would love it if this letter made its way to Melania. I've been so convicted to pray for her. I can't imagine the incredible pressure our First Ladies find themselves under.

      1. Mari Hoskinson

        Why don't you post it to Donald's page or one of the other people who know him personally...perhaps they will be moved to send your prayers along. Another suggestion...send it to Trump Tower in NYC.

        1. Kristi Burden

          Post author

          Great idea! I'll try to do that! I'm just amazed at the amount of people who have read this and people who have said they're praying for our upcoming first family. Our prayer is bound to have impact.

  2. Miranda Nance

    Oh Kristi, this was spot on! I too had those same observations at 3am Wednesday when they took the stage...
    You are a gift from God to everyone who knows you! I love you and so deeply grateful to know you

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      Hey Miranda! Didn't you just feel for her? For Barron too. You know how much I love and appreciate you!!!

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      This has been a tough week. I couldn't believe some of the awful things I was hearing people say, but then I was reminded of how hard-hearted I've been before when things didn't go my way. It's almost as if we want to see people fail if they don't think like us (not just their plans, but them personally). Anyway. She just looked so overwhelmed, and no wonder.

  3. Cleo Phillips

    Thank you for such insight into her life as it will become. She is going to need prayers and God's presence in her to encounter the many trials and aflictions that come with positions such as she is having and will continue to have. As a Christian, we must not stop praying and thanking God for His deliverance in this election. He gave us who we asked for so now we MUST do our part in evangelizing those that have not accepted Him as their savior. We have a major responsibility and we must not fail.

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      Yes!! The election is over but the work has just begun. It's crazy how many people are sharing that they too have been convicted to pray like never before. Just imagine if we stick to those convictions and remain steadfast in prayer for the Trump family and our country. It's kind of exciting!

  4. A former fishbowl inhabitant

    I've been in that fishbowl myself and the waters get very murky at times when well meaning people (and sometimes not so well meaning people) threw handfuls of their "food for thought" into my fishbowl. How I longed to live in a " normal" household ( not sure one even exists ) but I knew other kids weren't under the same scrutiny that me and my siblings were. No one can even begin to imagine the loneliness we endured -- not outwardly but inwardly instead. You had to watch everything you said or did, as there were always untold number of eyes gazing upon you , just watching and waiting for any act that they would gleefully tell your parents about.

    The saying it takes a village to raise a child might be true but being in a preachers family I can say without a doubt that it takes just a few people to crush a p.k.'s spirit . Would I wish that life on anyone--no way, no how. See I understand God called my father into the ministry but that didn't mean that this allowed everyone to take easy pot shots of criticism at my mother the preachers wife or us his children. We weren't "fair game" for people to say and do whatever they wanted to in our regard, as we were human beings like everyone else , with human frailties and failings. So speaking from one who has been there and bears hidden scars of life after living under a microscope within that fishbowl, I understand what you talked about and pray for you Kristi and all preachers wives (as well as praying for your children and all pks children).

    We aren't perfect and no one is so those that criticize preachers and their families need to step back and pray for their pastors and their families instead. That being said, I can't imagine the fishbowl Mrs. Trump and her son Barron will soon be living under. We need to pray for President elect Trump and his family, as like it or not, whether we voted for him or not, they will soon move into a fishbowl of international proportions and need our prayers. Thank you again for this timely blog , as it really resonated with me tonight. Furthermore, I am praying for you Kristi , Jason and your precious children. Also, I am praying for President elect Trump, his family and our nation as a whole, as we all need it! Anyways, God bless you Krist! I will continue praying for you and your precious family, as we are to help and we are to help bear each other's burdens !

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      I'm always thankful that you share your experience from the PK vantage point. It gives me great perspective and reminds me to be fervent in prayer for the kids.
      I'm thankful for your encouragement too. You've taken the difficult part of your experience and went on to relate and encourage others. That means so much to me.
      God is gracious to have put you in our lives.

    2. Virginia Clark

      I am now 70 years old. I was a pastors daughter from the age of 11. I learned early that having a consistent prayer life was the answer to all the barbs and gossip. Yes, there were lots of times I fell across my bed in tears, but soon the peace came and I was a greater person for it. I wouldn't trade that experience for the world. It made me the person I am today.
      Loving life.

      1. Kristi Burden

        Post author

        Thank you for your response Virginia. I'm going to read it to my daughters. I agree that we as families in ministry survive on prayer. Our nearness to God is often a result of being desperate for him because of challenges ministry presents.

  5. Brenda Bear

    I agree 100% with this pastors wife. I, too am a pastors wife. I can not tell you how much I admire you. I homes hooked our 3 kids till the oldest went to 8th grade. They all went to public school at that time. I had things I did to help my husband and our church, but my kids came first. I took care of my kids needs first. And I wouldn't change a thing. We are in a fish bowl. I don't know what I would have done without the Lord and prayer time. Now all my kids are married and I have 8 grand kids. Pray for your son. Spend the time you need with your family. We will be praying for you and Donald and Barron.

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      Thank you Brenda! We have three kiddos too. God has been good to show me that I try to do so much more than he requires. By default I still exhaust myself trying to be who I think everybody else wants me to be. In his grace he keeps reminding me that first, I'm his, and then I'm a wife, a mom and a sister in Christ. He's so good. He's teaching me that I can better enjoy his abundant blessing when I go to him in prayer and in his word. Thanks for the encouragement. Glad you get to enjoy all those grandbabies now!!

  6. Sherilyn Goodman

    Wonderful comments. Thanks for putting into words what every woman should be doing for our new First Lady. I am so thankful you are such an example.

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      Thank you Sherilyn for the kind words. It's exciting to think of the impact our prayer could have on not only Melania's life but also our country.

  7. This was so beautifully written and made my heart full to read this. This country needs restoration and I'm believing we have a chance. Thank you for reminding me to pray for our First Lady and Barron. God bless you

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      Me too Julie. I'm hopeful. Not because I think we have a perfect leader, but because God is working in the hearts of believers, reminding us that there is power in prayer.

  8. Lana

    How beautiful! Blessings to you and your family. I was raised in a Pastor's home and completely understand your comments. Prayers for our new President elect and First Lady!

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      Thank you Lana. It's through the hard parts of ministry that God has revealed his love, grace and goodness to me most vividly. It's so encouraging to know others who relate.

  9. Jessica Pietz

    Wow, how inspired I was when I read this! I have been really busy with "life" and have not been giving God the time that I should. I believe that He had meant for me to see and read this, in a slight nudge to devote more of mine and my family's time to give to Him. I just wanted to say that I am grateful to people like you that make us take the time to think about where we are dedicated in our lives and to assess what is really important. So thank you and I look forward to seeing more of your post in the future!!

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      Thank you Jessica. My daily default is being busy and distracted. Can't figure out why I don't better practice what I know is right. I guess that's the worldliness in us. I look forward to hearing from you again. It's encouraging to know you can relate.

  10. Polly

    Amazing. God placed her on our hearts. I felt similar for Melania when I was watching. It felt heavy. And for Barron too. He was so precious standing next to his dad and Mom. He was so tired. And I too was thinking what a change their life was taking amd was prompted to say a prayer.
    I hope Melania get this email. But if she doesnt, I hope that she feels the peace of people praying for her and her family.

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      I'm with you! It's amazing how God put her on so many of our hearts. And I had the same thought. Of course it would be special if she could read this, but certainly more impacting if our prayers gave her an overwhelming sense of peace and assurance. Thanks Polly!!

  11. Sharon

    I too think this is a beautiful letter. While reading it I couldn't help but wonder if you wrote a similar letter to Michelle Obama? I would love to read that one too if possible. Thank you!

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      Hey Sharon. Thank you for your response. I haven't written Michelle a letter, but I have prayed for her and her family. I've never written one to Laura Bush either. Truthfully, I wish I had better supported them. In fact, the very reason I felt a need to write a letter to Melania was because I was convicted of my lack of support for previous First Families. It's that conviction that makes me want to be more prayerful for those in leadership and under great pressure. It's never too late to try and do better.

    2. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      I thought about what you said and wrote that letter to Michelle. It's on my website. Thank you for helping me check my motives.

    3. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      Just wanted you to know that I received a gracious response from our First Lady. Thank you again for taking the time to read and comment. I've posted Mrs. Obama's letter on my blog. I do intend to more faithfully support all of our leaders in prayer in future times. I know they all need it.

  12. Teresa

    You made me tear up. You have a gift for ministering to others by seeing them with compassion. Thank you for writing and sharing this. It takes courage at this time to do that.

  13. I read this when it was shared by a friend on Facebook. It was a good read. I too live in the fishbowl. I get called First Lady by a few members of our church. I've thought some of the same things for Melanie.

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      Hey Ann! I wish we pastor's wives had a forum of some type. It can be a lonely existence. It would be great to have access to sisters who can relate. How can we do that?

  14. Ginger

    I prayed for your family all the way through! You are being blessed by God. He is with you and will never leave you! Your loved by His Son, Jesus. We as Christians, prayed and asked God to raise you up for this job. He did and is still doing that. Your loved! We will continue praying!

  15. Vaneesa

    What a beautiful post! I agree and will join you in prayer for our Nation's First Lady, Donald Trump's wife, Barron's Mom, this young woman whom the Creator of the universe loves and for whom He paid the price, and who facing this daunting future.

  16. Kim Stewart

    So wonderfully said. So much of my very own thoughts and feelings. And you put it into the most wonderful words. I am 59 and I must say it was the first time I ever stayed awake through the entire night to watch history unfold. I was so filled with emotion, pride, hopefulness and feeling that GOD HAD HIS HAND IN THIS. I CRIED AND PRAYED, JUMPED UP AND DOWN AND DID MY HAPPY DANCE. VP Pence' words were Godly and I cried again. And as President Donald TRump and family took the stage. It was the most humble and heartfelt statement I've ever heard. Again as I watched the entire family I cried and thanked our Father in HEAVEN for the very outcome. I truly believe we are a blessed nation and we have come into a new beginning. God bless America , the new White House administration and each and we very American. WE ARE BLESSED!

  17. Margaret Gibson

    I, as I am sure many people are, am overwhelmed at the decision of the people of our great country. People keep saying they don't know how this happened! I have no doubt that this was Gods intervention! The power of prayer was so intent in this election!
    Our prayers must continue for our First Lady,and all of her family!
    Your gracious letter to her was written beautifully! Thank you for speaking for all of us that feel as you do!
    I don't have the privilege of knowing you, but, I would love to meet you some day,and thank you personally!
    God love you,
    Margaret Gibson
    Beaumont, Texas

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      Hey Margaret! I would love to be able to meet you! I agree with you that this election was driven by the power of prayer and also that we need to stay in prayer for our leaders and our country! Thank you for reading and for adding your gracious words!!!

  18. Sharon Stells

    Beautifully written. How kind, caring & thoughtful of you to share in such a real, transparent & loving way. I too am a pastors wife/pastor for 38 years. We transistioned from Lead pastor role 3 years ago. It was, has been and actually on some level still is an amazing & challenging journey. God , as you know, guided, protected, covered and grew us in Him throughout.
    From a very grateful heart,

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      He's so good! It's so interesting to see how he makes himself known and new in each chapter of ministry. Thanks Sharon for reading and for taking the time to respond.

  19. Diane Aultman

    Today has been a day filled with encouragement starting with a group text amongst four friends, and the kind of peace that can only come from God. Needless to say it's a great day, and just the kind of day when writing comes easy, and I enjoy it the most. I'm not a writer as one would think a writer should be. No, I'm just a lady that when her heart gets full it overflows on to this tiny little key pad at fingers end, and prays someone will be blessed by it. I have been blessed by your post today as I'm sure others have, and unknowingly you have encouraged me to share my thoughts with you as well. I hope someone will enjoy it=) I call it, Being Woman....
    There has never been a time in my life when I thought to myself, why am I a woman? No, quite the opposite, by God’s grace I have the privilege of being a woman. I am a woman like most, when we look in the mirror we see nothing exceptional, but no doubt that we are extremely exceptional to the One that created us! I have learned during my life that comparison is the thief of joy for a woman, and youth is sometimes a difficult but wonderful tradeoff for wisdom. I must know that I am rivaled by no other woman, because to God He created me uniquely special, then broke the mold. He does not require of me to be like some of the remarkable women of the Bible. Admittedly I do not always model an attitude of quick obedience, and trust as that of Mary. Nor do I claim to have the courage and wisdom of Ester, however I’m praying for these daily. Although like Eve I have tasted the sweet transforming Grace of God, and where Hagar was found in the desert by God, I have been found alongside a stream of living water that spoke to me. Last but hardly least, as Elizabeth, I have found great joy in unexpected things. So might I suggest to you today that while almost half the world is screaming, women need Hillary, I am certain that women need Jesus! As for me I have decided that my worth is not found in my education, career, relationship status, jean size or bank account. My worth is found in Jesus Christ alone! My prayer is that God will bless the woman that is deep within me as I seek to discover her daily. May He mend any brokenness in my heart, and fill every empty space with Himself. May He erase the fears of my past to create in me a brighter future. May He make me slow to anger, quick to forgive, and always listening as His whispers let me know He is near. Let my greatest limitation be His greatest opportunity in my life. Help me to reveal to women that the best that they can feel about themselves is not when they are flattered by a complement, but rather when they selflessly reach out to someone in need, and given no thought of praise. It is only when ourselves are submerged in such things that Gods image begins to shine forth in us, and we will find a healthy self-image that reflects Jesus. Father thank You so much that You made me a woman! I love you too!

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      Your character references are beautiful. Isn't it amazing to see ourselves in them? I love that you mention Hagar. I've always had a special place for her in my heart. I love to think of God as he was for her "The God who sees". Thank you for sharing your heart!

  20. Beautiful! I too am a pastor's wife, so I get that! I also shared many of the same thoughts you shared about Melania as I watched her standing with her son and husband early Wednesday morning! I also made a committment to pray for her! I have always prayed for those in leadership as The Lord tells us to do in scripture, but these times are different. People are angry, sin is rampant and almost cherished by many, Christianity is mocked, and our country is divided! We must be on our knees for our nation and for those in leadership! Your post is a beautifully written prayer! I will print it to put with my prayer journal! Thanks for sharing your heart and your gift of writing in such a meaningful way!

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      Hey Larke! You're right about how angry and divided our country is. I've been shocked by some of the things even friends have said this past week.
      I've never had a blog post that's been read like this one. It's crazy. I've had quite a few pastor's wives comment that they had the same sense of urgency to pray for Melania.
      Sure wish there was some way for us pastor's wives to have a forum of some kind where we could relate to and pray for one another.
      Thanks a bunch for reading and for adding your thoughts!

  21. Thank you for sharing and for being the inspiration that women, wives, mothers, friends, etc. should all be striving to be. We, Christian women, usually talk a good game but don't seem to follow through with our good intentions. At the very least we should all be praying for President. We always seem to forget he also has a wife and is a father. That is until one of those "awkward" public moments shine a light on the President's family. Then it seems we can all find a way that something could have been done differently.
    Thank you for reminding us that when all is said and done He is still a husband and father and Melania is still a wife and mother. I will make it a point to pray about the same areas as you suggested! Again thank you for reminding us that everyone especially Presidents and their wives and children need our prayers. For after all we are all children of God and need His guidance and His love.

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      Hey Suzan! I pray but I know I've had a habit of underestimating the power of prayer and of being stingy with my prayers in that I pray mostly for those I love. So thankful we do have the privilege to pray ceaselessly and for those we don't even know; to pray prayers that can affect lives! Thanks for reading and for responding.

  22. Linda Appling

    What a beautiful letter! I have no doubt it will reach our new First Lady... words like that can't be stopped! I also want you to know that I think your husband and children are blessed to have you in their corner!
    God bless you and yours!

  23. gina lantz

    I read the letter. I pray many woman would learn to be that woman of prayer. I need that reminder to. Women of sweet, gentle, loving and willing to be women the First lady needs to see in America. Unfortunately we do not make the news, media, ect but we do put a loving smile on our Heavenly Father who, is in control! This is a good letter, Thank you. Thankyou for encourging me to pray for the First Lady.

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      Thank you Gina. You're exactly right. For those things we do in obedience to God, that act of obedience is enough. I only felt as if he wanted me to write such a letter. He doesn't expect nor wish for us to think we have control over what happens next. Thanks for the reminder! And thanks for responding.

  24. Nancy

    Having lived in the fishbowl most of my life - as the daughter of the Worship Leader of our church and later becoming his pianist, and eventually taking his place as Worship Leader, plus my husband surrendering to the ministry shortly after our marriage, and him serving as a Youth Pastor and then Senior Pastor for over 30 years before retiring and eventually becoming the Head of School for the local Christian school - I well relate to what you are saying here.

    You have a precious heart, and I appreciate that when God called you to write that letter, you did. Further kudos to you that when someone tried to guilt you over not doing so for Mrs. Obama, you responded graciously rather than defensively. You could have said, "Well, God didn't lay that one on my heart", but the fact is, you accepted that call as a word to follow up on that.

    So let me say, Kristi - I am praying for you and for your children in the fishbowl, and for your pastor-husband as he leads your family and the church. And I am joining you in prayer for the Obamas and Bidens as they transition back to a different life, and the Trump and Pence families as they transition into their new role. Most of all, I am praying for our country, that we would open our hearts and minds and really, really listen to and respect one another again.

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      Hey Nancy! Thanks for your timely and gracious response. It means more than you know. Wow! Your whole life... That must have been something. My dad spent many years as chairman of the deacons in a small town and also as president of the school board. I think that gave me a small taste of fishbowl life. It has its challenges but thankfully God shows up most vividly in challenge. Thank you for your servant heart. It's evident in your words.

  25. Shelley Malone

    What a sincere, beautiful prayer you shared! I, too, have prayed for this family, but if you don't mind, I'll pray with your specifics.

    I hope that you'll follow thru with getting this to the Trumps. If I were Melania, I just might reach out to you in a time of need of a close confidant. Your sincerity, empathy and compassion would make for a great friendship

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      Hey Shelley! I certainly think our praying specifics could be powerful. Thank you for agreeing in prayer and for your kind response.

  26. Peggy Jo WALKER

    You are a great with such a tender heart...i am a Titus 2 woman....older..and i have always taught wivesnto love their husband and to be the keepers if their homes...many Bible studies re this...after 65 years of marriage (minus 4 months).my precious husband died in June..i will pray for you and pastors wives

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      Hello Peggy. I get lonely sometimes being a pastor's wife. In attempt to take care of my family and and in attempt to try to be a friend to all I find myself longing for close friends. It's some of the older "Titus 2" women in our church (thought the years) who have become my closest confidants. I'm thankful that you have intentionally become such a women to younger ladies around you. I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I pray God fills that space with his presence and with purpose. Thank you for your words of encouragement.


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