So here's the challenge!

Let's share what we're doing for fun this summer. No boredom for us.

We have our 101 Inexpensive Things To Do This Summer List.

We're getting the family motivated.

We know who our neighbors are.

The possibilites for a rockin' summer are endless!!



Scroll down to comments and let's share what we're doing.  At the Burden house, we started early.  #52 on the list-checked.  We tried a fruit we've never had. Check in comments to see what we thought. 


....."Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.  The second one is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself'  There is no commandment greater than these."     -Mark 12:30,31

The first commandment is impossible to keep without paying mind to the second one.

We can love God through prayer.

We can love God in song.

We can love God by reading the Bible.

We can love God and be inside those church walls every time the door is opened.

But when verse 3o says with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, he's saying -Love me with all that you say, with all you do, with all that you have, with all that you are. Our saying and doing involves people, like our neighbors.  So just who are our neighbors?

Every teacher could answer this question.  When I was teaching and had the children seated I would sometimes pose a question. "Why do you think it is helpful for lizards to change their color?-Discuss this with your neighbor."  Walking to lunch or PE I would remind the children before walking down the hall, "No talking to your neighbor".  And at lunchtime, "You may whisper to your neighbor". You can have neighbors that you keep, but neighbors change too. A person's neighbor is whoever is near.

It's hard to tangibly love God when we can't see him or touch him.  That's why I think it's brilliant that he calls us to love him through loving others; our neighbors.  With this being the case, we have opportunity to love him in the most tangible of ways.

I think there are two kinds of neighbors.

1.Heart Neighbors

2.Geographic Neighbors

Heart Neighbors are those like my Kenyan girls I mentioned in yesterday's post, "Sharing Shoes, Sharing Life".  Though I spent little time with them, they will always be near and dear to my heart.  Jason and I have moved farther from family and old friends with each move. We still communicate with these heart neighbors; we visit them now and then, we pray for them and have lovely memories which keep them close to our heart.  I have three little heart neighbors in the rooms surrounding my bedroom walls.  I hope to be able to make heart neighbors someday with someone on the other side of this screen; someone who is willing to share their experiences. Many heart neighbors stay with us throughout our lives.

Geographic Neighbors are constantly changing. You can go crazy with this.  A geographic neighbor could be the person in the lane beside you in their car.  How do you love that neighbor?  By not honking at them or by not being in such a hurry that you cut them off.  I learned from a geographic neighbor last week, a cashier at Wal-Mart, that she has five children and is going to night school in addition to her full-time job.  I learned this by simply asking how her day was going.  Giving high fives to children, smiling in passing, taking cookies to someone across the street, sitting with someone having a rough time, and sharing a word of encouragement to those we come into contact with are some of the most beautiful ways to love God.

A Geographic Neighbor could be the most unlikely neighbor, love them anyway.  It's the unlikely ones that often become heart neighbors.

"Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to me."-Matthew 25:40

It's time to start a world-sized block party.  -So many people to love.  Smile at your neighbor.  Strike up a conversation. Don't be shy. Let's get out there

-There's so much of God to love.











This week the kids and I are on a whirlwind Texas tour visiting grandparents, other family and old friends.  I am putting up an old post in hopes that with my incessant begging, someone will decide that they have something they should share on "A Thursday for Your Thoughts".  I personally have been blessed by Jaime and Cindy in the last two weeks.  There are a couple of ladies that will be highlighted the next few Thursdays that will encourage you as well.  My time in Kenya is a persistent and beautiful reminder of the joy that comes from sharing and giving of ourselves.  I don't mind sharing those memories more than once.

Sharing shoes to many,  may sound like fighting words.  I had two sisters to share clothes with.  Our exchange usually had an ugly ending. Someone wouldn't  return, or even worse wouldn't ask to wear the other's shirt.  I remember borrowing my younger sister's suede vest and accidentally burning a hole in it. Hallie recently borrowed a gray sweater of mine.  I couldn't find it.  Being without my gray sweater imperfected my look on the outside and made some ugly stuff escape my lips too.  No, in my experience sharing hasn't always turned out pretty.

  I had the unbelievable opportunity a couple of years ago to spend some time at a girls' orphanage in Kenya. There were about a hundred girls there ranging from the ages of five to fifteen. Several men including Jason went, with plans to build a playground. I spent hours preparing for the trip, writing letters of the alphabet on lima beans placing them in order into a compartmentalized plastic box.  Being a teacher I would have plenty of games to aid them in an educational quest. I placed pictures of my family in an envelope to give the girls insight into my life... Armed with gifts and games I went on a mission to share knowledge and to share life.  

 As I spent time with the girls I was delighted to observe a colorful pile of flip-flops while the girls played barefoot in the sand. I, myself am a girl who loves her flip-flops.  I remember watching as they approached the shoe pile,

            finding a pair

                       - inching their their toes between the strap.

 Usually they scooted away with mismatched shoes. 

 Just like sisters, they went about; outfitted in someone elses belongings.  I never heard them complain though. 

They fixed each other's hair and fixed mine too.  They grabbed mine and my friends' sunglasses quickly passing them from one face to another.  They didn't ask; they just shared.  My friends and I showed pictures of our families to the girls which were also quickly snatched and distributed. 

Maybe most impressive were the earrings, Obama bubblegum and rubber-band bracelets given to me.  Each girl at the orphanage had a small trunk in which her every possession fit, with much room to spare, and yet they gave freely. And they smiled as they received.  Sharing life, that's what they were doing.

You would think that having so few possessions would cause them to cling to what little they had.  They did, in fact, cling to what little they had, but it wasn't the things.  I watched as motherless, fatherless children clinged to each other.  And I clinged to them.  I played like I'd never played before.  We played jump rope with a broken water hose and some pieces of nylon rope the men had left over.  We sang and we danced fitting our hands together like a beautiful tapestry.

There wasn't a care that someone was wearing someone else's flip-flop.

I would guess that the lima beans that I painstakingly lettered and ordered are probably gone now.  Possessions, after all didn't seem to mean too much.  I have a trunk now full of letters, bead and rubber-band bracelets and other trinkets from the two trips to the orphanage. I'd give them all up just to spend another day with those girls.

Funny how I had my plan; a plan to give gifts and share knowledge and life. 

-But it was me who learned about sharing shoes and sharing life.

 A Thursday for Your Thoughts. 

Each Thursday I would love to highlight someone different.

I have mentioned before that I have a prayer for this website.  I pray that we as women would have a place to share; and that as we share, we are certain there are faces on the other side of the screen that are laughing, crying and just plain nodding their head in understanding.  I pray that we would grow together.

But more than anything, I pray that this space would bring much-deserved glory to our God who is with us.





The Lord is near.  Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.


And the peace of God,  which transcends all understanding,

will guard your hearts in Christ Jesus.

-Philippians 4:6-7

Pictured above is my niece Jessica.  She and her husband Jacob, a couple dear to my heart, have had an incredible first year of marriage.  Though Jacob suffered a life-threatening injury in September, he graduated from Hardin Simmons University this month starting a new chapter in their life. One year ago I had the privilege to witness the vow made to devote themselves to a lifetime together; a vow that was made unbeknownst to what the future holds.  Guided and upheld  by the hand of God I have watched a peace that passes understanding unfold in their lives.  They are a testimony to a love inspired by the power of prayer and to the work of a loving God.

As we faithfully close our eyes in prayer for marriages, both our own and others', may our eyes be opened- revealing the beautiful work of the same God.

Happy Anniversary Jacob and Jessica, May 21


We finally made it to Shangri La Botanical Gardens.  I’ve been wanting to go since we moved to Nederland.  The kids will be out of school in days so Jason and I thought we’d better steal away a date while we had the chance.  We started our tour about ten steps in front of three bus loads of kids and another bus from Houston.  As we approached the information center, the guide suggested we wait for the group (of two-hundred kids) before we watch an eight minute informational video and read literature explaining all that we were about to see.  I gave Jason the look, then he gave me the look-mine meaning “no way” followed by his agreement.

As we completely skipped our educational introduction into the gardens I brought up a valid point.  In bold letters wrapped around the entry way of the Education Center Gazebo are these words:

Drink in the beauty…and wonder at the meaning of what you see.

 Words quite contrary to an educational center I argued.  I love learning just as much as the next guy, but I thought skipping the crash course in botanicals might prove beneficial in this case.


I’m pretty sure we made an excellent choice.  We walked the gravel road alone shrouded in the mystery of God’s creation.  We couldn’t name most of the plants we saw, but that was ok.  We saw a roseate spoonbill (see I did learn something), but I feel sure if I hadn’t known its name, it wouldn’t have been any less beautiful.  We saw.  We wondered.  We marveled.

I believe the same is so with God.  I yearn to learn why God does what he does. How God does what he does. Learning is good, but there is beauty in mystery.  We won’t completely know God on this side of eternity as is his plan.  There’s something about being surrounded by the unknown that makes a person feel small and humble and swallowed up by beauty and majesty.

Check out these photos and wonder in wordless awe.


Our first twirling recital was a success.  And by success, I mean I didn't forget anything, the sequins stayed on, and the girls had a great time!  I think I could do this again-a year from now of course.  The pictures at the recital were a bit blurry and washed out-good thing I got some beforehand.

Those lips don't ever stay still.

 We loved the costumes.

Rylie's routine was performed to the song "Be Our Guest"

and "That's What Girls Do"

Hallie amazed us.  She doesn't usually like the spotlight.

She even posed and smiled without bribing.

 Hallie performed to the songs "Radio" and "Jitterbug".

These are the infamous shirts mentioned in the"What's Your Sequin Count" post.

Fun Day!!

At times I've had trouble with the thought that God delights in me, especially when I fail to get things right.  But in the moments I was watching my children tonight, I had a thought.  It wasn't about them catching the baton or getting their turns and steps perfect.  They're mine, and simply watching them was a delight.  But- even better; when I watched and SAW THEM take joy in life,

that's when I saw beauty in the dance!

Chorus: But oh sometimes I think about you

And the way you used to ride out

 In your rhinestones and your sequins

With the sunlight on your hair

 And oh the crowd will always love you

 But as for me I've come to know

Everything that glitters is not gold

Great song.  Dan Seals sang this country tune back in the eighties.  It was popular about the time I was in the fifth or sixth grade.  One weekend while staying with my friend, she encouraged me to dedicate a song to my boyfriend over the local radio station.  I very often took her up on her suggestions.  It was like playing truth or dare except that I didn't consider just how daring many of her suggestions were.  By the way, she taught me to shave-but we won't go into that!

So, back to the song dedication.  She chose this song and then dialed the radio station and we waited.  She was even kind enough to talk to the DJ and put in the request for me.  Extending her kindness even further, she called my boyfriend and told him to tune in.  After waiting, the DJ came on and announced the dedication. - So exciting.   I didn't even really listen to the song, busy wondering if he was glad about the whole public dedication thing.  Now looking back, I don't remember if he ever really said.

Everything that Glitters is not Gold.  Yes. A nice song.  Good lyrics......


Those lyrics had nothing to do with a boyfriend and girlfriend.  It's a terribly tragic song, sung by a husband to a wife who has abandoned her family to pursue her dreams.  How many people got a good laugh from that radio segment?

Thinking back..........I have to do a lot of that.... I realize that I allowed someone else to dictate the song in my heart.

Wow was I silly.  I don't do that now do I?

I don't allow the rhythm of the world to impose it's verses.

I don't sing to a tune that follows the melody in someone else's song-just to belong.                   Do I?

Frankly, I don't want the world or anyone in it to be the composer of my heart's song.

The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing. 

  -Zephaniah 3:17

There are many songs out there; each competing for my heart's affection.  Will I choose a song like the one chosen for my boyfriend; foreign and meaningless?  Or will I listen for the anthem sang over me by my creator? No more excuses, it's me who decides.



1 Comment

Hallie recently approached me and asked if she could post some time to give fashion tips.  Sounded fun. So last week when Hayden was forced to take a little hiatus from all forms of technology I got an idea from Hallie's offering. Desperate to return to his love, Hayden and I struck up a deal.  He agreed to be my first guest blogger posting anything on his mind to the blogging community.  I agreed to allow him to return to his world of technology.  I've sort of missed the the upstairs floor shaking when he was having a really good game.  I also realize there were adversaries that needed to be slain in the gaming world.


Ok ladies.  My fellow friend and blogger Kristi has asked me to guest blog on her page , and of course I happily  accepted .

 So I’m gonna make it short and sweet and today I’m going to talk about an addiction to technology . I’ve realized how much my life revolves around technology , and for a while I thought that I was doing wrong by spending every second of my day on the tv or phone .  But then I realized something as I typed the second line of this post…  I realized that technology isn’t  bad at all . Sure it can be used in a bad way , but ultimately it brings us together and can change us in wonderful ways . At first I was going to blog about how we live off of facebook and twitter and how not much good comes from the internet .

 But isn’t this page’s purpose to bring people closer to God . I'm sure Kristi isn't the only Christian blogger out there. You can minister to people through many different ways on the internet ,

-such as liking someones status who doesn’t get a lot of likes

-or not posting a downgrading comment on somones page .

They say God works in mysterious ways and the internet  ‘’can’’ be one of them.  It can also be a tool of satan , but ultimately it is what you make it .

One does not...ignore the great voices of the past.  One does not awaken each morning with the compulsion to reinvent the wheel.  But if one is servant... one is always searching, listening,expecting that a better wheel for these times is in the making.   -Robert Greenleaf

We are in the age of the internet.  If we have the ability to connect and reach people through online doors, it's what we must do.


Pictured:  Top-One of my favorite pictures of Hayden and I

Middle-A picture of Hayden introducing his "Violence in the Media" presentation.

(He takes after me, I think he was preaching to himself.)

Bottom-A recent picture of Hayden 





I regularly talk to my children about smiling.  I try and remind them of the power of this most encouraging expression.  I've shared with several friends, of my attempt to inspire one of my children to smile.  Of course, I waited until my child ,whose name I won't mention, was in a rotten mood to bring up the importance of a smile.  I was challenged with the words, "Do you want me to lie?".  Confused, my child told me that if you're really not feeling happy, it's like a lie to smile.  So I said "Yes, you have my permission to lie in that case, I want you to smile".

Honestly, a smile is not meant for one's self.  My smile is not for me.  Likewise my look of displeasure holds no gain for myself.  How small to think that because my heart is not in the right condition, that I have the right to pain people around me with outward unpleasantness.  Our shared disenchantmant can spread quickly like a virus. I believe your countenance though, much through facial expression, is your wordless, effortless, free gift to those you encounter.

The wonderful thing about a smile is the fact that gracing someone with a grin often turns out to be a double blessing.

.A cheerful look brings joy to the heart.  -Proverbs 15:30

  It is when we look to grace someone else we are often distracted from our "heart condition"; forgetting our own complaint.  By our kind gesture, our anger or sadness many times melts leaving ample room for joy to fill our hearts.




 Your smile will either be a beautiful utterance of truth

or the best lie you'll ever tell!!


Mother's Day didn't turn out exactly like I planned it.  Yesterday things were looking pretty good.  I found an extra-cute reasonably priced dress at Target that I knew Jason would want me to have.   Excited to have a new dress to wear, I woke up this morning and got ready on time.  I even had good hair. Unfortunately, Hallie wasn't feeling well.  She has felt bad off and on for a few days.  She slept well last night though, so I assumed she would wake up ready to go along with the Mother's Day plan:

1.Wake up along with Hayden and Rylie in an awesome mood getting ready on time.

2.Go to Sunday School and make me some neat craft or card, brightly colored with with the word "MOM".

3.Come home and help her Dad serve me a scrumptious meal.

4.Sing me praises as I continued my motherly duties even on Mother's Day.

We realized at the last minute that she didn't need to be at church. To make matters worse, I got cross with Hayden trying to get him and Rylie to Sunday School on time. I'm afraid I barely spoke to some people in the hall at church as I raced through the hallway trying to outrun and outsmart my failed  plans.  At home I realized my morning had quickly declined.  Sitting with my Hallie all dressed up with no place to go, I had time to think.

Thankfully my perspective took a u-turn.

I was reminded of the sermon just last Sunday. We were given a challenge in the midst of the monster month, May, to take the opportunity to just "be". Be God's child without the misconception that we constantly have to be doing something. Surely I need to remember that Martha's plan to create the perfect day was halted as Jesus declared that it was Mary that did what was right as she simply enjoyed being in the presence of Jesus.   Today there was nowhere I HAD to go; nothing I HAD to do. My Hallie was sick, there wasn't much I could do.  It was in the surrender that I knew that I had been given the perfect gift.  I crawled up on my bed next to Hallie and we just enjoyed each other's presence.

It was actually a wonderful day. Jason fixed a delicious steak lunch.  Rylie showered me with extra hugs and kisses.  I was served chocolate ice cream by Hallie. And she felt good enough to eat her favorite meal; steak and potatoes.  Hayden made a peace offering. And Jason had the children rise up and call me "blessed" several times.

We have a busy week ahead.  I pray that I don't wait for my week's plan to fail miserably before remembering that time simply being in my father's presence is what I need most.  Being still in his presence will help me to be mindful of the time with my family that's much too precious to waste.

I  will close now as my firstborn just invited me to a Dr. Pepper date in the backyard.