Hooray! Summer's coming!

I do love summer, but I have to tell you the months of April and May can be depressing. I feel particularly somber when loved ones are approaching the end of a chapter.  With many nieces and nephews, somebody is always finshing elementary or finishing high school.  I've taught elemtary for a few years and it saddens me that yesterday's toothless babies are graduating and some are even having babies of their own.  Last May Hallie finished elementary and Hayden finshed junior high.  This May our last baby will graduate from Kindergarten (I don't know if I can handle another one of those videos with the background music intended to make you bawl).  I absolutely know that in these times I should celebrate.  I should focus on exciting beginnings just around the corner. I am renewing a commitment to show joyful satisfaction even as the sand slips through the hourglass. I wanted to share a tradition in our family that helps us to celebrate endings, beginnings and things in-between.

When each of the kids were young I got them their own special book.  We read the book on special occasions and sometimes just because.  I've come to realize it's easy to make ordinary times into extraordinary with a little creativity.  And honestly, I'd be remiss not to celebrate my children every day!

Every time their special book is read, we write in the book cover.  The date and the occasion is written down.  Some of my favorites include:

-January 14, 2009 Nap story

-September 26, 2010 Just because I love you

-September 4, 2007 Second week of fifth grade  You lost a tooth and reminded me to read.

-April 11, 2006 You read to your Dad for his thirtieth birthday

-March 27, 2011 A can of hairspray emptied in your backpack the one time your borrowed the school's video camera.

-August 2011 Tomorrow is the first day of Middle School at C.O. Wilson- Go Bullpups!!!


The book pictured at the top is Hooray for You!  A Celebration of You-ness by Marianne Richmond.  I STILL read it to Hayden (nobody mention this to his friends!).

The girls' book is I Love You So also written by Marianne Richmond.


There are so many awesome books out there.  I may post a couple of personal favorites.  I've recently been considering buying an inexpensive Bible for each of the kids.  I think it would be extra-meaningful to not only write dates as we read scripture, but also a side-note like:

3/25/12 Lucky the Goldfish died

4/16/12 Failed a Math test

4/01/12 Had a fight with your best friend

2/17/12 You helped clean the kitchen

Remember to celebrate successes.  Don't forget the little ones.  And maybe most importantly, celebrate God's grace in those not -so-great moments.

Children are a gift from God.

And with a good gift comes celebration!

A picture of Hayden and Hallie on Kindergarten graduation day.

 (picture of Rylie soon to come)







At a recent Mom’s prayer meeting we were praying for a couple of moms who were having difficulty getting their kiddos into the car-seat without a struggle.   I remember those frustrating days.  I also remember momentarily feeling some instant freedom when my children were out of car-seats and could buckle themselves in.  But as I was praying with these moms I was overcome with sadness.  My kids aren’t car-seat babies anymore.  And while I don’t have to buckle them in, I CAN’T buckle them in anymore.

Hayden will be sixteen in six months.  I won’t always be able to be in the car to tell him to slow down a little quicker when approaching an intersection.  Soon when he is finding that special someone, I don’t get to tell him she’s not enough like me.  Hallie recently shared a secret with a friend.  When I asked her to share it with me she said NO!  In the last couple of years some tears have been shed.  I haven’t always been next to Hallie, tissue in hand, there to hug her.  When Rylie is at school reading and she comes to a word she doesn’t know, I’m not there to sound the word out with her part by part.  I have lunch with her at school every Monday while volunteering.  Are they always going to let me do that?   Is she always going to WANT me to do that?  The awful part is, physically and later geographically, the distance will grow as time goes on.

I am thankful that even though my children are growing tall and independent, they still lavish me with hugs.  Hayden still puts his arm around me at church. Rylie still crawls in our bed occasionally in the morning.  Hallie, our most independent child, spends special girl time just with me once a week.  And they all still sometimes hold my hand.


While in the car alone this evening, I heard a song.  Instantly I thought of my children. There are times when they will face trials and feel alone. There have already been those times. There are times when I can’t be there; times I can’t fix it- I would if I could. There are times I’ve been the one to let them down.  I am more than grateful that I have the blessed assurance that God IS there.  The God who sees is with Hayden when he takes that frightening Math test.  He is with Hallie when she sits alone.  He is right beside Rylie in Sunday School as she is learning who he is.


I’m a little jealous that God sees and knows their every step.  He has stolen their hearts, but how can I complain when he has given me eternity with him and with them.  I pray that every day on this side of eternity this song would be the song of their heart:

Click here:  all this time

My phone wouldn't upload this video.  If you have the same problem you can go to the youtube link and search- All This Time Britt Nicole



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I get up every morning and grab my phone.  I push the blue “f” app button on my screen and wait.  With anticipation I am instantly connected to hundreds of friends plus my friends, friends.  I see that my friend’s morning started out rough.  I laugh at what my nephew said yesterday.  I learn that my friend’s dad made it through surgery.  I am reconnected to an old classmate.   I see pictures that make me smile and posts that make me cry.  I am on Facebook!

I quickly latched on to Facebook and found myself entertained and acquainted with friends; reacquainted with those in my past. Before we even moved to Nederland, our family was friended by many here whom we had never met (talk about being encouraged).

I must mention that before I had my own Facebook, I shared an account with Jason.  I was kicked off of his Facebook account when I made too many girly comments under his name like –“too cute” and “so precious!!!!”  Not long ago I was on Hayden’s Facebook (yes I’m a nosy Rosie) but I forgot I was logged in under his name.  I remembered I needed to make a birthday announcement so that Rylie could be showered with birthday wishes from hundreds of friends.  It said something like “Our toot and joy; our constant source of laughter turns six today”.  Hayden got lots of comments about unbrotherly language.   I became resolved to post and comment to my target audience alone.

Pretty much everybody has their own Facebook account.  In fact, there more than 845 million active users as of February.  If not a Facebook, you still have a social outlet; an outlet where you discuss injustices in the world.  You share what’s on your mind; maybe it’s about that driver that cut you off bringing about road rage or how you made a killer meatloaf wrapped in bacon.  My Dad, though not on Facebook, has several outlets.  I think he has coffee and donuts with friends a couple mornings a week at the church office.  People stop by his shop on Main Street  just to chat.  He’s even had great conversations with people on the bench at Wal-Mart.  No matter our assembly, we rant.  We rave.  We listen and we learn.   All this brings to light our need to relate.  God made us to be in relationship; in relationship with one another.  We get that.  But do we get that God wants and even yearns for us to be in relationship with him?

God, who never slumbers, waits for us.  Just as we check for notification to see if our friend has responded, He waits for us to wake up in the morning and say - "Loved that Sunrise”!  He longs for us to thank him for a good night sleep and good test results.  He wishes for us to tell him how worried we are about that family member who’s hurting.  And I’ll bet he doesn’t even mind us telling him what we had at Starbucks that morning.  He never scrolls past our name and he never quickly hits the like button.  He always comments.  And he always has his own posts and personal messages waiting to be read.

God has sent a friend request to each person he has lovingly created.  Some of us have accepted that request and find joy in talking to and hearing from him all day and every day.  For some of us, he is still waiting.  Sadly some have hit the ignore request button.  There are also those of us who have accepted his friend request, but have chosen to hide him.  Maybe he has been hidden because he may say something that we don’t want to hear. Do we quickly scroll past when we see his name because he says too much or wants too much from us?   Maybe some have just thoughtlessly added him to their friend list because it would seem wrong not to.

God has a Facebook.  He intimately knows both those who rely on his daily love and those who have ignored his request.  I am ashamed to say that I thrive off of Facebook love. I actually have felt disappointment when a message has not received a response; when a post or picture has gone unliked and without comment.   I love seeing those little red numbers at the top of my Facebook  page.  Upon a click, I can be uplifted and affirmed.  But unlike Facebook whose love quickly fades and leaves me yearning for more, my friend Jesus is always there!



*Though I have been reminded through Facebook of my constant need for my best friend Jesus, I am thankful for my Facebook friends and family. Like Paul said, “For though I am absent from you in body, I am present with you in Spirit…” -Colossians 2:5.  It is in that same presence that I have received your encouragement, learned from your experiences, shared in your joys and sorrows, heard your laughter and felt your hugs.  I am thankful for you!






I don’t clean my windows often.  Ok that’s an understatement.  Not counting yesterday the last time I cleaned them may have been right around Christmas.  Upon cleaning I start out right.  I have my paper towels and I have my Windex.  I clean the inside first and then move to the outside.  Only the same problem occurs every time I clean windows.  After I’ve cleaned the outside I notice that I missed smudges on the inside so I go back in and try once again.  Before my windows are smudge-free I’ve went in and out a few times.

I have made it my goal to get into the habit of seeing God in all situations.  Even window cleaning shows us about Him and his precepts and how they relate to any and everything we experience.  While I was cleaning I wondered to myself why I don’t clean the inside of the window really well in the first place thus making cleaning the outside easier.  You see when I really don’t do a thorough job cleaning inside I go back and forth searching for the location of the stubborn smudge.  Is it inside or out?  Jesus had something to say to the Pharisees about their useless clean- up act.

I believe the Pharisees thought they were in the clean-up business.  They felt it their obligation to reveal sin-smudged lives. With their tassels, dressed to draw attention they vocally identified your every imperfection while boasting that their law abiding way was the way to pure living.  In modern day I can imagine that in place of the tassels, they would be wearing a t-shirt with a logo or driving a mini-van with a self-promoting advertisement.   They would have to have an infomercial too. Have you ever noticed on infomercials they have the one item you need but it’s followed by……and that’s not all several times over?  Before you know it, it’s not one item but a whole line of products that will make your life better.  In chapter 23 it says “They tie up heavy loads and put them on men’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger.”  Just as many products sold on infomercials are ineffective, the way to right living is not solved by subscribing to products or following a twelve page pamphlet. Often there is more concern with the profit one might receive in selling than the blissful effect a product will have on one's life.  Moreover the Pharisees, according to Jesus, loved having somewhat of a celebrity status; being in the seat of honor for their works.

The Pharisees, though seemingly conceited and completely lacking compassion, still play a beautiful part in the unfolding of God’s marvelous plan.  You see their job wasn’t to clean up sinful lives.  But just like the law given back in the time of Moses, the Pharisees revealed how imperfect we all truly are.  In fact, they became the shining example of imperfection.  They revealed that no matter your fervor in practicing and teaching the law, we still lack in following it perfectly.

Jesus refers to the Pharisees as “blind fools”.  In verse 26 of Matthew Ch. 23 Jesus says, “First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside will be clean”.  Inside cleansing requires the work of a professional and there’s only one.  Perfect Jesus, at our prompting removes every smudge and stain.  Upon his death on the cross he cried out “it is finished”.  Our eternal penalty and record of sin is gone. What remains are bad habits and wrong choices stemming from a lack of Jesus dwelling inside us.  Don’t get me wrong, He never lacks.  It’s just that we take little time making room for more of him inside us.  We often want to curb behaviors and quit bad habits in our own strength and by our own prescription. We even listen to other so- called authorities out there telling us" how to stop smoking in a week” or “how to get your children to mind in ten days”.  Clean out your cabinets.  God has made it simple.  He has said, “First clean the inside……and then the outside will also be clean”.  If only cleaning windows was so simple.


Side Note:  I tried to take a picture of smudges on my windows to go with this devotion, but there were none 🙂


I’ve been an Alan Jackson fan since the early nineties when I started High School. My sophomore year, a soon to be boyfriend won a much coveted autographed Alan Jackson sweatshirt. Much to the other girls’ jealousy he gave it to me. Though I knew little about Alan Jackson I became an instant fan. I grew up in the country listening to Johnny Cash, Tom T. Hall, and George Jones eight tracks with my dad. Those are some of my fondest memories. Songs about porches and pastures take me back to those simple days.

Though I grew to love many of Alan Jackson’s songs, this post is not about Alan Jackson. It’s about his wife, Denise. Several years ago I received her autobiography titled It’s All About Him. I love autobiographies, as I see them as an invitation to snoop; or put more politely an opportunity to climb inside one’s head to see how they view their life experiences.

Upon reading Denise’s autobiography I was in shock at how similar our life experiences were. She and Alan were High School sweethearts as Jason and I were. You can sense her admiration for her husband as she talks about his accomplishments early on in their relationship. She talks of standing proudly right behind him; gladly following him in his endeavors, willing to be merely his shadow.

A different part in her story comes when she shares darker years in her marriage. After separating, feeling lost and alone, she searched for something to fill the large void now apparently present. She started going back to her roots; back to her faith. Through a re-newed faith in Christ she began to put the broken pieces of her life back together. Filled with the presence of God she became someone quite vibrant, near unrecognizable to her husband who before had to glance behind his broad shoulders to glimpse her. She became the woman she feels God intended for her to be all along.

Though Jason and I have suffered no real difficulties in our marriage, it hasn’t been perfect—just as no marriage is. I, like Denise, have found myself looking to Jason to be my all in all. Though I am a Christian, I remember times when I completely put the burden on him to help me feel beautiful, secure, capable, and lovable; I could go on and on. I spent many years being emotionally high maintenance expecting him to constantly “fix-it”. Jason is an awesome husband. I’ve not been paid to say that. He is truly a wonderful man who supplies every need a husband is intended to fill. The problem was that I was looking for Jason to fill needs that only God is intended to fill. I believe I have grown stronger as I have better learned that Jesus is my all in all. Sure there’s still room for improvement so pray for me.

I would love to tell you the ending of the book, but I’ll give you the chance to read this two thumbs-up book for yourself. Are you someone who depends on the affirmation from others? Or do you find yourself living vicariously through your children or in the shadow of your husband? In those times remember this; “Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty”. –Psalm 91:1 After all, it’s in His shadow that we glow most brightly!

I’m sure you can find It’s All about Him at any bookstore. You can also check it out at



Cause I've got a golden ticket

I've got a golden chance to make my way

And with a golden ticket it's a golden day


Anyone remember this movie?

Perhaps you've seen Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory; more recently titled Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  A movie which was made in the early seventies and remade several years ago. The movie, though I've watched it quite a few times creeps me out.  There's a darkness present even though the theme is based on a misfortunate young boy named Charlie having the chance to make his dream come true.

If you haven't had the opportunity to see it or need a refresher, the main character is Charlie who lives with his widowed mother and four elderly grandparents who he helps care for.  Great news to Charlie and every other child in the world is that a well-known candy maker has hidden five golden tickets inside his candy bars.  The lucky ticket finders are promised a tour through Wonka's factory and a life-time supply of chocolate . Four of the winners are unbalanced children with specific behavior problems such as gluttony, being spoiled, lacking manners and and being obsessed with television.  I can only speak for myself and my family but I know that we have all suffered a touch of these issues.  Golden ticket holder number five?  You guessed it; sweet young Charlie.  To sail through most of the movie (you'll have to watch it) each character is lead by their misconduct to their doom unable to finish the tour; dropped from the story.  Charlie and his grandpa also break the factory rules at one point by sneaking into the Fizzy Lifting Soda room.  To grandpa and Charlie's dismay Wonka reveals that because they broke the rules he is disqualified from his lifetime supply of chocolate.   His grandfather remembers that a sly candy maker had approached Charlie early in the story requesting a gobstopper so that he could recreate the recipe promising them riches in return. Grandpa encourages Charlie to get revenge on Wonka by finding then giving the mysterious man the much coveted gobstopper. Charlie refuses and returns to Wonka the gobstopper given to him earlier in the story redeeming his character by doing the right thing even though he felt cheated.

Do you get the feeling we represent every ticket holder in the story?  I know I have my golden dream.  The characters in the story were given the factory tour promised.  But it wasn't enough. You find each character wanting more. They ignore the rules and warnings given by the factory owner.   After all, the golden ticket giver couldn't possibly make possible their golden dream.  They know what they really want.  The children are seen in all kinds of self- indulging behaviors such as gulping from an off-limits chocolate river and popping an experimental three-course dinner gum ball.  Each character never feels quite satisfied.

Charlie gives up his golden dream (the dream to be rich) as he returns the gobstopper to Wonka.   Wonka tells Charlie he has passed the test. He has forfeited HIS golden dream unbeknownst that Mr. Wonka has something much better in store.  Charlie will not only get his lifetime supply of chocolate but will also inherit the entire factory.

This reminds me of Solomon when God basically promises him his golden dream (1 kings 3:5).  God tells Solomon "Ask for whatever you want me to give you".  Solomon, reminded of God's great kindness, asks for a discerning heart.  God hands Solomon a golden ticket and Solomon gives it right back.

He doesn't ask for a new car.

He doesn't ask for the newest version of the iPhone.

He doesn't ask for riches or a Disney vacation.

He asks for the gift- to keep giving.  He wants God to enable him to serve the people knowing that's what God has called him to do.  That's novel don't you think: trusting the one who has given us all that we already have.  We each have a golden ticket at our fingertips. We can clutch it and selfishly pursue our own golden dream (pleasure), but no doubt will find ourselves dissatisfied. Or we can redeem that golden ticket by placing it back in the hands of the one who promises us an inheritance that far outshines any golden dream we have for ourselves

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April 11-

Hey Dad!  I love you.  You're an honorable man.  I'm glad you're my father.  You've taught me many life lessons about respect, honesty and wisdom.  Hopefully I can be half the man you are.  I have big shoes to fill.

Love your firstborn son,



I love you.  Have a great bday!  You deserve this because you have been with me and there for me for the last eleven years!  I know it's not much but at least it shows you're the  greatest dad ever!!             xoxo



Happy Birthday from Rylie

rylie bday song

Happy 365 more days to love you again!

A post from a sweet friend:

From my Kieran's journal today...... 

I want to be a preacher.  Why?   Because Preachers teach about God and tell you God is your Savior.  Preachers are nice.  You can count on them to help you out in tuff times.  Preachers are awesome.  I am happy I am making this decision because Preachers make big differences in your life, like mine and when I am a Preacher you never know, I might make alot of people happy and make lots of differences in lots of peoples lives.  Someday people will know me as Brother Droddy.

Kieran Droddy

March 2012-3rd grade 

This boy is so in love with Jesus right now.  I pray that he will always be.  I never prayed for my kids to be star athletes or straight A students.....never prayed that they would be popular or make the winning touchdown.....win first place ribbons or become famous.....I have always simply and passionately prayed that they love love love Jesus......that they know Him and love Him.....that he order their steps and that they have the wisdom to follow and the discernment to know where he is leading them.....I want them to be good husbands and fathers and good wives and mothers....these words have been my prayers for 15 years of mothering....Fifteen joyful, hard, sad, happy exhausting years of motherhood.....and they will be my prayers for many many more years to come......Tears poured down my face today as he read this to me, tears from a Momma's heart that saw her prayers turning into fruition right before her eyes as she heard her little boy read words straight from his innocent heart, words this his Savior put in his soul and words that he obediently put on paper....I can not wait to see what God is preparing for him!  I hope his sweet words bless you as much as they blessed me and Eric.

I think I may be partial to preachers so naturally I melted when I read this. What sweet words. Kieran wants to be a preacher and I think that's amazing, but its not just because he wants to be a preacher. Hayden shared a few years ago that he was not going to be a preacher. I quickly told him that I do not want him to be a preacher " just beacuse his dad is". I also told him that I don't want him to NOT become a preacher "just because his dad is". My prayer is that he (and Hallie and Rylie) would have a sensitivity to God's presence and work in their lives even now. I pray that they will be so in love with Jesus that they will know Him well enough that following His will in their lives will be natural and a joy. How refreshing that Kieran has embraced what he believes God wants him to do, and he sounds a little excited!

Lisa's recounting her persistent prayer for her children made me smile all the more. What else would we need pray for? {that our children would LOVE LOVE LOVE Jesus}. I could pray without ceasing and not be profiting my children like this prayer. Lord please help Hallie find friends. Please help Hayden focus at school. I pray that Rylie will find joy in reading. These are good and needful prayers, but we can't neglect this simple prayer. And we would do well to pray it over and over. You read the Bible with your kids-super. You pray with them-that's great. You're being a great example of loving Jesus-awesome! Keep it up, but I'm thankful for the reminder to come before our God asking for His help in our children coming to love him in an ever-increasing fashion. I love my husband and I love my children. Embarrassingly but probably not alone I admit that there are many times I have to pray that God will help me to love them. Love them even though I may be mad. Love on them though I may be really busy. Take time to love them even though their way is not my way. Likewise with loving Jesus we need his help to love him in trying and busy times. And I can guarantee that these are the times our children are in. Hope you find Kieran's declaration and Lisa's devotion refreshing as I did.

*Interestingly my next devotion has been written on letting go our golden dream only to embrace the riches God has planned for us. The Parable of the Golden Ticket shows a parallel between Charlie in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and hopefully us as we relinquish our "golden ticket" only finding that what we gave up pales in comparison to what God has in store for us. We all want our children to be "A" students with awesome looks and style, superb athletic ability and a host of friends and admirers. Let us not cling to those hopes like we cling to the hope that they would LOVE LOVE LOVE Jesus.





 I haven’t always loved my name.  I can remember being in middle school hanging out during basketball tournaments or participating in UIL and using an opportunity to change my name.  “Hey! I’m Courtney” I’d lie.  My friends and I would change our names as we introduced ourselves to kids from other schools.  It was fun going incognito and it gave me a chance to be whoever I wanted to be, if just for a moment.

     Though I may not have always loved my name, I LOVE seeing my name.  Nothing thrills me more than seeing my name on envelopes (unless it’s a bill), in the newspaper, on a birthday cake, and I especially love seeing my name on presents wrapped and topped off with a bow.  Who’s with me?  I remember one really cool gift my mom gave me when I was around the age of nine.  She gave me a box full of brightly-colored pencils with the name Kristi Fowler engraved on each one.  I felt so special. 

      Your name was especially thought-out and was probably called out before you were even born.  Names identify who you are.  When I am downstairs at home I can call out, “Hey youngest child wearing the strawberry shirt, come down here.”  Or I could just say “Rylie, come down”.   Names have been used throughout history to show to whom someone belongs.  Jason’s Papa had the last name of Knudson.  It showed that Jason’s Papa was the “son” of Knud.  As I used my name-labeled pencils at school, there was no mistaking who these pencils belonged to.   So what does your name show about who you are?  More importantly, what does your name say about “whose” you are? 

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck,

 write them on the tablet of your heart.

Then you will win favor and a good name.  Proverbs 3:3-4

     Have you ever had your teacher send an important note home attached to your shirt or rolled up and made into a bracelet bound around your wrist?  Teachers often will do this when they have an important message that they want to make sure is noticed.  Read verse three again.  How can you bind love and faithfulness around your neck so that it never leaves you?  I can only think of one way.  If I, with all of the goodness within me, try to love and try to be faithful I may do pretty well some of the time.  But only Jesus is truly love.  And only He is always faithful.  Jesus IS Love.  Jesus IS Faithfulness.  When it says write them on the tablet of your heart, we need to remember that the only way to be love and to be faithful is by having Jesus in your heart.  Not just in the corner.  Let him fill your heart.  Allow Jesus to be on every page and on every line of your heart-tablet spilling over to the margins.  Remember that learning who Jesus is and spending time with him is how we come to be more like him.  When Jesus is written in our hearts, I believe he graces our neck and adorns our wrist. Then people on the outside can see him too.

     With Jesus in our hearts and on our sleeve we assuredly have a good name.  A name better than Kristi or Courtney.  Verse four also tells us that with Jesus we have won favor.  The one who has known my name since the beginning of time has approved me as a daughter of the King and an ambassador to the world. And I have a message.  My name is Kristi, but I must tell you.  I belong to Jesus.


*FYI-The picture is a name jumble from wordle with the names of the girls in our GG's group.

Thanks to Josette Hughes for making the word jumble.


Some links have been added in-

See what fits!


This is Jason's website. It's now easy to check in on my husband even when he won't answer his phone.



This will connect you to the church website. Even if youre like me and don't read everything in the bulletin, you can still know what's going on.



This is a website I use most any time we plan on going to the movies.  On this website you can type in the media title and find details.  Ranging from a description of the bad language to the degree of sexual nature, this website will inform you what content is in the media by just typing in the title of the song, album or movie.  This website is sponsored by Focus on the Family.  Jason and I love it and even have the quick app on our phones.


The Dove Foundation-http://www.dove.org/


Christian Parenting-






Raising boys-




Raising Girls-


This is Vicki Courtney's (author of Between and Teen Virtue  and other great books) blog/website.  Love Vicki Courtney and her devotion to empowering parents, through the word of God and prayer, to train children in the way they should go.


A GG's mom shared this wonderful site with me.  This website has excellent book choices for parents and pre-teens, ideas and event opportunities.  They also have a Facebook page.


-Another site shared by a GG's mom. This blog has free PDF's including a Family Purity Code, Heart and Body Covenant, a Whatever I Wear Closet Card and more!  Gotta love freebies!!  You will also find information on speaking engagements and  gotta have books. 


I've only seen one post, but it was spot on.  This blog will remind us of the joy and privilege it is to simply be "a mama".

Sites for Ladies


Also click on these links to check out these fabulous ladies.



And FBC Nederland's very own Arin Thompson-


If the link fits, share it.




*Please share in comments any other links I might not be aware of!