/bling/: an adornment (usually a ring or necklace) made of precious metals and set with gems or imitation gems

You have to admit that everyone loves a little bling.  Maybe it's a pair of those Miss Me jeans bedazzled with rhinestones across the back pockets.  At some point in your life you may hope to be surprised with a ring  topped off with with a blinding diamond; one given to you by someone who thinks you're "IT"!  And though some us would not be willing to admit it if we've seen  Toddlers and Tiaras; I bet we' ve even dreamed of having a ultimate grand supreme piece of bling on top of our head. Whatever piece of bling you may wish for, you want it to be noticed.  It's also THE BEST if you've been given your bling by someone who wants to show they love you very much.

Bling can be costly.  I have to tell you that I own a pair of those expensive jeans with bling. Did you ever stop to think that the jewels are not only fake but when I sit down you can't even see them. Once when I lost my wedding ring I was just sick thinking of how much money was spent on it.  And have you seen how some mamas and daughters can act when they want the crown and pageant title?  Ugly words are spoken, tears are shed and when those little girls come out strutting their stuff, they're anything but themselves.

Should bling require that we cease to be ourselves?

Hopefully you're aware that God has an abundance of bling.

  What does God's bling look like and can it be ours?

We have a rich God who gives freely to all who ask.   It says in the book of Psalms in chapter nineteen starting in verse eight that

 "the precepts(directions) of the LORD are right, making the heart glad; the commandment of the LORD is radiant making the eyes light up....They are more desirable than gold".

We know that God's word is a love letter given to each of us.  And we know that he tells us in these verses that by


2.Learning and

3.Following these directions that we will shine not only on the inside but outwardly too.

I like knowing that there is beauty in having God's word in my heart.  Even more important,  God is so rich in bling (love that shines),  that he wants to share it with everyone.  He lets us not only have it for ourselves, but share it with all those we come into contact with.  When you have God's shining light in you, you are called to " let your light shine".  Matthew chapter five tells us that shining for God gives glory to our father in heaven.

And who wouldn't want to do that?