Don't cry because it's over.  Smile because it happened.

-Dr. Suess

This week, and last week for some of you, is a week filled with emotion. - A feeling of anticipation and pride mixed with some sorrow.  I know Rylie is only graduating from Kindergarten, but I feel Jason and I are starting to experience the First- of THE LASTS.  We have passed the chapter of rocking little ones to sleep.  Rylie has lost all of her front teeth. I took pictures of the last toothless smile as those "big girl" teeth are growing in.  Hallie has said goodbye to elementary; Hayden to junior high -just last year.  I gave Rylie her last Kindergaten kiss this morning. 

It's really ok to feel sad. It just means that something deep of heart has happened in the first place. Experience has been had, worthy of our wanting to hold on.

And for that we can be happy! 

Thank God for this gift too wonderful for words. - 2 Corinthians 9:15   NLT


 Graduating Seniors -Friends from FBC Nederland, Trinity Friends, other friends and my second grade students from Chilton

Graduating Kindergarteners (including our Rylie)

and College Graduates: Jacob Allen and Noah Brown

Prayers for you and your families as you seek God's will in this new chapter of life.


Jason’s dad turned sixty this month.  Neatie, my mother-n-law is now retired.  Rylie graduates from Kindergarten this week.  Hayden likes three days finishing a successful first year of High School.  Hallie received an award for her DARE (drug awareness) essay this past week. We will very soon celebrate our first anniversary of being here in Nederland. We have many reasons to celebrate.  So today, as we were able to spend some time together outdoors, we gave the kids a puzzle to put together that had a message on it with some exciting news.

Jason and I have been talking with his parents, secretly planning a fun summer vacation that would enable us to appropriately celebrate these great occasions.  As Neatie and I have talked on the phone about our trip which will take place in July; my mind began to buzz.  A bit of my mom in me sprang into action.  I began to plan.  I would buy a book to get as much information as possible about our destination.  I have texted and talked with friends who have been there before.  I want to know exactly what to expect.

I want to be prepared.

In addition to getting prepared for our destination, I’ll just tell you.  I’m plain ol’ excited!  I do like surprises, but there’s something to knowing what awaits you beforehand.

 -It’s the anticipation!

I long to go this place I’ve never been. - The place I’ve read about and imagined in my mind. - The place where dreams come true.  It’s the place where, in my mind, my family walks hand in hand with nothing to do but enjoy each other and our surroundings.

It kind of reminds me of our future destination-heaven.  Hopefully all those we love have made preparations to be there.  Since I know little about our vacation spot outside of what I’ve been told, I’m going to make sure I know about where I’m going. I have the airline tickets online; got to make sure we have those for each one of us.  And I’ll tell you something else.  I’m going to spend the time between now and our vacation, the waiting time, being expectant of the good times to come.  I will anticipate the experience that will be with us for a lifetime.

It took us a while to put the pieces together, but we stuck with it.  The message became clear quickly for Hayden as he saw a small section of the puzzle completed with the letters “sney”.  Hallie thought she knew, but was unsure.  And finally as Rylie slowly sounded out the word we all joined in merrymaking….




We’re going to Disney World!

Summer Fun and Events


A picture of our GA's, many of which are GG's, at camp.  Remember them in prayer as they spend the remaining days growing in knowledge and grace.

Picture of our last gathering

We will not have our regularly scheduled last Sunday meeting for June and July.  We do however have some special gatherings planned.

June 14, Thursday


 Banana Extravaganza

 Kristi and Hallie Burden's house

3011 Memphis    Nederland

Come to make a special treat, recipe cards and just to hang out.

Date and Time-To be Announced

Tabetha and Faith Franklin's House

Backyard Movie

Come and eat.

We'll make fireflies in a jar and learn how we can shine for Christ.




5/27-6/2-Kristina/Sara DeVillier

6/2-6/6-Karen Neff & Kaitlyn

6/6-6/10-Tabetha & Faith Franklin

6/10-6/14-Jeanne & Krista Bergeron

6/14-6/18-Deanne & Morgan Tanner

6/18-6/22-Carrie & Anna Hughes

6/22-6/26-Jen & Emma Fournier

6/26-6/30- OPEN


7/1-7/5-Stephanie & Kyrie Perez


7/9-7/13-Patti & Anna Oliver

7/13-7/17-Jordan & Rhyan Stoker







You can email or call me if you need the address of the person you will be delivering the traveling flamingo to.  Call if you have other questions.  By the way, everyone was stumped with the Burden traveling flamingo photo.  If you missed today, here's our photo taken in Nederland.  Do you know where this was taken? You can answer in comments.

IMPORTANT: To get instant notification of GG's events and devotions, remember to subscribe to the website. (Found in upper right-hand corner on the website).



I'm sitting here in my new chair given to me by my awesome husband and kids for Mother's Day.  It's my prayer chair.  I have some guilt sitting here in this chair as I pray. It's way too comfy. I've dozed off while praying a few times.  I'd had the idea of having a prayer chair in our bedroom for some time now.  I wanted a quiet place with little distraction.

For some odd reason, besides taking me to a nap, my chair has taken me to the story of Moses.

And my friends, after some thinking, I decided in this post you are Moses.  Sometimes I'm Moses too.  Let me try and explain.

Moses, as we read in Exodus, just keeps trudging on.  I feel for him ,as I witness through scripture, the irritating cycle.  The Israelites complain.  Moses goes before God on their behalf.  God listens.  God acts.  They complain again.  I know Moses is tired of heart.  Do you ever get that way?  I pray for one of my children; that they would be more kind, behave less selfishly.  I know God listens to my prayer.  I know God acts.  But then I see them acting the same way.  Aren't we over this yet (I think to myself)?  Add to that, pure physical exhaustion and my prayer probably sounds more like a rant if I'm even praying at all.

I'm pretty sure you can identify with Moses at times as well. Do you ever feel you've prayed enough for a certain person or certain situation- lifted them up to the point that you are completely worn out. And are there even times you feel like you don't even want to hear yourself pray, maybe because you know you're living short of the perfect mark yourself?

Halfway through chapter 17 in Exodus, Moses is standing on a hilltop with the staff of God in his hands.  The Amalekites have attacked the Israelites and they're in need of intercession once again.  As long as Moses has his hands lifted, the Israelites were winning- THE PRESSURE!

So in thinking of yourself as Moses, this is where I come in. When Aaron and Hur, his partners in ministry, saw he could no longer go it alone-they put a stone under him for him to sit.  It then says, and I love this, "When his hands grew tired....Aaron and Hur held his hands up".

I would like to be your Aaron; or your Hur.  And I'd like for you to be my Aaron or Hur.

I can dutifully pray daily.

But I know that there are times when I'm distracted.

There are times when I'm exhausted.

And shamefully there are times when my faith is low.

Now let's get back to my new chair.  I had a thought.  You've heard of a armchair quarterback no doubt; someone who offers advice without really being in the game. No, I don't want to be your armchair quarterback. I know that no advice I could give would compare to my simply cheering and encouraging you- at times by your side; other times through prayer.

I want to be your armchair cheerleader.  And as a cheerleader calls out to the crowd on behalf of the players, I want to call out to God on your behalf.

After all, it's the only kind of cheerleader I could ever be.  I've lost any flexibility I had and I've never been too coordinated.  I can, however, cheer you on.  I can pray on your behalf when you're tired or frustrated or even when it's a matter important enough to be doubly prayed for.  And I would ask the same of you.  In those times when my prayers sound stale or maybe not so heartfelt, I would ask that you be my armchair cheerleader too.

My email-








It's our day together.

No work. The kids are at school. Jason has his laptop. I have mine.

I'm pretty sure Jason thinks I talk too much. I agree. But I'm on to something, I've discovered that when I type my thoughts.... I have to let some go—

1) Because I can't keep up with all of my thoughts and

2) Because some thoughts aren't worth sharing.

To even out our communicating, Jason and I have come up with a plan. We are going to interblog.

INTER--BLOG = A collaborative blog writing experience where each author builds upon and expands the thoughts of the other.

I talk a lot on Sundays and Wednesdays. I don’t talk a lot otherwise.

We can drive from here to Amarillo and I’ll never feel the need to say more than, “What do you want to eat?” Sounds pretty lame right?

It is.

But when you’ve known each other for as long as Kristi and I have been knowing one another, there is something deeper being communicated than words can express.

There is a joy of being in each other’s presence. There is a security in a love that is well established. There is a fondness that can be expressed through a look, or a touch. There is a fellowship enjoyed by two who are on a journey together.

I know a silent car ride doesn’t sound like the most romantic thing in the world. It certainly is weak on the WOW factor. But being beside my bride, for all of these years, for all of these quiet trips, has led to a WOW marriage.

I shared with a group of kiddos not so long ago what my idea of prayer is. It matches what Jason just mentioned.

A prayer can be "Dear Lord, You amaze me.......Amen". That's often been the way I speak to God; like we're having a long distance phone conversation.

If I am in the house with Jason, I don't tell him bye before I walk out of the room like I'm finished with him. I don't even say good morning. We are just pleasantly aware of each other's presence.

If we are to pray without ceasing, there are few "dear Lord’s" and "Amens" because the communication is continual—even in silence. Greetings are unnecessary. I'm thankful that God has given me a life-partner that I can enjoy being with 99.9% of the time (the other .1% accounts for an occasional mood moment).

Our close and steady relationship, I believe, is a beautiful picture of the kind of relationship and communication God wants with us. I say that in complete humility knowing that I am a mere speck of dust in comparison to God. That's what makes it all the more amazing—that he delights at my delighting in him.

It’s the important things that we take for granted. When we neglect to reflect on what is most important to us, we are in danger of holding those things in low esteem.

It’s sad when we only realize how special something is when it is taken from us. Here’s what I plan to do for both Kristi and for God today…

Be Intentional. I’m learning to say, “I Love You” to Kristi and to God throughout the day.

Be Creative. I’m going to be loving God and Kristi for a long time. I need to find many ways to express that love.

Be Real. God created me to love him from my heart, not from someone else’s idea of how I should love him. He wants my words, my affections, my honest reactions, and my true sentiments. This also applies to how we love our spouses. We need to give them the love that is absolutely true to our hearts. There are no techniques or gimmicks. There is only the real you, encountering the real them, in the context of real love.

Read Song of Solomon. It doesn’t get more real.


How do you pass your time together?

What conversations do you no longer have to have?

How has your faith formed the relationship you have with your spouse?



  • I just so happened to take a bright-colored picture with a garden gnome on our recent trip to Shangri La.  I loved the colors so much I've been thinking about how this picture could fit in a post. 
  • So here goes....
  • The Origin of the Traveling Garden Gnome 

    Part of the current popularity of garden gnomes may be due to a prank known as "The Traveling Gnome" which begins with stealing a gnome from its garden, taking it along on a trip, and photographing it in various exotic locations.  The gnome is then returned to its owner with the photographs, often surreptitiously.  The first record of a traveling gnome is said to have appeared in a Sydney, Australia, newspaper story in 1986.  A traveling gnome also appeared in the 2001 movie "Amelie," and in 2004, the online travel agency Travelocity launched a viral marketing campaign called "Where Is My Gnome?"  The traveling gnome is now the official mascot and logo of Travelocity.  These and other pop culture references to garden gnomes have helped to increase the popularity of these traditional yard ornaments.

Ironically I bought a cute plastic flamingo in the dollar section of Target a couple of weeks ago.  I love the dollar section.  I've never wanted either of these fellas (gnome or flamingo) in my yard, but minds like mine which whirl about, come up with ideas every once in a blue moon.

The Big Idea:   .......A Traveling Flamingo

I'm thinking that our GG's group should have a traveling mascot of sorts.  My pink purchase will travel from GG houses and beyond.  So for example, if it's Hallie's turn with the flamingo, she has three days to take the flamingo somewhere. 

 We snap a photo (if convenient).

Write a comment about where the flamingo went (ex. to the park, Market Basket...) (the photo would be nice on the website too). Comments and pictures could be added to this page in the comment section.

Send the flamingo on to the next house.

With our traveling flamingo, we are intentionally spending time together,  Also, we may get to know a little more about the next GG on the list as we deliver the flamingo to their house.

Any name suggestions? 


Summer Fun List-Part 2


51.rub each other's feet

52.try a fruit you've never had

53. make paper dolls

54.write the other's name and decorate it

55.nap together (sure to be a mom's favorite)

56.decorate the sidewalk with chalk

57.go fishing

58.go bug hunting

59.draw the perfect outfit for each other

60.memorize a bible verse a bag of m&ms or skittles-each guess how many are in the bag-count them, then eat up

62.make supper together a book/watch a movie and compare

64.use an old greeting card to make a jigsaw puzzle

65.make or review a fire plan

66.tell old favorite family stories

67.make a time capsule

68.visit a nursing home

69.make sock puppets

70.decorate pillow cases

71.make tie-dye tshirts

72.plan a surprise party together for another family member or friend

73.make balloon animals or creations

74.decorate cookies with icing

75.make a vegatable tray with homeade dip- like ranch

76. try a vegetable you've never tried-my family (including me) tried kale recently and we loved it

77.recycle something a set of jacks and play a castle out of sugar cubes (they easily stick together when wet)

80.make the world's longest (or the family's longest) paper chain, paper-clip chain or chain of something else

81.walk a mile

82.learn ten words in another language

83.make up your own secret handshake

84.try food of another ethnicity

85.unroll an entire ball of yarn and then try to roll it back up

86.write to each other "what I like about you"

87.make banana splits

88.wash the car

89.throw a frisbee

90.blow bubbles using different items in the kitchen ex. slotted spoon etc.

91.have a pillow fight


Here are some things my sister-n-law Ann, award-winning fun mom, bookmarked for boredom busters

Fairies in a jar

Rubber band message board

Sponge ball for water fights


Koala seashell

Tie dye with sharpie markers

Bubble art

Rock art I bet you wouldn't need an oven in So.TX summer...just put the rocks outside

Homemade ice cream

List out some random acts of kindness they could do for the community


Waiting for some more creative souls will help me out.  What will you do?  What have you done before?  It really doesn't matter; spending time creating, laughing and communicating with each other will have lasting reward.



Summer fun List-Part 1

Moms and daughters, moms and sons, dad and daughters, dads and sons, you and a neighbor.... you get the picture- Together, pick at least ten things off of this list that you will devote yourself to doing.  There are a little more than ten weeks in the summer break.  That means you can do about one item on the list per week.  If you choose to make cupcakes; make cupcakes TOGETHER!  I would love for you to add to this list sharing what you plan to do.  Or tell what you've done at . My creativity has bounds.  Remember doing ten things togther will hold more meaning than doing 101 things on your own.  Happy memory making!!!

1.plant something

2.take a walk

3.take a drive

4.color a picture

5.paint something

6.make brownies

7.make cupcakes

8.make sun tea

9. make lemonade with real lemons

10.take pictures of each other

11.have someone take a picture of you together a movie makeovers for each other

14.go swimming

15.go to a park

16.have a picnic

17.go visit someone a book together

19.look at an old photo album

20.get a sno-cone

21.invite another mom and friend to do something with you

22.find a recipe you've never tried and make it together

23.let the other pick out your clothes a game

25.go to a garage sale

26.go to a thrift store

27.rearrange a room

28.make cookies for your neighbor

29.pray together

30.choose a bible verse, write it, pray it for the other and give it to them

31.write a letter to each other gaze

33.go to the library

34.have a bubble-gum blowing contest-get an impartial judge

35.give your pet a bath

36.look at a magazine (age appropriate)-talk about positive and negative images and articles

37.make home-made face masks a science experiment

39.give a each other a spelling test

40.pick a hero and talk about that hero

41.tell the other your favorite song and try to listen the song (maybe on youtube)

42.have a race trying to make words out of the word "splendiferous" for example- pen and fuse

43.make homeade gak

44.have ice-cream

45.write a story together for three minutes taking turns with the pen each thirty seconds hide and seek

47.make a card for each other

48.write a letter to each other

49.make coke floats

50.fix each other's hair


-LIST 52-100



Discussion Questions

1.What is the greatest commandment?

2.What is the second greatest commandment?

3.Beyond praying and reading the Bible, what was mentioned as being a way to love God?

4.Define Heart Neighbor. -Name a few.

5.Define Geographical Neighbor. -Name a few.

6.What are some easy ways to show love to our neighbors?


Form groups of two-three.  Choose someone to write.  In 90 seconds, list as many neighbors as you can.  I'll get you started. (your teacher or the girl at the sno-cone stand)

Now you know who your neighbor is.  Get your family on board.  Get to that "101 Inexpensive Things To Do List". Remember that loving God means loving people.


Go to this link to share what you're doing-

Can't wait to hear what you're doing- being able to read your comments will keep me from missing you this summer.  It will almost be "like we're neighbors"!!