Police Officers, Our Heroes and Friends 


I've received two speeding tickets and a warning in my lifetime. Though I was perturbed each time I saw flashing lights in my rear view mirror, I know that I deserved them because I was indeed speeding. 

Because my foot has had an occasional history of being five miles too heavy in a school zone or on the highway,  I usually get a little heart flutter every time I see a cop car. For most of my life I can say I haven't been glad to see a police car. That is, until an experience I had this past summer. 

I had taken my oldest to college orientation in Huntsville. After bossing him around like he was still twelve, I forced myself into a bathroom stall and prayed that God would help me back away and allow him the independence he needed. I asked God to help me trust that He was taking care of my boy. It was becoming clear that miles of distance, not to mention his six foot plus stature, made my control over him a little more difficult. 

The next day Hayden and his friend followed me back home to Nederland in his friend's car. Less than halfway home Hayden and his friend were involved in a minor car accident two cars behind me. I quickly looped around the block and rushed to an unnerving scene. A barefoot man in swim trunks was out of his truck cursing loudly at the boys,  the man's girlfriend was shouting from the inside of the truck while three small children sat in the back. I tried to speak to the man once, but it was clear that talking with him wasn't productive. 

Within two minutes a police officer arrived and took control of the situation. The officer, Tito Reyes, was patient to answer our questions and seemed to be able to de-escalate the emotions of the man from the other car who had dropped "F-bombs" not only at the boys, but also the at the lady with him, and in front of three children in their car. 

We felt safe in this officer's presence. He was unintimidating, but most certainly in charge. 

Proverbs 15:18 "A hot-tempered person stirs up conflict, but one who is patient calms a quarrel". 

That strange encounter ended with the man in the truck in cuffs due to there having been a warrant out for his arrest. 

Certainly God had worked in this situation to answer my call for aid in trusting Him. He reminded me that there are people, like police officers, whom he uses to keep my family safe when I can't. 

We have friends and family serving on the police force. My cousin Roy survived a gunshot wound while on duty and continues to serve. Jason and I lost a friend a few summers back from a gunshot wound he received while protecting citizens. His name was Sargent Lance McClean and he leaves behind his wife Katy who has displayed nothing but courage as she cares for their two children who will grow up without their father. 

John 15:13 

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

 Our friends and family who have escaped critical injury in their service still have harrowing stories, as do all officers I'm sure. 

Are all police officers honorable? Certainly not.  I was pulled over by one without a warning in the nineties on my way to college. I'd been driving two or three miles over the speed limit but had people passing me like I was standing still. This officer had me get into his patrol car and asked me questions that indicated his intentions weren't concentrated on neither my safety nor the safety of others on the road. I know there are other officers out there who aren't serving with integrity just as there are pastors and teachers who work in a way that they do a disservice and are sometimes a danger to the people they encounter. 

I do believe however, that most men and women in uniform are there to protect and serve. They make split-second decisions that can have a permanent impact. They don't do it without training or conscience. Still, some of the decisions they make end in tragedy simply because the situations they find themselves in are with people on the brink of a tragic outcome. 

I'm sure they covet our support. They all need our prayer. 

The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him. Nahum 1:7

Our youngest, Rylie decided to make cupcakes last night to show our appreciation for the tireless work they do. I read this week where people were performing random acts of kindness in the name of a slain officer, David Hofer. We obliged, thankful for the protection that we have in policemen. 

Our experience in delivering treats this morning was one that only further increased our admiration for their dedication. As we delivered cupcakes to the second spot, Officer Will Navarre took time to show Rylie his police car. He reminded me that those who serve are more than courageous men who are willing to sacrifice.  They're our friends.

My prayers go out to these men and women who have answered the call of duty to uphold justice and provide protection. I pray for the families who fear for the safety of their loved one who serves us. I pray for the families whose lives have been changed forever like Katy and her two precious children and the family of Euless Officer David Hofer whose lives changed forever this past Tuesday. May God guide and protect these families and cover them with His love and grace. 

We back the blue. 


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