You Need to Know My Friend Judy 

Me with Judy and Lauren

Our friendship was struck up twenty years ago as we were both about to be first time mothers. We took Lamaze classes together with a drill sargent of a woman who insisted there'd be no monkey business as we practiced our breathing techniques. 

We saved laughter and monkey business for times we'd visit each other's house and then once when we had a picnic at a local park. It was the first time I saw strength in my friend Judy. 

I'd made pimiento cheese stuffed jalapeño peppers with peppers that were turning black. (I learned about pepper color after this experience.) Deseeding them gave me near second degree burns under my fingernails and I do believe tear stains were still apparent on my cheeks as we picnicked. But Judy ate them. I think she was the only one. And if I remember correctly, she asked me for the recipe. 

It would be the first sign, but definitely not the most impressing sign, of her strength. 

On the 14th day of October 1996, her beautiful baby girl Lauren was born. Lauren was quickly whisked away to the NICU in FT Worth about an hour away. I remember getting ready to go see Judy in the hospital worried about how I'd be able to encourage her. I just remember her courage. 


A Day at the Zoo

Both before and since I've known Judy she's had more major surgeries than I can possibly count. There have been several back surgeries. She's suffered from Crohn's disease for over half her life but she's complained little about its effects.  It has restricted her diet, but has hardly held her back from her duties. I remember the days, sick and thin, she'd mow the yard and cook a meal of chicken fried steak with buttermilk batter and all the fixings. And there'd be pie. 

Proverbs 31

10  She is worth far more than rubies...
13 She selects wool and flax
    and works with eager hands...
17 She sets about her work vigorously;
    her arms are strong for her tasks...
25 She is clothed with strength and dignity;
    she can laugh at the days to come.
26 She speaks with wisdom,
    and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
27 She watches over the affairs of her household
    and does not eat the bread of idleness.
28 Her children arise and call her blessed;
    her husband also, and he praises her:
29 “Many women do noble things,
    but you surpass them all.”
30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
nbsp;   but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
31 Honor her for all that her hands have done,
    and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

She's been bit by a snake, but she barely slowed down. She's walked through big fires with determination and resolve.  She's taught full-time through every trial sponsoring numerous school events and loving high school kids like they're her own. This woman is strong. 

We've been separated by miles for about the past fifteen years, but time has only served to increase my admiration of her strength of character. 

She's battled, and beat cancer in the past three years. I remember sitting on the porch of a cabin in Colorado one morning when she called. When she said the word cancer I braced myself, again wondering how I'd lift her spirits. But like always, Judy was looking for something other than warm and fuzzy words.  Prayer is the only thing she ever asks for. This cancer battle has included several surgeries, long hospitalization and chemotherapy.

 Most recently, last month, she underwent unexpected and especially risky heart surgery. As I talked to her on the phone, her indomitable spirit traveled through the phone line filling me up with a special kind of pride that I have in calling her friend.  When we talk about how I can pray for her she quickly turns her requests to her husband and her two kids. She prays for more strength and to be able to hastily return to her tasks. 

Facebook announced this morning that today is "International Women's Day".  I didn't initially think much of it. Quickly thereafter I noticed a Gofund Me account has been set up for this dear friend of mine as she and her family face medical bills that cannot be surmounted with even  the hardest of work. I believe her enduring faith is one worth celebrating and her cause is one worth sharing. 

My wish is that her example will give you the perspective that it's given me; that even great trials can be faced with courage and, always, hope. Please consider doing one of the following things for my friend Judy. Check out her GoFund Me account that has been set up by a friend. Then please share it. Give a little. Or lift up a prayer or two that her health would be restored and that God would continue to provide for her family. I trust that He'll continue to shine through them. He always has. 

I've posted her Gofund Me link on my Facebook page. 

Thank you

4 thoughts on “You Need to Know My Friend Judy 

  1. Rachelle Honohan

    Thank you so much for this wonderful article. I couldn't have written it any better. Everything you said is so, so true about this amazing woman. I feel so blessed to have her in my life! I'm also very thankful she has you. I know your support and friendship means a lot to her. Thank you for sharing. I really pray we can get close to her goal. I know this was not easy for her to let this be set up, but it is so needed! God's blessings!

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      Thanks Rachelle. So glad you set this up and that Judy has a friend in you. Praying every donation, prayer and kind word uplifts them.


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