Monthly Archives: September 2012


I am uber-excited (never used the word "uber' before but wanted to show you I'm BEYOND excited) about our Sunday gathering.  Make plans to attend  "Dear Me" if at all possible. 

 I know of several sweet girls and moms who won't be able to make it because of  previously planned engagements.  There are also others of you on the other side of the screen who won't be able to attend like our friend Olivia in Florida and other friends and moms I've never met.  So.... I'm including our activities here on the website JUST FOR YOU. 


 To My Pre-Teen Friend

This is a devotion that reminds our young girls that today isn't everything.  And we have hopes for a future that seems light years away.  They will be encouraged to share the things of "today" that bring worry, frustration and those things that can be all-consuming like "What shoes should I wear with this?".  They will learn that those things of today and the uncertainties and hopes of tomorrow are in the hands of the one who holds time and each one of us.



Dear Me in May

The girls will fill in the blanks on a form  letter stating what some of their favorite things are and "what makes them so mad"....  The front side represents "who I am today" while the back side of the letter is reserved for tomorrow's hopes and a prayer.  The girls will be decorating time capsules in which these letters will be placed.  Each mom is also asked to write a letter to her daughter expressing what her hope and prayer is for her daughter in the next eight months.  The time capsules will be decorated in craft time, then tucked away until we have our May party.  I'll add pictures of the time capsules to the website soon.

Another Step in the Journey

This portion of our gathering will be done in small groups.  For our older girls fifth and up, this is a time to meet with their mentor.  This sheet has our focal verses Psalm 31:14-15.  This is a time to discuss the meaning of the verse in the context of our lives.  There is also an "at home" section with suggestions on how to make your own time capsule at home.





Hoping that girls near and far will participate in this fun event.  I would be beside myself if you came back and commented and told me about it. Or......if you sent me a picture...I might do a cartwheel.  Well maybe a front rollover.

Here's a link of gathering info. (time, place...)

I'd love to hear from you



Another step in the journey:

What do you think this verse means “My times are in your hands”?

What are some things we can trust God with?

Is there anything we can’t trust God with/ or anything we can’t talk to him about?

When is it hardest to trust God?

At Home:

Try making your own time capsule.  Use a shoe box that you’ve decorated or simply a Ziploc bag.  You can put the wrapper of your favorite candy bar or a few pages out of your favorite magazine.  Put in a photo taken of you or draw one. Doodle your name in with bright markers.  List your favorite things on a sheet of paper.  Guess what your future will be.  Write a prayer; years later you can see HOW God answers it.  (He always answers, not always the answer we want, but an even better answer). 

 Hide away your time capsule.  But don’t forget where you hid it.  Bury it if you wish. But don’t bury it without a map because years later when you try digging everywhere close to where you remember burying it- you may chip your tailbone on a water faucet outside while looking but you never find it…….  Anyway, remember where you put it! Don’t forget to include your mom.  She’ll really “dig” this.

For all of the handouts and the run down on the event go to:


Dear Me in May,

Hey!  It's me-  back in September.  The school year is just starting.  These are some things that are happening in my today.

My favorite shirt in my closet is:

My favorite song is:

School right now is going:

It makes me so mad when:

I love it when:

My biggest fear right now is:

The best thing that could happen right now is:

God is:

That's what I'm thinking today.

God makes us to grow. 

Here are some ways I hope to grow before May:

I hope I will:

I hope I will:

I hope I will:

My prayer for the next eight months.

Dear God,




And Lord, help me remember that my times are in your hands.  Amen.

To check out all of the handouts and the run down on this event, go to

Dear Pre-Teen Friend,

Do you ever think about your future?  I bet you have hopes and dreams that can barely fit inside that chest of yours.  You may already know what you're going to be in adulthood; maybe a doctor or a fashion designer and a mom. You may have picked out a college. I know you probably have that one movie star or singer that you would love to meet.  You may have even thought about where you'd like to live or what you'll let your kids do that your parents won't let you do, like eat in the living room-or eating Oreos for breakfast.  Some of those dreams, though you're filled with them, are as distant as stars in the sky. 

What is it that you'd like to be?

Have you thought about where you want to live?

Is it safe to ask- who it is that you'd really like to meet?

If you're anything like most girls, all it takes is for one thing to go wrong and then those hopes and dream are replaced in your heart by frustration or fear or rejection.  A bad day with a friend or getting grounded by your parents may make you feel like your world is coming to an end.  Sometimes our "today" can stop us dead in our tracks so that it feels like our tomorrow will never come.  We think that how we feel today is how we will always feel.

What are some things that frustrate you?

What does it mean to feel rejected (not chosen)?

Are there things that you fear?

What are some things that happen that make your day royally stink?

Here's something to think about.  Today is here and now.  We must live in it. Some days we'd rather hide.  Or fight.  Or cry.  We want today "fixed".  We try hard to make today perfect in our own strength.  Maybe you try to make today just how someone else likes it; you're thinking of how to please others. 

Sometimes our today is good and life seems right.

Some days, it seems nothing goes right.

Our future seems so far away. 

How do we live so that we aren't stuck in today or waiting impatiently for our future?

Some wise words are written in the Bible in the book of Psalm:

My times are in your hands.

 -Psalm 31:15

Today doesn't have to be (and probably will never be perfect).  Your future may or may not work out the way you dream it will.  The most important thing you can know about today, or your tomorrow, or your 2022 is that God holds all of your times and YOU in His hands.

You can stop worrying.

You can know that the thing that made you cry, won't leave your heart broken forever.

You can know that your favorite pair of shoes will probably be uncool in six months.  That's okay.

Know what your hopes are.  Know what your fears are.  But MOST important of all, KNOW GOD.  He cares for you. 

 You're going to write a letter to yourself.  It will be opened in May.  you're going to have a chance to think about what your hope are for this school year.  But I want you to think a little differently than we think sometimes.  I want you to be thinking like God might be thinking. I want you to know that it's not your worries that should control you.  It's not your sense of style that makes you who you are.  Remember when you are writing that you belong to God.

For all hand-outs and a run down on the event go to:



Two other great-fitting titles originally popped into my head for this post; "Black Sabbath" and "Fading into Black".   Black Friday.......?  But upon a quick Google search of the first two, I decided I'd better not.  Yes. Good thinking.

Jason and I wear black on Fridays.  Always.  I don't quite know when we started this tradition.  It wasn't something we discussed either.  It just happened.

I started out majoring in psychology in college.  I like to think about  deep meanings.  I'm pretty sure this drives Jason crazy. This morning, the root of our habitual dooms-day attire has become my mental focus.

The Man in Black, Johnny Cash said he wears black for a whole host of depressing reasons including "for the thousands who have died.........".  My reason isn't nearly so altruistic. 

There's something about fading into Friday with our black on.  Fading holds the idea of losing brightness.  And while initially that seems depressing, fading is just what happens in so much of life.   Flowers fade; brightly colored clothing too.  Hallie has a neon yellow shirt that she wore to school yesterday.  (Correction.  It WAS neon yellow), now the color more closely resembles the center of a boiled egg. Every night the sun fades (as far as we're able to see). 

 "Losing brightness" is inevitable.  We tire.  Our bold hue gets washed-out.  Even the sun hides. 

I think that's what I love about Fridays; the feeling that you have dutifully and hopefully beautifully served through your week.  Friday is time to fade.  

 Any woman can tell you that black is slimming.  Maybe that's a more surface reason I wear black.  An interior designer would tell you that black has a shrinking effect.  If my week has been a busy one, shrinking sounds delightful.  I like to think of taking off my luminous red "save the world" cape and shrinking into the couch or the company of my family.

Fading is inevitable, but it's not meant to be permanent.  Fading lets us recharge.

For us, it's Fridays.  It may be a different day for you.  Sunday, the day generally known for rest is crazy busy for the Burdens.

I've babbled on simply to say I love Friday and the black that goes with it.  And I love the man in black beside me.  I could have used one word to describe our fading into Friday.



I could have said I'm thankful for what black shirts and Fridays symbolize-

A chance to be renewed.

It's in black that I recognize

The LORD is my light.....

It's in black that I rest

and gaze upon the beauty of the LORD

.....he will conceal me there

.....he will hide me in his sanctuary

......He will place me out of reach on a high rock.

(Psalm 27 1-5  referenced)

When is your Friday (Sabbath)?

What is your black?

I'd love to hear from you

A quick note:

The God's Girlies family is growing.  Eight High school girls have joined us to serve our Middle School girls as mentors.  These eight youth were asked to answer some questions describing their desire to serve and their faith walk.  Their words were so touching and even impressive that with their permission I am presenting them to you.  Look each month for one of our God's Girlies' mentors.  As you read, pray for them.  And as you read be ready to be blessed.



My testimony:

I was brought up in the church.  One day I told my mom I wanted Jesus to live in my heart.  We said a prayer right there in the car.  I was about 6 or 7 at the time.  I was baptized in the 4th grade.


Why mentor?

I feel like this will be extremely rewarding for both me and the girls.  I love children and I feel that working with these girls will help me to view things in a different way.


What one Bible verse holds great meaning to me?


I can do all things

 through Christ who strengthens me. 

-Phillipians 4:13

What are some things I wish I  would have known when I was a pre-teen that I now know after growing in Christ and maturing in my faith?

My mom is my best friend and biggest cheerleader.  She only wants to se me succeed.


About Victoria:  I am in band and  swim for the high school.  I am on the track team; I enjoy working out.  I love cats (I know... that's really weird). I really, really love to swing on playgrounds.   My favorite holiday is Christmas (I started singing carols at the beginning of August.)  It makes me sad to see old people eating alone.  I love most things from different countries, England in particular.  I would love to travel the world some day.  This is why I've considered doing something like doctors without borders two weeks a year so that I can get into countries that most missionaries can't.


Consider sharing your story on "A Thursday for Your Thoughts".  If you're blessed by someone elses' story or thoughts-like Victoria's, let them know in comments.

Send your story or questions to

Don't you love getting letters; words crafted just for you?  It's as if someone has taken a piece of their soul and put it on paper, or these days the screen.

I dove into some of my old storage containers last night.  I dug out these treasures from some young friends in the past. Their words are still with me.


Sharing your heart can encourage and show appreciation.

Through writing you can make your ideas and expectations known.  For example, if you "love work" tell somebody.


Some words make known your biggest dreams or wishes- like this Dear Santa letter.

Not all written expressions of the heart are meant to make us smile.  Sometimes painful truth is revealed ("....wish you were nice everyday").  At least she ended with a smiley face.  That always makes it better wight?

You can share your plan; your destiny. -Or tell someone else their destiny. I found mine in this letter from God.  The back of it told me I would have grandchildren, one with a missing tooth-and that I would go to heaven.  Whew! Thank goodness.  I still need to do the Paris thing.

-Love this written promise!  So far, so good. He still hugs.

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works,

 not neglecting to meet together,

 as is the habit of some,

 but encouraging one another,

and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

 Hebrews 10:24-25

I've said it before and I'll say it again, our words on the screen bring us together when there are miles and activities between us.  So let's not neglect meeting together for some encouragement here on God's Girlies.  OK?

This is a treasure from one of my girls from Kenya.  You better bet these words stir me up to love. I am known in Kenya as Kristin.  That's the only way they'd have it.  Now it's the only way I'd have it too.


Writing is an offering. There's a certain vulnerability in sharing ones' soul.

 You wonder if your words will be understood. You hope your sentiments will be accepted. You may never know.  Write anyway. 

If you have a story to share, or hope to offer I anxiously wait for your offering on "A Thursday for Your Thoughts".  You'll be so glad you did. I'll be even gladder.  And come back tomorrow as Victoria shares.  You'll enjoy hearing from her. 

 -Looking forward to meeting with God's Girlies as we write letters this Sunday.

Write me!





I made about two dozen muffins this morning.  One was eaten. Dare I say another uneaten breakfast? But I have a plate- full of muffins versus a bare cupboard.

Mad-itude or gratitude?






One kiddo is sick at home today.  The vomit bug has crossed over our threshold. Guess I get some much needed one-on-one time with my boy.

Mad-itude or gratitude?

One of my kids is less than thrilled about See You at the Pole.  I can't reach in and fine-tune that heart.  But God has a way of working in deep places.

Sad-itude or gratitude?

We had no activities last night.  It was a rare evening where we were able to stay home-together.


Last night right before bedtime, one of the kids hopped on the bed just to hang out with me and their Dad. It was a little crowded.

 Full bed=Full heart.


More muffins were added to my kitchen by a friend who came by this morning.  And another sweet friend dropped by for prayer.


My nine-year old nephew Levi sent me a text Sunday night with his mom's phone.

 -Just to say "hi".  I love it when he does that.


Fall is in the air. Time for cooler weather and candy corn. My windchimes are singing an autumn tune.


  Therefore, let us offer through Jesus

 a continual sacrifice of praise to God,

proclaiming our allegiance to his name.

 -Hebrews 13:15

It's all about the attitude.


Muffins anyone? 






1 Comment

I'm anxious to share pictures of some pretty from the inside-out girls who I'm happy to call friends.  -Thankful for the way God puts people together!

Introducing God's Girlies Mentors; Friends for the Journey

We are each on a journey.  We find ourselves stepping over the cracks in the sidewalk, careful not to misstep lest we fall in, or break our mother's back.  We find ourselves being tripped up by bumps in the road, but God is with us.  He picks us back up and puts our feet on solid ground. 

We are on a journey; but we are not alone.

God is in our midst.  He is in the heart, even the deep corners we seldom give heed to.  He is in nature; in leaves turning from green to golden to brown.  And yes, he is in the storm too. 

He's in the extraordinary.  Hayden told me just last night that our solar system is the size of a quarter layed against the landscape of North America when compared to the entire galaxy.  And God holds the galaxy and beyond in his hands!  He holds the belly laughter of a baby and your thoughts and dreams dear too.

But my favorite place where I've encountered God lately, a new place where I've really learned to recognize him, is through friends. 

On top of eternal life and beauty in nature, in addition to making our heart his home (a place where he protects us and is our ever-present father and friend), God has placed people around us.  He has given us "Girls"; specifically believers who brighten our path.

 Some girls in our lives are friends who know everything about us including those unfortunate "losing it" moments we have.  We can exchange understanding looks at most anytime.   Wordless, we know what the other is thinking.

There are other girls who may be older.  They have already walked in our shoes.  They have wisdom concerning this difficult path we're walking; they understand. 

Really, we can link hands with someone who has been there, but sometimes what we need more than someone who knows us or someone who's been there is someone who cares.

 I am thankful for the face of God in new friends.  And there are eight of them I'd like to introduce to you.  These are the mentors and the new addition to our God's Girlies.  These wonderful girls are ready to take the hand of some young ladies who are entering a new leg of the journey; middle school.

Each month as God's Girlies meets, these High school girls will give a devotion to provide spiritual guidance.  They will pair up with the girls for prayer and to provide a listening ear. They are making a commitment to care.

God never ceases to amaze me.  He takes sameness and diversity, newness and experience, and rolls them all into this wonderful experience called friendship.

We are each on a journey; but we're not alone.

I'd love to hear from you.

*Also look for these lovely ladies each month on "A Thursday for Your Thoughts". This Thursday get set to hear from Victoria-she's a jewel.





Attention God's Girlies

You are in for a Real Treat


God's Girlies gather for-Dear Me,


This Sunday September 30


Edu 102

Bring your mom, grandma, or an aunt and a pre-teen friend.

You're going to have a blast. 

We'll be making time capsules to be opened in May.

If you can make it, don't miss it.


I'm also chomping at the bit to announce our High School mentors who will be working with our fifth, sixth and seventh grade girls.  I've got to hang out with these fabulous ladies a few times.  I want to be like them when I find the fountain of youth.  They have wowed me with their maturity of faith.  Check back tomorrow for a sneak peek at a photo shoot done Sunday afternoon.

You can get all of the handouts and a run-down on the event @