What This Election Has Taught Me; A Letter to Michelle

Update: I'm happy to say I've received a letter from the White House.  It's included at the bottom of the post. But first, lets back up. 

I wrote a letter to Melania Trump a few days after the election declaring a promise to pray for her. As she walked onto the stage for her husband's acceptance speech as president, she clearly looked burdened and anxious even though she wore that bright smile. 
I highly doubt Melania will see my letter. I mainly wanted to express the compassion that I had which increased upon hearing some of the awful things the public has said and further, things that have been done (think death threats and setting Trump dolls on fire) toward the Trump family. 

Some of us haven't been on our best behavior. 

This election has made me ponder two important questions. 

  1. Why do people act so crazy when things don't go their way? 
  2. In past elections, when I haven't gotten my way, has my response been appropriate? 

I was reading a post on Facebook the day after the election where someone had mentioned that we should pray for the Trumps. A lady, who I adore, asked if the same people who are promoting prayer support for the Trumps, prayed for the Obamas. 


I prayed for them only a handful of times. 

I disagreed with them on many viewpoints and thus, honestly, had little desire to see them succeed. Nevermind that they're human beings with feelings. Forget that they have had the weight of the world on their shoulders. 

They've  needed our prayer just like the Trumps will. 

You see, prayer is hardly ever about whether or not you believe the person your praying for is deserving of prayer. We pray for people because people need prayer. 

I've been convicted. 

So yes, my great idea to stay in prayer for Mrs. Trump when I indeed didn't extend such kindness to Mrs. Obama exposes my late act of grace, if not my hypocrisy. 
It's never too late to try and do better. 

I had a lady comment on my letter to Melania. She asked to see the same nice letter I'd written to Michelle. 

Of course I hadn't written one. 

In my regret and in the spirit of second chances here's what I'd say to Michelle Obama. 

Dear Michelle,

Thank you for dutifully serving our country for eight years as First Lady of the United States. 
Your work through the "Let's Move" program was a needed reminder to get kids off the couch. 

Thank you for your involvement in the "Joining Forces" program supporting military families across the country. 

I have admired the ease with which you speak in front of a crowd. You're confident, something I'm not. 

I certainly haven't  lifted you and your family up in prayer as often as I should have during your stay in the Whitehouse. I know you've needed it. What an enormous amount of pressure you've been under. And I know many people were unkind. 

I pray for the chapter your family is approaching. I pray first, that you will be able to experience rest that is unencumbered by a strangling schedule. 

I pray that you will be able to enjoy a date with your husband without paparazzi. 

I hope that you'll be able to better soak up Sasha's last years at home before she spreads her wings. I know that time must have evaporated with Malia. 

I pray that you'll find more time to pursue those things which you are passionate about and not just be busy completing a list that has been formulated by staff. 

Maybe most important, I pray that you will forgive those of us who were confused. We could have easily supported you in prayer without having to agree with you on the issues that we face as a country. 

Praying bright days are ahead. 

Kindest regards, 

Kristi Burden

8 thoughts on “What This Election Has Taught Me; A Letter to Michelle

  1. Meme

    So proud of you Kristi. Every time I read one of your posts, I sometime have tears because you cause us to think. I still think you must put it all in a book. Looking forward to seeing you Thanksgiving. Love you and yours. Meme

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      Thank you Meme. Thanks for teaching me to love others. Your example has been such an influence. Love you and can't wait to see you next week.

  2. Nelda Rust

    Kristi, your letter was so good and heartfelt. Glad you got a response from Michelle. I'm like you, I didn't pray for them enough and we all should have been praying. How did Michelle get that letter? I love to read what you write. You have a special talent. Nelda

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      Thanks Nelda! Funny thing. I'd had several commenters say that it mean nothing if I hadn't really tried to send it to her so I found an address for the Whitehouse. I posted the letter there certainly not expecting a response.

  3. Elsa wylie

    In reading your posts on Facebook I can truly say it has ministered to me in so many ways. I've laughed and cried most times on reading your blog. This blog in particular has struck a cord with me as a minister I've fallen short as well in my prayers for the President and First Lady. Yes I can remember many times we as a church have prayed for the government as a whole. But never for the President and his family only. I will say this President Obama had my vote the first time he was elected. Then with the second term I didn't quite see eye to eye on many of his decision in the White House. He still was our President and I still never spoke ill will on him nor any of his family. I only occasionally prayed for them. I'm so happy God is using you to help us see what we sometimes pass up as we live a hectic life juggling home and work and everything in between. Thank you and I will from now on always remember to pray for the President and his family no matter who is in office.

    In Christ,

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      Gosh Elsa. You're so kind. Writing has really been therapeutic. It seems to be the only thing that slows and orders my mind a little. So glad to be in touch with you. Praying your ministry continues to grow. Still miss Chilton!

  4. Bebe

    Kristi,,You c,ontinually amze me. All the things I need too think about y,ou hit the point.I have to be honest and admit I never even cosidered praying for the Obamas infest read thinking terrible thoughts and wishes for them..Noow I am so ashamed after reading your piece,thank you sweetie for helping to make me think twice,love ,

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      No ma'am. I felt a little ashamed too, but I guess we should just call ourselves enlightened. I will try better to pray for our leaders. It's just that we already have lots on our prayer plate, don't we? Love you Bebe!


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