A Prayer for Daughters

Dear Good and Gracious Father, 

Thank you for the gift of a daughter.

Help her to be wise and cautious so she won't fall.
But when she does stumble, may she look to you to help her up.

May the mirror not be the place she searches for beauty.

Make known the difference in pretty and beautiful; giving each its proper place in her life.
Help her not to mistake a unique physical feature as a blemish.

May she embrace the way you made her; only seeking to eliminate that which isn't from you.

Help her to see flaw in others as opportunity to extend grace.

May she be reminded that you prefer to carry her sin and shame instead of her hiding it or hanging on to it.

Help her to forgive and to know she is forgiven.

Rather than foolishly praying that she's not tempted, I pray she'll recognize temptation and flee from it. When she doesn't, call her away.

Teach her that fear can be a friend who, when approached correctly, will point her to you.

May she properly feed hunger.
May she be spiritually well-fed but know she has room for more.

Make her a better friend, Lord, and thank you that on lonely days you are her friend.

May she seek your instruction more than YouTube.

Be her counsel even when she forgets to seek help. When she forgets to ask for help, please remind her.

Convict her when she looks for answers in wrong places.

Let love, though only four letters, be the biggest word in her life; a small-packaged force that sustains and drives her.

Make known to her the difference in counterfeit love and love that comes from you, the only legitimate source. 

Help her know that obedience and respect are roadsigns on the path to healthy independence.

Keep her mindful that freedom is found in dependence on you.

Allow her to see how her yesterday informs her tomorrow.
Let her cast away that which you see as futile.
Help her cherish those things in your treasury.

May she realize that risk isn't always bad just as safe isn't always good. 

More important than her knowing her potential and her tirelessly striving to reach it, may she rest, knowing her potential is found in you.

I pray for the one you have planned for her, but may she and I both always realize that there's no one more for her than you.

May she first see these things in me.


A Prayer for a Son

5 thoughts on “A Prayer for Daughters

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  2. Glenda Winseck

    Love reading your prayers Kristi. You take the deepest most heart felt feelings a mother has for her child and express them so beautifully. As I prayed this prayer, these deep feelings become a wonderful relief instead of a fear or worry, I simply gave it to God.

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      You really said it Glenda. I can be an anxious, tightly wound person. Prayer calms so much of my fear. I believe writing does too. If it's written down and prayed over there's a sense of release of my control and some relief too. Thank you for always being such an encouragement.


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