When Brother and Sister Work Together

Hayden and Hallie are getting along.  It's horrible.  Usually they antagonize each other then go back to their separate lives, watching TV or talking to friends.  When they're not getting along and need intervention I come on the scene , in control, and appropriately put them in their place.

Jason bought tools this weekend so that Hayden could do much-needed yard work.  Hayden is weeding the flower beds and getting rid of old mulch.  He talked to Hallie about being his assistant.  She gladly agreed.  They started working together yesterday.

This morning as they came in for a quick water break I made a contentious comment to Hayden.  I wasn't surprised when Hayden disagreed, but the look I got from Hallie......  She looked at me in disapproval, silently saying "Don't look at me, I'm with him".  This is the first time this has ever happened.  I am still in disbelief.  When Hayden left the room, Hallie plead his cause. They're ganging up on me.

In the midst of this turmoil, my sister texted me and asked how things were going.  I told her how terrible my morning had been and that I thought might rather have Hayden and Hallie fighting.  When they stand in unison I don't hold the same sway as when it's me and one of them. Today I felt defeated and without influence.

I wonder what influence we as Christians have in the world when we're divided. I have observed certain groups lately in our nation who have rallied together under common purpose.  Even when the purpose is wrong, they have influence. Those around them stop and take notice.  As Christians we hold a common purpose for good.  We have a mission to share the love of Jesus even to those who hold nothing but contempt for us. They might rather us fight.  We are misguided to think they will listen when they don't  see us loving each other. It just might make a difference if we come together; in work and in love. Today I encountered something new and quite astounding-

I found what can be accomplished when brother and sister work together.

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6 thoughts on “When Brother and Sister Work Together

  1. Paul Baker

    I saw a cartoon this week.  It ended with Jesus saying "Look at it this way, Lisa: when they are killing Christians simply because they are Christians, don't all your differences just miraculously melt away?"

    Much of what I perceive locally is lack of information (we do not know what each group is doing) - at least between denominations that do not mind working together.  I am not sure how information sharing can be improved when it cannot even be disseminated inside each local church.

    1. Kristiburden

      I think you're right.  Maybe we're too busy. I think taking more opportunity to study, fellowship and work together would make a difference.

      1. Kristiburden

        You're stirring things up Paul 🙂 Don't know if you got notified, but Kristina DeVillier responded to you.

        1. Paul Baker

          Stirring things up?  Not me.  I'm just a boring guy.  I have lots of ideas on communication between denominations but it is inside the church that is more difficult for me.  Lack of data prevents me from getting a good answer.

  2. Kristina

    I got tickled when I read the part of Hallie giving you a disapproving look and then pleading his case. I guess as the old saying goes, "Be careful of what you wish for."  And yes, when they are united, it does feel like you've lost power. lol

    In response to Paul, I have a friend who feels the same way about working inter-denominationally. As a result, his family put together a 501-c3 organization called the Barnabas Society to try and overcome the division so they could carry out important projects in our community.  I haven't checked in lately to see how things are going with them. Something I need to do.

    I think that this not only happens between denominations, it also happens within the church.  It is not only information. It is with ministries, power, resources, and goals.  I know that our mission is The Great Commission--Mathew 28:18-19  Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

    I think churches tend to focus on bringing people into the fold.  This seems to be one goal that is a united goal.  I think that in most other areas we are not like minded enough.  Just my two sense.

    1. Kristiburden

      I agree Kristina. Out of curiosity I looked up the verses preceding verse 18.  It was after the disciples went to Galilee and worshiped that Jesus came to them and sent them out. I think the more we worship "intimately" together, the better we will be united for what he has prepared for us to do.


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