Picking up Pennies

They're found in couch cushions and deep in pockets.  Long left in ashtrays and piggybanks, pennies sit untouched.

I swept and vacuumed our house for weeks ignoring one in the corner of the living room.

I knew my dad would be ashamed, so I finally decided to pick it up.  Groceries in hand I picked one up in the parking lot a few days ago.


Because my dad has told me to never leave a penny lying.

"They have value", he tells me.

The world tells me otherwise.  A penny won't get you much.

In a world where we race to meet demanding schedules there's no time for picking up pennies.  We're much more interested in that schedule; and in dollars. If it were a dollar lying on the ground we'd be much more likely to reach down.

-Kind of reminds me of people.

All too often I race; my eyes only adjusted to those in my path.  I speak to those I need to speak to.  I have to send that email.  I've got to be at that meeting.  Well intended quick waves and sincere smiles are exchanged along the way....... in passing.

But I'm missing priceless pennies along the way.

I'm not seeing those who need to be picked up and encouraged.  Shamefully there are those pennies I see- like the one I ignored by my couch for weeks.  It stays in its place waiting.

Like the urging of my own dad, God wants us to keep our eyes wide open.  I know he's provided earthly saints for me when I've needed a kind word or a little help.

- A precious penny who has made my life richer  

We're all of great value to our Father.

He reached down in an unfathomable way to pick us up.  We were each lost and have become found through his death on the cross.

16 This is how we know what love is:

 Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

 And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.

1 John 3:16

Lay down that broom.  Put down those groceries.  Turn off that TV.

Look, listen. Go.

There are those lost and alone.  They're waiting to be picked up.  See the value in each soul.

 Be like your Father.

Don't forget to come back Thursday for "A Thursday for Your Thoughts".  I finally talked my mom into sharing. If you feel God is leading you to share on a Thursday coming up, send me an email.

I'd love to hear from you- kristiburden@gmail.com






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