A Thursday for Your Thoughts: Fragile

I've highjacked "A Thursday for Your Thoughts".  I'm slowly getting back into my groove, forgive me.  But don't fret, two awesome women are lined up for the next two Thursdays.  Until then, bear with me.

I sent one off to school today without her homework.  I also sent her to school to face two little girls who have reminded her time and time again that she "can't play with them" and that "we already told you, we're not your friend".  To top it off, her eyes are still underlined with gray from being sick with the flu for six days.

I sent her to school fragile.


It's one of the worst things about being a mom; some of the best things being band- aids and warm chocolate chip cookies.  I love being able to give my kids things that bring them comfort and things that put a smile on their face.

I sent her off to school to face possible pain and rejection.  These words which are necessary to growth are like dirty words.  I would gladly shield my children from these experiences if it were in my power.

Rylie didn't have her homework sheet yesterday.  It must have been left on her desk.  I could explain to you why it's reasonable that her paper didn't get home, but reason doesn't change the fact that she's showing up today without her homework. She'll more than likely be sitting out for recess today and "changing her color" which will hurt her feelings terribly as she never gets her color changed.

As difficult as it is for her to pay a consequence without any malicious behavior, what if this experience teaches her that pain is a part of life.  There are sometimes consequences that come from forgetfulness and sometimes from no misdeed at all.

There is pain in this life. Pain seeks comfort and healing; as her mom I want to teach her who brings about true relief.

Rejection is inevitable too.  I can't ensure, though I've racked my brain trying, that Rylie won't ever be bullied on the playground.  I can't make sure that she doesn't swing alone.  Unlike Samantha on the show Bewitched, even if I were on the playground I couldn't button closed unkind mouths with a wiggle of my nose.

I can't always fix it. She will experience meanness and will sometimes be alone.  Sometimes she won't be chosen.

Fragile means being vulnerable and helpless,

but fragile is beautiful.

Fragile is encompassed by care.

My daughter, in her fragile state is cared for.  She's prayed for; and even if she wasn't she hasn't escaped God's attention.

Though Rylie won't escape pain, and I am helpless to fix it- God is all-powerful and ever-present. 

He will hold her hand.

He will teach her.

HE will grow her; not me.

Maybe I need reminding, that's how I'm getting to know God.  In my need.  From rejection.  In the realization of my imperfection.  By being fragile.


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