Why I’m Sort of a Superhero and Why You are too

Right in the midst of making  healthy breakfast smoothies and unloading dishes this morning I grabbed a Marvel glass from the top rack of the dishwasher.  Spiderman came across my line of vision and I recalled buying the set of superhero glasses.  They were cute and eclectic and a last attempt to preserve some boyishness in Hayden.

I looked at Spiderman, between my fingers, and believe it or not, I thought about myself.  I thought about you too.

You see, Spiderman is both a nerd and at the same time a champion.  He's a bit goofy, but he's the stuff good stories are made of............  Kind of like moms.

I realized it just this morning. I'm sort of a hero.  You are too.

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Don't think that it's easy for me to say that.  My costume isn't nearly as cool as Spiderman's.  I hardly wear it anymore.  When I do, it consists of apparel that hides my muffin top waist.  (They sell Spanx undershirts now.  I got mine at TJ Maxx.)

Spiderman is plastered on posters and t-shirts and graces the cover of comic books.  That's not me.

Most days I'm Peter Parker.

Behind the scene I'm "busting it" trying to keep those closest, out of harm's way; I'm talking about big harm, like car accidents and being abducted.

 "Text me when you get there."  "Walk with a friend."  "Go the back way so you can avoid the busy highway."

When it comes to keeping my kids safe, my Spidey Sense is always in action.

In addition to my attempts to keep my kids safe, I work tirelessly to keep them from lesser harms.  Eyes in the back of my head, I see one of them throw their gum wrapper on the floor or flick their sister, and I stop them.   I rescue them from becoming too terribly messy or antagonizing.

My never-quitting mom powers, though rooted in love and justice, are seldom appreciated. I'll bet you can relate.

Our kids often see us as Mary Jane sees Peter and just as Lois Lane sees Clark Kent initially, well almost until the end of the story -trying too hard,  and -not that exciting.

Still, we try our darndest to protect and rescue.

We make sure they have clean socks and we check their grades.

We remind them to brush their teeth and to avoid gossip.

We take them to the doctor when they run a fever.

When they're being selfish and small, we call them on it.

We're heroes in disguise, guided by a loving Father; One who has given us our charge.

Proverbs 31-

She.....works with eager hands.

She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her task.

She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.

(Though she's had the same hairstyle for the past eight years and she's become a little puffy)

She is clothed in strength and dignity

(Some days she's weary from exhaustion and most days she wonders why her children don't see how deeply she cares for them. But....)

She can laugh at the days to come

Her children rise and call her blessed; her husband also.

Your Super Hero costume may lack dazzle and pizzaz.  It may even be invisible, for a time, to those you most wish to admire it.  But with it you've been given mom power and responsibility.  It's a privilege. Wear it.







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