Do Not Enter

I made an Amazon purchase a couple of weeks ago. It's a roll of red "Do Not Enter" tape.

I bought it on a whim when I realized again that the kids habitually go upstairs to their rooms to be singly entertained by their technology. But I can't just complain about them. They'd snitch that there have been a hundred times they're telling me something, but I'm spaced-out on my IPhone.

The red "Do Not Enter" roll has layed on the counter alongside my good intentions for a couple of weeks now. Honestly we have been too busy to spend time together; either Hayden is gone or we're running to piano lessons or picking Hallie up from band practice.

I've learned that spending time together isn't always convenient. While I long for Kumbaya experiences, our "family time" is of the drive through, swing by nature. Still, last night I unrolled the red tape.  I took a yard of it and I tied it to the bottom of our stairway, "Do Not Enter", with instructions to stay downstairs.... in the same room.

Don't worry, the kids had been warned.  I didn't want a revolt so I broke out the snacks and we popped in Monster's U.  I know... I know, a movie isn't the best form of time together, but it's a start. The kids were surprisingly pleasant about the whole experience. I however, if given a grade by the kids, would not receive the standard 95 participation grade.  I texted.  I peeked at my emails.  I missed Hallie's favorite part. Sitting perfectly still on the couch, my mind was a swarm.  I was absent,

We're going to do this again; snacks, games, conversation, giggles.............

And I'll put the "Do Not Enter" tape on the stairway.  But our next scheduled together time will start with a prayer.  I'll be asking God's help in guarding my "Holy of Holies" that spirit of mine that welcomes too much.  I'll ask his help in saying:

Do Not Enter, Cares of the World.

Keep out, Social Media.

Stay away, Worries and Frustrations.

No trespassing, List of Chores.

The best fortune isn't found by chase or solving the world's greatest problems. Fortune is found at home, together with family.

P.S. I have a hundred extra yards of my "Do Not Enter" tape.  Anyone?


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