Peace for Your Pouting

Cling to what is good
Cling to what is good

This is a picture of me; being nice...and happy.  That isn't what this post is about. I'm talking about something shameful and regrettable.

I pouted yesterday; a great big drawn-out out audible pout. You might could even use the word "fit". Something didn't go my way. Well, the whole day didn't go my way, and then late yesterday afternoon I just went stupid.

The worst part?

Hallie was sitting right beside me listening to me carry on. I complained incessantly like a broken record replaying a single bad tune. My episode reminded me of the only spanking I fully remember getting as a child. I think I've written about that before, but for any therapeutic value there might in it be for me, I'll recount the episode again.

My older sister always got the best jobs at home. One of mine was to dust the 489 figurines my mom had on shelves that covered one fourth of the living room, like I was Cinderella or something. I had to set the table for meals too. Vicki got to help cook, but not me, even though I wanted to. (That's probably why I can't cook, Mom!)   And so one evening instead of setting the table, I shared my displeasure with everybody in the house, for about fifteen minutes. Until my dad made me stop. (The End.)

I'm the strong-willed kiddo in my family. –Which can be good if your will is for good. Jason and I have a strong-willed one who I'm hoping won't have a terrible struggle with peer pressure. She's determined. Positive determination is good. The problem comes for stubborn people when something they work to make happen, doesn't happen and they just. can't. get. over. it.

Despite preparation and passion, sometimes things still don't turn out the way you want them to.

It's reasonable to be disappointed. But I was reminded last night by my own show, that the display of our disappointment matters.

My display was regrettable.

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29

My unwholesome word count was longer than this post.

At some point during blustery, cold last night I resolved to pray. It probably started out as an ugly prayer, if there is such a thing. But the prayer quickly turned to desperation knowing I needed divine intervention. And I vowed to do the impossible……to be quiet…..

while I waited for God to do his work in me.

Faithful, like he is, he took my ugliness and replaced it with peace and perspective.

I share this with you because it's God story; bad news meets Good News again.

Disappointment calls for a prayer appointment.

You will keep in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you; because he trusts in you. Isaiah 26:3

For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Romans 8:6

Pray always.

Especially when you're pouty



4 thoughts on “Peace for Your Pouting

  1. Jennifer Brown

    Oh, dear friend ... This was perfect timing ... I just had a pouting episode this morning which was followed by regret. Thank you for being real, human, and honest - it helps others see they are okay. Thank you for the godly reminders and that God is waiting for us to seek Him and follow His way - something that is impossible to do on our own. I love you much! (Loved "disappointment calls for a prayer appointment")

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      I'm glad!! Been meaning to respond to your other comment. Life won't stop. Busy, busy year which makes me have more of "those episodes". Love you much and really wish we could meet up sometime!!!

  2. JoAnna

    I have been there and done that many times
    very wise words Kristi I needed that! I know like me and probably many more have lots of pouting days Be still and quite and know that HE is GOD!


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