My Father in law, the Legend

For my father in law

...but first, let me back up....

I'm a cradle robber.  Jason will gladly tell you that , though it's not nearly as bad as he makes it sound. I was a junior in high school when he was a sophomore. He was the first guy I had serious feelings for and I was the first girl he was serious about. That had to have been an adjustment for his family. 

He would basically come straight to my house after football practice and then stay until twelve minutes before his curfew; just enough time to make it home on time, stirring up a massive cloud of dust on the dirt roads between my house and his. 

His dad accepted and included me immediately. I was invited over every week for breakfast before school started.

.......the scrambled eggs that man has fed me. 

He has always been ready to give a compliment and has always been good for exciting conversation. To top it off, he was a local legend always with a story to tell -on and off the mic. 


After Jason and I had both graduated from high school, the plan was to go to college, graduate, and then get married. Anxious to start our lives together, Jason and I decided on a different plan. Without having a lot of important ducks in a row, we decided to get married one year after high school, two years for me. 


Jason's High School Graduation
Hayden's Graduation

We were planning a wedding Jason's first year of college without having given much thought on the marriage or how we'd financially support ourselves. We just knew we wanted to be together. 

I'll never forget the first time Jason's parents came to Canyon (where Jason and I were attending college) after we got engaged. I knew, probably at least subconsciously, his parents were probably thinking of those ducks we were leaving out of row. 

Shortly after his parents arrived, Jason's dad called me out in the hall. (Boy was I nervous.) He asked to see my ring and in few words expressed his love and support. 

I knew then that I was privileged to be gaining two awesome men in my life. 

Paul, my father-in-law is tops. He has been from the start. From making sure I held Hayden's head stable during his first newborn bath at home to saying "You're doing a good job" along the way when I need it the most, he's a great help. He and my mother in law (she's super too) are a constant support.  

To my Father-in-law:

You're an awesome egg maker. Your steak's not so bad either. You get creds for Hayden's top-notch storytelling skills and the way he can strike up a conversation with any old Joe. You're one of the men in Hallie and Rylie's lives who serves as an example of a good man. You're the kind of grandpa worthy of wearing the #1 Grandpa hat. You're more fun than a barrel of monkeys. The things I see in Jason that came from you are things I'm thankful for, one example is that fun-loving nature. (You also both grow impressive facial hair). I married well when I married Jason. 

I'm thankful that getting you as a father-in-law was part of the deal. 


Happy Father's Day weekend to the best Father-in-law a girl could ask for

Love is patient, love is kind... Thanks for being both.


One thought on “My Father in law, the Legend

  1. joAnna

    Beautifully written for Father's day to all Father's and Father-inlaw's! I was blessed with a sweet Dad and father' -in-law Miss them! Happy Fathers day Jason and all the Father's out there have a blessed day and enjoy with your families!


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