A Fresh Look on Life


I found a skull in our yard yesterday morning. It must have blown in with the storm. I smiled disturbingly to myself as I added it to my list of yucky things that have popped up in the past week. And I left that dumb skull there as a trophy of sorts awarded to a most pitiful participant. 


I mentioned a list. I do have one; an actual list. 

I texted it to a few of my friends. I included all the woes that came to mind, including the leaky ceiling in our living room. I also felt it pertinent to mention that our dryer door has to be shut more than twenty times before it catches. I made known that strep had made a visit along with a hoard of large, extra buzzy flies this past weekend. My finger  furiously tapped out each egregious event.

These are things are on my current list, but I have many. 

I share them by verbal complaints , texts and posts. I have private aggravations too. They're on record.  I have a mental pen that flows freely, noting each frustrating event that, just like that skull, rolls on the scene. 

I'm a phenomenal record keeper. 

Here's a record of our youngest daughter's six pair of eyewear in the past four years. 






New ones on order

She's lost three pair of glasses. I still have the red pair of "outgrown" Candies that were too tight over a year ago. (Why do I still have them?). The pair of blue glasses that we just bought in August were broken beyond repair last week. She took a tumble on the sidewalk and busted her knee and her glasses. 

We picked out new ones today. We're anxiously waiting for them because good vision is important. They have flecks of yellow and purple and other bright colors.  

While I smiled at Rylie's fresh look in the mirror at the Wal Mart Vision Center, I decided I'm in need of improved vision too.  The lenses I look through are distorted. I often see all that is wrong. 

I came to the elementary conclusion today that negative list-making is understandable in a short-sighted sort of way, but it's not profitable. 

Sure, there will be days and sometimes months where you feel like mini plagues have taken up residence in your home. Woes will weigh on your heart. Your sadness and irritation will make sense as you read and reread the record of wrongs. 

I've had to break it to myself...Pity parties aren't scriptural. 

Allowing ourselves to be swept up and kept up by the yuck of life is contrary  to Paul's God-given advice in Philippians. That man has told me and told me, but I listen about as good as my kids do. 

We're to have intentional focus. 

...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.

I think I only hear the "whatever..." part. 

 It's high time for a new kind of list-making. It's time for a fresh look at life. 

So, friends, I love your sympathy. Really I do. But I give you permission to aid in correcting my negative Nancy attitude. In lieu of sympathy, I will accept gentle correction, your prayers and candy bars. Prayer and candy bars always help. 

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One thought on “A Fresh Look on Life

  1. Brandi

    Thanks for this! I tend to do the same and I need to see the good not the bad. I found out last week I have an infection on my finger and had to go through cleaning and bandaging once again and it really had me discouraged but sometimes these things happen. I'm not asking for anyone to feel sorry for me but I am asking for prayers that my Dr has good news for me tomorrow. Thanks again for the great read.: ) It made me think of all the worrying I do and I just need to give it to God. ; )


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