Close the Bag Already

Every time we pass through Centerville Texas we stop at Woody's Smokehouse. It doesn't matter if we need gas or food or to stretch our feet. The kids have a standing date with the machine that make"For Real Milkshakes". I, without hesitation, grab a bag of cherry sours. I have an alliance with those things. 
An hour ago we made our stop. We were hungry so we got sandwiches from the deli. I plucked a bag of cherry sours from a hook on a pegboard wall of assorted candies. I hardly give those other bags a glance. 

As we pull out on highway 7, I pull our purchases out of paper bags and pass them out like Christmas gifts. I then open my Dr Pepper bottle and swig satisfaction. 

Today I thought I was smart. I opened my bag of cherry sours, got a handful, closed the bag and PUT IT IN THE BACKSEAT. I removed the temptation of those red devils. 

Proud of myself I turned up the radio ready to sing to some Alan Jackson. That's when Jason pulls out a bag of chocolate covered almonds. I forgot about those guys. He sets them right between us on the console, a truelove offering. 

Giddy I grab a handful because chocolate covered almonds are a close second to my cherry candies. 

 I grab another. Jason and I take turns clutching handfuls. Before we know it, half the Texas size bag is gone and I realize where we made our error. We left the bag open. 

It's way too easy to eat partake of them when they're in plain sight...and when they're opened. 

I learned a similar lesson not so long ago regarding my tendency to participate in toxic situations. "Let's play this thing out," I say. It's like the game of Monopoly I played with my brother in my twenties that lasted forever where I'm pretty sure we both lost. 

My initial involvement is not my fault. I responsibly put my cherry sours in the backseat when Jason flashes chocolate in front of my face. I get drawn in.

It's just like those Facebook posts and news article comments that show up six times in a two minute scroll. I just can't help myself. I read and then fix my mind on the most outlandish string of nonsensical words I can find and I lament at what the world's coming to. 

We're on sabbatical as I told you in my last post. I've a list of things I want to improve upon. Gaining a little self control would be at the top... Stepping up to remove temptation when it's in my power. 

Close the bag already. 

And when it's not in my power to remove the temptation I want to learn to remove myself from it. Now excuse me while I crawl into the way  back of the car. 

Pray for me friends.

Don't forget to subscribe to hear  about our sabbath adventure. (And you thought you were getting a break from us...)

Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord. Psalm 1:1-2

2 thoughts on “Close the Bag Already

  1. JoAnna

    Kristi with all the experiences you will have day by day you need to write daily as you go and compile it into a book titled "Sabbatical trip With Pastor Husband"

  2. Donna Loupe

    Kristi your writings always inspire me to check out my own weaknesses and try to improve my spiritual state as well. Thank you for your insight.


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