Monthly Archives: January 2013


Silence.  It's ironic to talk about it.  But I will.

It may come as no surprise that I like to talk.

I remember a grueling silence my first year of teaching.  I had witnessed a situation involving a fellow teacher and an administrator's son. In question was a refused bird house entry into a contest. I was the key witness in the matter.

The principal sat with his fist neatly folded as he looked at me from the other side of his desk stone-faced.  I told what I had observed.  As I finished, he stared, wordless.  My mind quickly raced.  (Was I leaving out any important information? Was he wanting my opinion?) He continued his gaze while I squirmed in the nothingness.  And then I did what any normal person would do.  I started relaying the same account; again.

He cut me off about twenty seconds into my replay,  "You don't have to talk.  I heard you the first time".

No words have caught me quite off-guard like those words.  It's fourteen years later and I remember that conversation (if that's what you call it).  Of course it hasn't stopped me from telling and retelling even life's mundane events; sharing my thoughts on things earth shattering to the trivial.  My Dad has said my mom and I take longer to tell things than the actual event.

I talk too much when I'm nervous.

And I talk too much when I'm perfectly comfortable.

Because of my incessant talking, I listen too little.

Do you see a man who is hasty in his words? There is more hope for a fool than for him. -Proverbs 29:20  Youch!!! (exclamation and emphasis mine)

A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.  -Proverbs 18:2

My prayer?  I don't exactly know;  I'm trying to say less. I simply know that anything God has to say, holds more value than my babbling and even my most thought-out words.  I want to learn to be silent.  And in the silence I want to hear.

I can't get out of my mind a time when I let silence speak.  A young woman I had never met, lost her four-year old son in a drowning accident.  He was in Hallie's Pre-K class.  Jason did the funeral.  I had rehearsed, as I often do, what I would say to her given the chance.  Those attending, exited by the casket to give their condolences to the grief-stricken woman. I knew that I had nothing to say though my heart ached for her.  So I simply grabbed her hand and held it for what seemed like eternity. It was one of the most powerful moments of my life.  In the silence God spoke for me.  He spoke to me.  That moment speaks to me still.

When have you been spoken to in the silence?




I had a cookie date in the kitchen with the youngest last night.  I'm eating up the last hours with them before school steals them away on Monday.  Girl time. Everything was perfect; that is until Rylie dunked her Oreo in my milk.

My once pure milk was now disgraced by crumbs.


Kids do that you know.


I'm warning those of you who think you know your kid, only to be surprised when they slam dunk in your milk.

For you young mothers or mothers of the future, you may not have experienced this disappointment yet (husbands, though are also known for spoiling the milk). You work so hard to train them to be just like you, then find yourself swallowing a few soggy crumbs.

Crumbs in your milk

You give your to heart to inspiring kids to read and your kids use their Kindle for the purpose of iTunes and Temple Run.

Despite their intelligence and friendly personality (inherited no doubt), they have no interest in student council and "forget" every time there's a tryout for UIL.

They show you where they want their first tattoo even though you made them promise when they were three that they wouldn't get one.

They frown and roll their eyes at the cute pair of deck shoes you hold up only to point you to some oversized, flourescent-colored, clown-looking high tops.  And they don't even play basketball.

Or according to your perception of their talents and nature, you carefully choose their future career and life path only to find out your daughter wants to be a rapper.

And get ready.  You may invite your first-born to have cookies and milk with you, but he's too busy now with friends.

This is going to happen.  Just a few tips to remember:

They won't like everything you like.  That's ok.  The world doesn't need two you's.  Your horizons may just be expanded.  (This doesn't mean you have to like rap).

They may not be interested or even involved in curricular/extracurricular activities of your choosing.  Be more interested in building character than busy schedules. Listen to them and learn about them instead of using every breath to teach them.

Help dress them in the armor of God and worry less about those tacky shoes they wear that won't even fit in six months.

Enjoy them while they're in your grasp.

Crumbs are inevitable.  Hug your crumb-makers.  Teach them.  Love them.  Pray for those cookie- dunkers.  Cherish them, crumbs and all. They make life sweet.

Dedicated to the World's Greatest Cookies-Hayden, Hallie and Rylie


Recap from yesterday:

Capture life's fleeting moments.

Life is best unposed.


Behind the Lens-Viewing Life

I had the privilege of taking Senior pictures for siblings Magan and Austin.  Two days of photographing in cold and rainy weather brought about worries of soggy moods and less than sunny pictures.  With rain, low temperatures and skirt-blowing wind, our setting was limited.  But I had marvelous subjects.  And as a bonus, the imposed weather and setting set-back, taught me a few things about taking pictures...... and life.

Some of the most unassuming places make for the best backdrops. In picture-taking and  life-making, explore the unassuming.

A couple of pictures were taken from atop an air conditioning unit.  Without the right perspective, my eyes were focused on a busy background.

  In picture and in life, notice when your perspective needs changing.

Busy backdrops are all too common.  Simplify.


Life is black and white and bright with vivid color.  Don't fool yourself into thinking it's one or the other.  Appreciate both.

Don't let cold and rainy days stop you from your memory-making.  On warmer days you'll look back to beauty preserved and the cold won't sting quite so bad.

Make room for some "silly".

Snap away.  Nobody looks back and says, "I made too many memories".

Behind the Lens

I've always been fond of picture taking.  Maybe because taking pictures means that I'm not the one who's being photographed.  I was reminded by Hallie yesterday of the duress that often comes with being a photographed subject.

  "Tuck in your chin just a bit.  Tilt your head toward the left.  Sit up straight and smile."

I remember when my turn would come up, having my picture taken for the school yearbook.  I dreaded facing the camera, but only half as much as I dreaded getting the white envelope with a plastic window exposing 2 5x7's and 48 wallet me's staring awkwardly with a braced smile.

There's something I'm learning about picture-taking.  I am learning slowly, but I am learning.  True picture-taking means looking through the lens and attempting to capture the essence of beauty undisturbed.

Butterflies don't smile and sunsets don't sit still.  In all our efforts to make things look just like we want them we may be missing a sweet fleeting moment.

I intend to dictate less and open my eyes

for then there will be smiling behind the lens.


Life is best unposed!



are life's decorations


Even when tucked away

2012's Best Decorations

Prison Revival

Hallie and Rylie's Twirling Recital

Finding close beachfront to hangout on during Summer days with the perfect fruit stand just yards away

Rylie learning to ride her bike

The private star parties attended by Rylie and I

Every Friday with Jason

Visits with old friends and family

Hayden turning sixteen and getting his truck

Mine and Hallie's special girl dates for prayer and DQ Blizzards

Rylie making friends of all ages at the allergy clinic

Fireworks at Magic Kingdom in Disney World

Another Summer week at Fun Valley, Colorado-trying to hunt down Johnny Depp filming Lone Ranger while we were there

Ma's Book Jardi's Journey being published

Discovering Willy Burger

Rylie learning to read

Starting our God's Girlies Family and making lots of new sisters

My Sushi dates with Hayden

2013 is here

How about some

Decoration Anticipation

What was your favorite decoration from 2012?