Memories: Life’s Decorations


are life's decorations


Even when tucked away

2012's Best Decorations

Prison Revival

Hallie and Rylie's Twirling Recital

Finding close beachfront to hangout on during Summer days with the perfect fruit stand just yards away

Rylie learning to ride her bike

The private star parties attended by Rylie and I

Every Friday with Jason

Visits with old friends and family

Hayden turning sixteen and getting his truck

Mine and Hallie's special girl dates for prayer and DQ Blizzards

Rylie making friends of all ages at the allergy clinic

Fireworks at Magic Kingdom in Disney World

Another Summer week at Fun Valley, Colorado-trying to hunt down Johnny Depp filming Lone Ranger while we were there

Ma's Book Jardi's Journey being published

Discovering Willy Burger

Rylie learning to read

Starting our God's Girlies Family and making lots of new sisters

My Sushi dates with Hayden

2013 is here

How about some

Decoration Anticipation

What was your favorite decoration from 2012?

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