Contentment on “Dumb Days”

I used the word "dumb" a lot yesterday. Like, a whole lot. I have a mental list of grievances that occurred. The list sounded something like "doctor's's office hasn't called"...

Today's revelation is that my attitude is in need of some reminders that come from my favorite chapter in the bible, Philippians 4.  

I once tried to memorize the whole chapter. It's seven paragraphs.  I've read them enough that all the words are familiar, but I wasn't successful. 

Then I attempted to memorize verse eight in my desire to be a more content "not dumb focused" person. 

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8

It isn't that long. I had it memorized at one time, but some other (probably useless) information slipped into its place. I had an acronym to help me remember  those things which I was to "think on"...things that are







Excellent or Praiseworthy

I can easily come up with another acronym to help me hold tight to these eight words that provide proper perspective and give God his due glory. And I probably will. But today a new, a much shorter phrase in chapter 4 is being repeated like grace heartbeat. 

I have learned to be content. 

...I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. Philippians 4:11

This half a verse isn't necessarily full of beautiful language or a fiery pep talk, but it speaks a simple truth I needed to be reminded of. 

Contentment isn't an easily mastered way of life. It isn't achieved through simple memorization. We're a complaining people. Grumbling is our default. 

Yesterday I had to coach myself not to abuse my kids with my crankiness. So I stayed pretty quiet. To my shock and amazement, one of my own offspring bragged about how blessed her life is. On a Monday afternoon, mind you, she went straight to her room, did her homework, cleaned her closet (you'd have to see her closet), and bagged up her old clothes for donation. Another one of my kids followed her lead. And yet another kid, when offered a suggestion about how to be better about cleaning his space EVERY DAY, responded that my request "was totally reasonable". Somebody pinch me. 

One kid shared yesterday that they had been "spiritually enlightened" at church the day before and all three kids jumped in the car with me to take our clothes bags to the donation box. They even agreed to take a selfie with me (which didn't turn out that awesome, but I wasn't going to push my luck asking for multiple pictures). 

I found contentment yesterday, not in anything lovely or admirable I'd done, but in others who have so graciously been put in my life. They don't act that way everyday. Strike that. Yesterday their inspiration and cooperation was like something out of the twilight zone.  

But here's the thing worth reflecting on. 

Contentment is learned by practice. For some of us? Lots of practice. Contentment doesn't come natural, but through a concerted effort of focusing on better perspective. God works with slow learners. 

Contentment is found outside ourself; sometimes outside our circumstance. We find satisfaction and peace through some other soul(s) shining a light on God's goodness. Especially on "dumb" days. 
God's never short on goodness. His goodness surrounds us. He offers us his peace when we are faithful to give thanksgiving in everything through "prayer and petition". 

Paul tells us in Philippians 4 that "he has learned" to be content. I have learned to be content too.   I'm just still learning how to be good at it. 

4 thoughts on “Contentment on “Dumb Days”

  1. Faye Bledsoe

    This is so hard;;;to be content what ever the circumstances are...when the pain won't go away or worry about grandchildren sets in....But God is good and will help when we ask...Thank you Kristi for your ya, Faye


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