The Good Fight in Marriage 

I had a hankering today for a tasty frozen fruit dessert (that I'd just been introduced to hours before). After grabbing Hallie from the high school we trotted over to Market Basket to get the ingredients (except I forgot the Cool Whip and accidentally picked up a family size bag of Doritos we didn't need). 

In minutes we were in the check out line; my eyes instinctively dropping down and to my left. You know what's there don't you? 

I looked at the trusty old rack holding issues of Southern Living and Texas Monthly.  I think I glanced at a yummy looking dish on one cover, but I can't be sure. My eyes are typically averted, focusing on the more interesting magazines right above. I need my weekly shock. 

My Granny instilled in me a fascination for big news. She kept a current copy of the Enquirer, or other tabloid, in her bathroom. Nobody was ever able to do their business in less than fifteen minutes when they came to visit Granny. 

Now, just so you know.

OK tells us that Angie is seeking revenge on Brad by stealing his clothes. 

Drake and J. Lo are heating up. 

While these tidbits are fascinating,  one headline stole my attention. It was the latest dish on Chris Pratt (Guardians of the Galaxy) and his wife Anna. 

Get ready for it. 

Chris and Anna...are fighting to save their marriage. 

I kind of wish I'd bought a copy now. 

Are they reporting this as bad news? I don't need the details. I mean, I wouldn't stop you if you started telling me, but (hypothetically) I don't need to know if the nanny is trying to steal him away or if Anna just can't handle him being an uninvolved dad. 

All I know is that tabloid covers are usually reserved for bad news, unless you're the guy that lost four hundred pounds in eleven months. 

Chris and Anna fighting to save their marriage? 

This is good news. That is, if it's really even news at all. 

They probably are fighting just like most  couples do. 

Please inform me if your experience is different, but couples fight. Some fight fair and some don't, but husbands and wives do squabble and disagree. 

(So if.    ...scratch that...) when we as couples fight in marriage, here's the big question 

Are we also fighting  for our marriage?  

That's what the article title suggests Chris Pratt and Anna are doing. They're fighting to save...

Are you fighting to save? 

Or are you just fighting, with little intention and effort in place to improve the situation for the both of you. 

Maybe you're not fighting at all. Maybe you've resorted to silence or to going your own way. 

A good and necessary battle 

  • Requires that you remember you're on the same team 
  • May require recruits (a counselor, trusted friends who love you both)
  • May involve individual loss or defeat for the sake of a war being won for the marriage. 
  • Is best fought with God in its center 

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12

Battles are fought and lost. But we ought to be warring for our marriage. 

Sign up as a recruit for the marriage of loved ones. Be faithful for them in prayer.  

Here's to twenty plus years (and still fighting). 

4 thoughts on “The Good Fight in Marriage 

  1. Kristina DeVillier

    My mother always said that sometimes you need a good fight to clear the air. lol
    Fighting is normal. I think if there is no fighting that is when there are problems. No two people can always agree on everything all the time. My neighbor told me that she grew up in a house where there wasn't ever any fighting. In her family, it was her parents and her brother and herself. Her husband on the other hand came out of a family with 12 children (if I remember right) and they fought all the time. She said that she thought that the way her husband was raised was better than being raised like she was. She said that when they would fight, her husband said what he needed too and he was over it while she on the other hand held a grudge for a long time. So fighting as long as it is fair is not a bad thing.

  2. Cindy

    I grew up in a house where I never saw my parents fight. So I thought when a couple fought that was REALLY bad. I later learned yes of course they fought just not in front of us.
    I can tell you we have had some doosies. Yes sometimes we disagree in front of the kids- I think this is good, it teaches them how to resolve things. (Maybe I am totally off base- not the first time. 🙂 )

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      I'm with you Cindy. It's important for our kids to see a degree of conflict and resolution being played out. We've disagreed in front of our kids before too. I don't think though that they've ever questioned whether or not their dad and I love each other. We love and support one another in front of them too. Thanks for sharing your great thoughts.


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