Now That You’ve Read “The Village Girl Handbook”

Dear Friend,

I'm so pleased that you're here!  I hope you feel richer in friends and in stories now that you've completed the book. I hope that you don't feel as if you've finished anything.  Instead, I hope you feel you've begun a new journey; one that you don't travel alone.

Here are a few things I'd like to hear from you:

  • What touched you most? Was there a story that was much like your story? Did you read something that's not like anything you've experienced, but yet you felt inspired to be stronger, or more patient?


  • Was there something you'd like to hear more about? (There will be another book, The Village Girl Handbook, 2)!


  • Is there something that wasn't in the first book that you'd like to see in the upcoming book? (Being an Only Child, When You Don't Make the Team, When an Illness Makes Life Different...?) Tell us what you'd like to read about in the next edition.


  • What's your story? Maybe you have a story where you, or someone you know has displayed great courage? Maybe you'd like to share a struggle you're still going through.  We want to get to know you!

Leave your thoughts, ideas or your story in comments. Or send me an email.  I'm eager to hear from you!


Your Friend,

Kristi Burden


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