1.When it comes to reading the bible:
- A. You listen to your teacher or preacher when they read from it.
- B. You read it, listen to it and try to follow what it says.
- C. You have one somewhere.
2.When others see me on a bad day:
- A. Only my friends know I’m having a bad day.
- B. They know that even though it might not be the best day, I’m counting on God to get me through.
- C. They know to stay out of my way.
3.God’s word:
- A. Is a book I can pick up if I need an answer.
- B. Has the word’s of life needed everyday.
- C. Sure is LONG!
4.People would best describe me as:
- A. A really trendy dresser.
- B. Someone who loves God and loves others.
- C. How should I know?
5.My greatest desire is:
- A. That others would think I’m beautiful.
- B. That others would see through me that God is awesome.
- C. For my enemy to trip in the cafeteria.
If you answered:
Mostly A’S -You’re on your way to Dazzling! But you know those little sparkles fall off easily. Stay in God’s word and he will keep your life bright.
Mostly B’s- You go, you Bling Thing! Continue to shine big and bright by living out God’s word.
Mostly C’s-First find your bible. Trust that it is your jewelry box. Read it, love it and live it to the glory of God.