Truth or Dare?

Twenty years ago I accepted a dare that would change my life.

I had just started my Senior year.  And I had big plans; plans that would take me to Howard Payne University in Brownwood Texas.  I would follow in my parents' and my sister's footsteps in attending.  I was going to become a teacher and find myself a preacher.  We would get hitched and have a mess of kids.

The weekend of August 28, 1992, my family had plans to go to Lake Brownwood.  I was told I could bring a friend.  I remember thinking that my friends were probably busy.

So my mom, with my sister's encouragement dared me to ask a certain dark-haired, green-eyed Junior to the lake.  This was unheard of.  My mother didn't really encourage the girl chasing the boy, but she and my sister had decided the Spring before that he was a nice looking guy who seemed nice too.

Funny thing is, I had dated him a few times in the Spring and I had a different opinion.  Still, who was I to pass up a good dare?

...And I'd been wrong before.

I dialed up his number and waited.  I asked.  He hesitated, then said yes.

So Jason Burden, on a Saturday morning loaded into the Fowler Suburban with the family.  He was bombarded all day with my nieces wanting piggy back rides and questions from cousins. Being super vain, I remember worrying because swimming had destroyed my perfect hairdo and any make-up I had on. I was sure it wasn't going well.

In the car on the way home, he slipped an arm around me.  My mom, who remembers looking in the rearview mirror, was SURE that wouldn't go well either since she was unsure if I liked him.

To her surprise and mine.....the day went well.

It's been twenty years since that first dare, and what I consider that first REAL date.

I'm glad I accepted the dare

-Glad he accepted the date.

And the truth!

6 thoughts on “Truth or Dare?

  1. Lyn

    I love your truth or dare story, however, if you had not taken that dare on August 28,1992, God would have found another way to get you together eventually. After all, Jason is THE ONE God had made just for you and HE would have opened another door for " the process to begin." May God continue to bless your marriage, your ministries, and your family.

    1. kristiburden

      Thanks! I should really get Jason to tell his side of the story. They don't match perfectly, but that makes it even more fun!

    1. kristiburden

      Hey Nikki!! Its great to hear from you. I think so often about how silly I was in High School and how grateful I am that God guided my footsteps when I was clueless. By the way, I seriously love seeing pictures and hearing stories about you and "your boys". God is really good.


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