A Case of the Christmas Wants

I tend to get distracted easily.  It took me ten minutes sitting in here in this chair, holding down the delete button eight or so times before I could remember what I sat down to say.

Oh yes.

In all of the goodness of Christmas I usually get bogged down with a case of "the wants". 

I want some Christmas Kit Kats and some of the Cokes with Santa on the can.  I want some chocolate and oatmeal colored chevron curtains. I want some new jeans that fit, or for the ones I have to fit.

 I want my house to magically clean itself, and stay that way.

I want to get the perfect gift for everybody; a bargain deeply treasured. I want the gifts to be wrapped beautifully without getting a crick in my neck. When presents are opened, I want more than an empty heap of wrapping paper to be around the Christmas tree.

I want the whole family to decorate the house; and I want them to LIKE doing it.  I want them to want to watch Hallmark Christmas movies with me.

 My plan of Christmas delight knows no end.

I want all of those old familiar Christmas tunes to fill the house with warmth. That's why I was surprised when Jason came home with a new Christmas album.

Santa knows what I want for Christmas,

but Jesus knows what I need

Leigh Nash croons,

it can't be purchased, wrapped up and placed
under an eight-foot tree

Words from above meant just for me today.

Wanting can be consuming.  When I really get to thinking about it, there are a lot of things I could use.  My "stuff" starts looking in much sadder shape than it seemed in October. It's this time of year that I notice the places in my couch coming apart at the seams.  It's now that I have to continually press the "on" button on my curling iron so it will stay heated. 

And "wanting" for others can be exhausting and even disappointing.  Even my most thought-out gifts are not guaranteed to fit.  They may not be appreciated.  Even if they bring immediate joy, it's not a lasting joy.

Just hours ago I was preparing a meal in my messy kitchen with my old cookware with a discontent child at my side. I was consumed by a long list of "wants".  It was heavenly lyrics that drowned out my "wants"and replaced them with blessed assurance.

Santa knows what I want for Christmas

but Jesus knows what I need

Here's the song that set my soul to singing.  It's called Eternal Gifts http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmdP7NzYWP0

 It's my new favorite.  What's your favorite Christmas song?



2 thoughts on “A Case of the Christmas Wants

  1. Mandy Arceneaux

    Oh Holy Night. Hands down. Or Christmas Shoes when I'm in a really (and I mean really) sappy mood. Gets me every time.

    It's funny, my parents always ask us for our "Christmas lists" that are always filled with just wants. This year, there was few to nothing on my list. These last four months of 2012 have been eye opening, and dare I say I'm thankful for them. I'm ready for it to end, don't get me wrong, but I'm thankful for the new perspective.

    I want so badly to give the perfect gifts to my family, but looks like our Christmas will be spread out over 2013 because budgets don't grow magically.

    This year, body wash that costs more than .94 from Walmart is something my skin would love for Christmas. A new eyeshadow color would be fun to play with. And a car wash, oh how a car wash inside and out would be so nice, and maybe a full tank of gas to go with it.

    I am so looking forward to Christmas, to celebrating and singing Happy Birthday Jesus with my small little family (yes, just Aron and I) on Christmas morning. It's those traditions that surpass any gift.

    1. Yes Mandy! Oh Holy Night is another favorite.

      I'm not much of a shopper, but it's when I'm Christmas shopping that I see the cutest stuff for myself.
      Jason and my "Ramen Noodle Days" were some of our sweetest. I'm glad you're treasuring these times with Aron now instead of having to just look back upon them fondly.
      It's going to be a Merry one!


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