Live like Scrat; A Family Devotion to Kick off Summer

If I ask you who Scrat is, chances are you'd know.  -Especially if you've seen any of the Ice Age movies.  You'll remember him though he only shows up for about two minutes of the movie.  He's seen scurrying on a single mission; seizing that acorn.  He sees nothing else.  He does nothing else. He repeatedly has it in his grip, but it always slips through his paws.

Scrat Ice Age

Here's how Wiki describes him:

Scrat, a crossover of a squirrel and a rat (hence the name Sc-rat), is small and has brownish fur. Scrat is always seen chasing his acorn. Once succeeded, he usually hugs it, buries it or pretends to eat it. This doesn't last for long as he always loses it. Scrat is usually a glutton for punishment, having to risk his life to get his nut back. He was struck by lightning, chased by avalanches, got into fights with piranhas and Sid (In the first film after the dodo bird fight). Scrat is also nutty when it comes to his acorn.

So that brings up the question........... what is your acorn?

What do you chase after?

What is your heart's desire; food for your soul?

For Scrat it's that acorn.  He doesn't get distracted.....except for that one time She-Scrat shows up in the third Ice Age.  Scrat is an acorn devotee.

Watch Scrat here:

Don't you identify with his struggle?  He sees the acorn and he sees the pretty she-squirrel-rat.  We have our Bible and Facebook or our favorite show at our fingertips. What will we turn to? We can choose church or our pillow on Sunday morning.  When our brother is on our nerves, we can retaliate or take the higher road and treat him with kindness anyway. When mom is in the kitchen, you can go ahead and do what you're doing or you can offer to help her.

The world has a whole stockpile of acorns it offers to us.  Happiness. Power.  Popularity.  THINGS.  Money. Pride in being right.  Pride in being first place. The easy road (for example a lie to get us out of trouble).

In Christ, there's one acorn for which we're to run after.  Our single mission is to bring glory to God.  If bringing glory to God means that we don't make that snide remark to our family member, then we shouldn't.  The road to being popular or right sometimes isn't the road that brings glory to God.  And so many times, things like our phone and television distract us from God.

Summer is practically here.  There are close to a hundred days to do (somewhat) as you please.  What will you do?  More than likely you'll swim and visit family, you'll have a sno-cone and sleep in.  Maybe you'll travel.

I present to you a mission within these missions.

Live like Scrat.

In all you do, in all you say, where ever you go, seek the acorn.  Seek the treasure that comes in bringing glory to God.  It won't be easy, and you'll mess up. Scrat is still chasing that acorn....

You know what's good, chase after it.

15-17 ... None of this going off and doing your own thing...... cultivate thankfulness. Let the Word of Christ—the Message—have the run of the house. Give it plenty of room in your lives. Instruct and direct one another using good common sense. And sing, sing your hearts out to God! Let every detail in your lives—words, actions, whatever—be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way. Colossians 3:15-17 (The Message)

1. How should we live like Scrat?

2. What does it mean when it says in verse 15 "None of this going off and doing your own thing"?

3. What do you think it means when it says "Let the word of Christ-the Message- have run of the house"?

4. How could you bring glory to God as you're having a Sno-cone?

5.......................................................... while you're on a trip with your family?

6.What are some of  the events that occur that cause Scrat to lose his acorn?

What are some things that keep us from our "acorn" (chasing after God's glory)?

Is a life lived chasing the acorn, always an easy one?

Happy Summer.....Get after that acorn!


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