Ten videos/articles that will give you a healthy dose of perspective


Because I've been awful cranky,

Because the news is full of depressing junk,

Because we all need to laugh and cry (the good kind of cry) a little more,

I've searched for ten heartwarming videos and articles to get me out of my funk. Several times I sat down to write today, and everything I started to type out was negative. My kids still won't put their plates in the sink regardless of my daily demonstrations and reminders. The news disappoints with headlines of people who lie and use their children to make a buck. Then there's the Christian lady in Sudan who has been imprisoned for her faith. As soon as she'd tasted freedom, having been released only hours before, she is rearrested for nonsense. I'm still waiting to hear she's on a plane to the good ole' US. We have children starving and unsupervised at our border, and honestly there's no easy answer. Bad news. And more bad news. We can't ignore it. But some days call for perspective. Today is one of those days.

Here are ten videos and articles. They're not all new.  Some made me laugh, some made me smile, and some caused tears to run out my nostrils. In observance of my emotions, Jason left the room.  He doesn't know what he's missing......But I'll tell him.

#10 This video is a couple of years old.  It's about a boy with autism who manages his HS basketball team.  He finally gets his shot (actually quite a few shots) on the court.  You'll cry happy tears even if you've seen this before.

#9 Amy Adams gives up her first class seat to a soldier.  Heartwarming. Now check it out.



#8  Gosh.  I keep trying to type out my feelings about this video.  It's pretty cool.  I'll just say that.  Trust me.  


My favorite line? I would run like myself.

#7 Isaiah Austin picked for NBA draft.  I'm sure you've probably read about this, but it deserves to be on my list.



#6 This a dad and daughter duo.  You may not cry, or laugh, but your cheeks just might hurt from smiling.




#5 Sad one. But a really, really good one about a selfless lady who is leaving behind a legacy of love.


#4 Rylie loses her first tooth.  Came across this jewel trying to remember some of my all-time favorites.




#3 You had to know there would be a military homecoming surprise video in here.


#2 Susan Boyle's First Audition_ I remember calling my mom the minute I watched this video.  I made her look it up on youtube. As soon as I publish this post, I'm going to watch it again (and sing along with her quietly).



#1 Kid President He just might be my #1 hero.  He's a kid with osteogenesis and an indomitable (couldn't even spell it without help) spirit.  He has a bunch of videos.  I love them all.


 The world needs more good news makers and good news sharers.  Got good news? Have a video for my next cranky/need-a-new-attitude day?  Share that too.  Because sharing is caring.

2 thoughts on “Ten videos/articles that will give you a healthy dose of perspective

  1. lisa Melton

    It is so difficult to find good in this world. There is good, just seems like most want to see and hear the bad. I remember a song from years ago sang by Anne Murray. ..A Little Good News Today. I fell in love with it.

    I love humor and try to find some everyday, even in my own trials and tribulations. Life can be surreal. That is when you find the humor.

    Good created laughter. He intends its to use it.

    1. I had that Anne Murray song on record ...."sure could use, a little good news today". I believe we have to seek good, recognize it and share it. We need to be inspired/reminded to be good. Got to stay away from the negative funk. I always enjoy your words Lisa.


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