My Hiding Place

Apparently I like polka dots.

You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.

Psalm 32:7

The first time I sat down in the floor of my closet was the beginning of August. I had gone into my son's room suggesting he start to get some of his things together to prepare to move to college. Just the mention of such a thing made my eyes brim over with tears. I turned quickly before he could see me and went to my room. I locked the door to my room and went into my closet and cried. 

I don't recollect any words coming out of my mouth, but I remember thinking how I would have to trust God to get me through the next month. And he did. 

Last week was a long week. By Thursday I was overwhelmed. Getting ready for work, I unplugged my flat iron and put my makeup in its drawer. I noticed I had five minutes left before I needed to leave.  So again I stepped inside my closet, leaving the light off. I rested my back against the door frame and said a quick prayer. 

This morning I did the same thing. Pandora was playing one of my favorite songs, "Multiplied" by Needtobreathe. Just like in August, I just sat quietly as if I didn't have anywhere to go. I listened as if I didn't have anything to say. 

So moved was I, that as soon as I got in the car to go to work, I decided I needed this space to pray. I figured I'd move the big basket of kid keepsakes and the dirty clothes hamper that took up space. I'd put the container of extra sheets and blankets somewhere else. I planned it out in my head and made quick notes as soon as I got to work. 

I wouldn't call it a "War Room"; possibly because I don't want to this room to be created from a fad. So far I haven't done much warring in its quarters.  Thus far it's a place I've gone when I'm too tired to fight. It's a place I've gone to hide. You don't talk too much when you hide. 

The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still. Exodus 14:14

I didn't pay a dime creating my own space. If you look closely you'll notice I used a tapestry Jason brought back from Africa and an old doll blanket just to add a little color. I stole several thumbtacks from the kids' posters in their rooms. I got the polka-dotted pillow for three dollars several weeks ago. Jason said it was the most ridiculous pillow he'd ever seen. I was starting to agree until I found this spot for it. 



I hope it lasts longer then my prayer chair. Someone, whose name I won't mention (that thought my cute pillow was ridiculous), made a habit of covering my prayer chair with his clothes. While it's convenient to blame him, I found myself easily distracted in that chair. 

 My new spot feels shut-off from the world. 

I'll still be praying while driving behind slow-moving cars and on starry nights with my head on my pillow corralling dizzying thoughts of what lie ahead in the tomorrow. My mouth will still utter requests when I get a text from a friend suffering difficulties or before I put my fork in mouth at dinner time. There's no place I won't pray. 

I'm sure I'll be lifting up burdens by the dozens in this room. 

But here, between the row of clothes and words that come out, I hope I find the space to listen. 

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6 thoughts on “My Hiding Place

  1. Faye Bledsoe

    What a wonderful are amazing. thank you for sharing your thoughts. May God richly bless you. Love, Faye

  2. Karen

    What a sweet space. As you wrote, we can pray anywhere, but having a "hiding" place is nice.
    Your post always help me start my day.

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      I remember hiding in a tractor tire at school one day because someone had hurt my feelings. It's nice to have a safe place.

  3. Karen Sadler


    Thank you for sharing. I can so relate for the need to have a Hiding Place. To sit and pray and listen for God to speak - or feel His Holy Spirit caressing me and comforting me. To praise Him and thank Him for His love, grace and mercy. He is faithful and always there to provide, protect and comfort. Like you, I can pray anytime and anywhere. However, I have yet to find me a physical hiding place in my tiny house but God will always be my hiding place wherever I am.

    1. Kristi Burden

      Post author

      Yes! A place where I'm not so distracted. But like you said, in his great mercy he hears our prayers even when they're imperfect and we have a hard time getting them out.


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