Tag Archives: being misunderstood

I decided to order tamales today after I got my hair trimmed. I was driving down Twin City starving when I thought I'd ask my phone intelligence, Siri, for La Suprema's phone number so that I could call in an order and save myself five minutes since I was on my way. Siri is now on my worst of "lists". Three simple words I spoke into the phone, "La Suprema, Nederland". I kept it short, clear and sweet hoping she could would oblige with a link to the phone number I needed that would provide me with the tamales and the scoop of guacamole I desperately longed for. No such luck.

She responded, "Here's what I found on the web".

I looked down, ready to click on the link that would connect me with Mexican-food bliss, and I see a link to this-

Long Sabrina, Niederlander.

Being the long suffering fool that I am I try again, and again….. thirteen more times. Each time I am as concise with my words as I can possibly be. Still, Siri searched for lawyers (Law Sabrina) and other nonsense, unable to comprehend my deliberate words.

Here are a few of my attempts to be understood and ultimately to be connected to La Suprema, Nederland-

Loss of Prima, Niederlander


And then we have, Lhasa prima

unnamed (2) Followed by

Long Deprima,

Long Sabrina,

Wall Cetrina,

Lockstep Prima,

And then my favorite.  Lassick Ramonita Land  (This is a true story)

unnamed (3)

I'm often misunderstood.  - If it's not my speech, it's my intention.

Even though I often think out my words before I say them, I can't guarantee that the recipient will know the heartfelt intent of my words. I'm quite sure that there have been times where I have tried to relate to someone, letting them know, I know how they feel, and I probably end up sounding like I'm in competition with them for who has gone through the worse thing. My mom used to say that our family doctor used to respond to our every illness by saying flippantly, "Oh. I've had that before".

If I see you pregnant, it will take everything in me not to tell you how many hours I was in labor with Hayden (32 hours in case you wanted to know.  You didn't, did you?).  You won't understand my need to share those details.  And I'll forget to understand that you're really not interested in knowing "the birth story' of my first born; especially if you're a little anxious about giving birth for the first time.

My children misunderstand me so often. When I have, through prayerful consideration made decisions concerning them, they often think I'm acting on a whim or following some sort of pop parent psychology like the time I blocked off the stairway with red "Do Not Enter" tape for a technology free night. That stunt was actually well-thought out.  They thought I'd lost my mind. And when I do"lose it" because I've just had enough? They don't always understand that either.

Then there are times, I hear one of mine in particular spout with emotion, "You just don't understand". And she's probably right. I can't, no matter how hard I try, fit perfectly in her shoes. I don't know exactly what it's like walking around for a day in them. I don't know how she feels though I've walked many of the same steps as she.

So many times I feel misunderstood and just as many times I fail to understand others. In no manner is this more true than when it comes to moral issues. If you fall on a different side of the fence on your feelings on abortion, our current president or whether or not the apostle Paul was obnoxious, I will try, try, TRY to understand you. But I will not. Probably ever.

I don't even understand myself half the time, for crying out loud!

It may just be, that understanding is overrated.

Or maybe, the grappling that we so often do on our own to understand others and to be understood is futile.

Could it be that understanding doesn't come from Siri, or children whose frontal lobes are yet to be developed, or even from my own heart that tries so hard.

Cry out for insight,
and ask for understanding.
Search for them as you would for silver;
seek them like hidden treasures.
Then you will understand what it means to fear the Lord,
and you will gain knowledge of God.
For the Lord grants wisdom!
From his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest.
He is a shield to those who walk with integrity.
He guards the paths of the just
and protects those who are faithful to him.

Then you will understand what is right, just, and fair….. -Proverbs 2

It may be a long time before our kids understand us; Siri may never. There are things we simply can not understand. That may just be ok. God understands. He offers all the understanding we need.

That's better than tamales from La Suprema or Lassick Ramonita Land.