Tag Archives: being thankful this christmas


10. Rylie has held down three taquitos and some crackers and cheese after being sick today, and boy was she...

9. She told me this morning that being sick "is the life" because she gets to spend time with me. My new goal is to attempt to remember that in the same way "ill times" are a great reason to spend unexpected time with God.

8. Jason has found a new and improved way for me to get pictures on the blog that doesn't take an hour per picture which prevents me from shouting severe cyber insults. He's such a smart guy, sometimes.

7. Easy picture publishing made a way for me to quickly share a couple of the pictures we had made for Christmas this year.

6. There were no tears this year. And the sweater Rylie is wearing wasn't stained until AFTER we took the pictures.

5. Staying home today, I found a song in an old Bible that Hallie wrote when she was in first, maybe second grade. She was a lyrical genius. My favorite lines in one song reads,

"I bo (do) sins,

God You bo (do) love".


Is she right?!

4. One of my dearest friends in the world is coming in for some girl-time tomorrow. She loves Dr. Pepper and Millionaires as much as I do and won't look at me funny if I overdo (unless maybe I take the last Millionaire.)

3. I was able to chat with one of my old students on Facebook tonight. She's starting Truett Seminary in January. That just thrills my soul.

She wasn't the only old student I got to talk to tonight.

2. I got to talk to another "kid" of mine on Facebook too. I was able to tell her how I still have an envelope from a card she wrote for me years ago. She'd sealed the envelope with chewed bubble gum. We were able to share with each other just what a year in first grade, and a year as her first grade teacher can mean in the span of years. And I was reminded it can mean a lot.

1. There's one big, wrapped box Hallie placed under our Christmas tree tonight, and it's FOR ME! I'll do my best to keep it under wraps until Christmas.

In the meantime there are gifts unnumbered, like the ones I unwrapped today, with my name on them.






121013_0328_TenreasonsI5.jpgGod is good, all the time

All the time.......