Tag Archives: burning bush

If only I could be that person that sees a burning bush;

       a sign that with Christ I am free.

I know burning bushes are still around. 

And as I find one, may I not rush on unphased.

 May I, in awe,

 remain with the one who fans the flame inside of me.

As Moses encountered the burning bush, he was commissioned to go and bring the Israelites out of Egypt; out of bondage. It was through the bush that God announced he would deliver his people. Moses asked God what should I say is the name of the one who sends me.  God replied,      I AM WHO I AM.


He was.

He is.

And He will be.

The great I am, who always is, sent Jesus as our deliverer.  We have been delivered from death.  But he doesn't stop there.

 In our going too much and in our going astray, we must be looking. 

 There is a burning bush in our midst. 

 A burning bush with a declaration of deliverance and an invitation

to stand in awe of the I AM.

Connect through email- www.kristiburden@gmail.com
-Picture taken in Kenya