Tag Archives: finding friends of all ages

{Treat} older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity.

-1 Timothy 5:2

 I have a big family; an awesome family (Jason's family included). I am thankful for two sisters and two sisters in-law.  I am blessed to have grandmothers and a host of nieces and cousins.

 When Jason and I married we lived within ten miles of our entire family.  Our parents' house helped us to escape the Ramen Noodle Dinners we had at home.  I never went to Wal-Mart alone.  And even the ladies at church were extended family.

But as I believe God would have it, we have moved three times.  Each time our move has taken us to a bigger place, and a place farther from home.  We are now nearly 400 miles from all of our family.

As soon as I find my new comfort zone I feel as if I'm being stretched again. 

If you look up "small town girl" on google images surely you would find my picture. I'd be the girl with a ponytail, jeans and in flip-flops buying Dr. Peppers ,bread and bologna at the corner store. 

I am simple......in the most complex way.

You see, I feel most confident sharing life with those who know me. They know my quirks and weaknesses, but accept me as I am.  I fear rejection.  I sometimes feel misunderstood.

Yet I feel compelled.

I feel compelled to meet new people, make new friendships.  Putting yourself out there can be awkward, but it's worth it.  In sharing life, its beauties and struggles, I have learned that most of you can relate.  You're in the same boat, or once were.  Even if my struggle is unique, I know that there are those of you out there who will lift up a silent prayer on my behalf.

As I've been stretched to meet people of all ages with different backgrounds I've found a common thread.  Girls from nine to ninety from every walk of life have a need for friends

We all need friends who share their faith.  And I'm pretty sure there are times for all of us that we need to borrow a little faith.  Though we're women working toward noble character, we still need girls to laugh with. I am thankful for times we can sit on the couch or stand by our cars in the parking lot and talk about important matters.....or talk about nothing. I'm thankful for the times that you know when I need an encouraging smile or a hug.

But I am compelled to seek friendships that extend beyond.

  I have this persistent thought within me that there are some of us who aren't able to chat in the parking lot. Maybe like my sisters and mom, there are miles of distance between us.   That distance can be defied!

I have found through time and providence that I have an ever-increasing spiritual family. 

{Treat} older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity.

-1 Timothy 5:2


A Thursday for Your Thoughts.

Each Thursday I would love to highlight someone different.

 I pray that we would grow together.

But more than anything, I pray that this space would bring much-deserved glory to our God who is with us.

Please consider sharing:

Your testimony        A beloved family story

A memorable family activity

A struggle        Scripture that has especially touched your heart

A recipe        A craft

A book review.....................

Include pictures if you can.

There is no age range. Writing skills unnecessary.  Girls from all over.   SHARE.

I'm biting my nails in anticipation waiting to hear from you!

Send your contribution in a Word document to my email.  Also, shoot me an email if you have any questions.
