Tag Archives: grace like cupcakes

I decided to clean out my closet today.  Bad idea.  Before I knew it, my house blinders were off. And I was on a cleaning rampage.

/ If you don't know what house blinders are, they're the lens of choice for the months I don't have time to deep clean./

  When I wear them I can't see the dust on the baseboards or the ceiling fan, or any dust in-between for that matter.  I'm blind to the laundry basket full of unmatched socks, pillow cases without place and the pair of shorts Hayden's been looking for.

I'm perfectly content with the house when I'm wearing those blinders; and with the people in it.  But let me tell you, when the blinders come off it gets ugly.  I turn into a raving lunatic calling the place a pigsty.  I wonder out(very) loud how the house got in such a condition.

I start using phrases like "Is there nobody in this house who can throw an empty toilet paper tube in the trash?".  Every other word is "Really?".  The kids hide in their rooms at which point I comment on how I'm the only one "who ever does anything around this house".

I know......I am honestly ashamed and wouldn't be bringing it up except for the fact that there was something lovely surrounding my haggard behavior.

It was my family.

Like my disheveled closet I was a mess that couldn't be ignored.  So they suffered my tantrum and they helped me clean.  And then they did something I need to do more often.

They put THEIR blinders back on.  They looked at me as if I hadn't sprouted horns just moments before.  They hugged me without reservation. They hadn't forgotten my ill behavior, but they decided to see me through love lenses.

I think that's what grace is.

My cupcake runnneth over.

There's nothing sweeter.