Tag Archives: Hayden Burden

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Hallie recently approached me and asked if she could post some time to give fashion tips.  Sounded fun. So last week when Hayden was forced to take a little hiatus from all forms of technology I got an idea from Hallie's offering. Desperate to return to his love, Hayden and I struck up a deal.  He agreed to be my first guest blogger posting anything on his mind to the blogging community.  I agreed to allow him to return to his world of technology.  I've sort of missed the the upstairs floor shaking when he was having a really good game.  I also realize there were adversaries that needed to be slain in the gaming world.


Ok ladies.  My fellow friend and blogger Kristi has asked me to guest blog on her page , and of course I happily  accepted .

 So I’m gonna make it short and sweet and today I’m going to talk about an addiction to technology . I’ve realized how much my life revolves around technology , and for a while I thought that I was doing wrong by spending every second of my day on the tv or phone .  But then I realized something as I typed the second line of this post…  I realized that technology isn’t  bad at all . Sure it can be used in a bad way , but ultimately it brings us together and can change us in wonderful ways . At first I was going to blog about how we live off of facebook and twitter and how not much good comes from the internet .

 But isn’t this page’s purpose to bring people closer to God . I'm sure Kristi isn't the only Christian blogger out there. You can minister to people through many different ways on the internet ,

-such as liking someones status who doesn’t get a lot of likes

-or not posting a downgrading comment on somones page .

They say God works in mysterious ways and the internet  ‘’can’’ be one of them.  It can also be a tool of satan , but ultimately it is what you make it .

One does not...ignore the great voices of the past.  One does not awaken each morning with the compulsion to reinvent the wheel.  But if one is servant... one is always searching, listening,expecting that a better wheel for these times is in the making.   -Robert Greenleaf

We are in the age of the internet.  If we have the ability to connect and reach people through online doors, it's what we must do.


Pictured:  Top-One of my favorite pictures of Hayden and I

Middle-A picture of Hayden introducing his "Violence in the Media" presentation.

(He takes after me, I think he was preaching to himself.)

Bottom-A recent picture of Hayden