Tag Archives: kids and kites

He who forms the mountains,

creates the wind,

and reveals his thoughts to man,

he who turns dawn to darkness,

and treads the high places of the earth-

the LORD God Almighty is his name.

Amos 4:13

  We've been able to take a few afternoon trips to Crystal Beach this summer.  We've had the loveliest time.  This past trip Jason came out of the local store with a kite.  I was never much on kites as a kid because we lived near too many trees. Still I was excited about the possibility.

A nice strong wind on the beach encouraged us in our kite flying endeavor.  After we set up our beach camp, Jason tore the kite out of the bag.  He held on to the plastic handle bundled with string as Hayden held the kite.  I watched as Hayden tossed the kite in the air careful to aim the nose in the direction of the wind. It fell as swiftly as it rose.  I switched my attention to the girls momentarily then noticed a minute later that the guys had the hang of it.

Later in the afternoon, when no one was watching, I took my turn with the kite.  I held on to the handle wound with string and then tossed the kite carefully with the other hand only to find the kite flightless. 

Determined, I continued in my effort.

Instead of tossing the kite, I slightly lifted it- gently offering it to the wind.  And the wind knew what to do.

Slowly, the current of air wrapped itself around the wings and softly took the kite.

I unwound the string from the handle according to the demand of the wind.  The higher the kite was, the more quickly I was forced to release more string.  Before I knew it, the kite was soaring. My fingers wrapped tightly around the handle, I held on to "my kite" as it danced.

But as I watched it in flight I soon came to a realization. I  wasn't really in control nor had I been in control. The kite was being held and guided by the current.  My firm grip on the handle only served to keep the kite from escaping from me.

In time,  I let go of the handle so that the kite could be tied to the firm base of our canopy. I continued to watch proudly and with admiration as the kite changed directions; as it dipped and then soared higher.

And then I turned to watch my children play, suddenly aware that a time will come when they too will soar.


Favorite Beach pictures from this Summer