Tag Archives: listening to the spirit

Hallie and I had a banner day yesterday.  I think we agreed on pretty much everything.  That may sound like a small success, but you have to understand- WE WERE SHOPPING!  She's outgrown much of what she wore last year so decisions important to a preteen had to be made.

I recently learned that when shopping I should stay quiet.  I've learned to avert my eyes and keep my mouth shut if I see (for instance) a shirt that I like.  Many perfectly good shirts have been ruined in her eyes by my liking them. My thoughts in general are not valued as they should be.

In a rare turn of events, today I made suggestions and she listened.  And I made a point to really hear her too. We left a consignment store and Dillards with a full bag and full heart.  It felt so good to agree.

There were several times that she said, "I was going to say that" or "I was going to pick those".   I mentioned to her in the car that unbeknownst to her I had been planting subliminal suggestions in her brain that were too good to turn down.

Afterall, I know her.

And even though she has gotten to an age that she doesn't think I know her, I do.

For the most part, I know what is best for her. I certainly know more than she does about what is best for her.

I've been where she is.  I remember what it feels like when the world around you seems to focus its eyes on every part of you.

And then there's the fact that I've known her since before the moment she took her first breath.

I helped her to form her first words.

I've watched her sleep and kept track of her rising and falling chest the times she had RSV and bronchitis.

Yet there are times she thinks I don't understand; times she thinks I am out of touch.

Yesterday as I was delighting in our moment, God gently nudged me as he so often does when I'm feeling high on myself.

I was reminded of God, perfect God.   He went to the unimaginable length of CHOOSING to walk in our shoes.  Though we can't imagine it, he can say to us "I've been there".  He knows the number of hairs on our head and every thought inside our head. Our chest rises and falls at his will.

He speaks to us; guides us.

Much of the time I'm that stubborn child that doesn't listen.   Too preoccupied with what I want I forget that he might have something better. With the volume of the world turned up, I've tuned him out.

Thankfully he has given us his Spirit which speaks within unreasonable us on his behalf. His spirit helps us to agree.

Oh children, listen to your mothers.

Mothers listen to your Father.

Just for the record..........Hallie approved this message.