Tag Archives: seeing the beauty


Words are important.  Words encourage, enlighten and inspire.  Yet there are moments when words aren't necessary.

I've been reminded as of late, that communication can be beautifully accomplished with lips sealed.

10 Sights for Sore Eyes:

1. Flowers at the airport- After spending a week in Seattle, my family was waiting for me at the airport along with a fresh bouquet of flowers.  In an instant, my exhaustion from the day's travel melted and was replaced with excitement.

2. Sticky S'more fingers- Marshmallowy fingers communicate sweet rest and are usually accompanied by companionship. Milk mustaches warm my soul too.

3. Hand holding and Hugs- Love seems to course without a word when hands are held and hugs are given.  Hand holding is automatic when I pick Rylie up from school every day.  I treasure it.

4. Full baby cheeks and tiny toes- I'm reminded of God's design, still fresh.

5. A Card in the Mail- Stephanie, a dear friend, sends me a card throughout the year.  I'm touched deeply every time BEFORE I open it.  The envelope with my name handwritten speaks love into my day.

6. Jason's Car in the Driveway- The sight of his car pulling into the driveway means that the day in its laboring sense is done, and that it's time for togetherness.

7. Mom and Dad (well, all of our family)- Miles have separated us.  Though we talk weekly, they're a sight for sore eyes when we're together.

8. Things that are beautiful, things that are grand and things you don't see everyday. So,........things.  Beautiful things remind me of God's handiwork.  Grand things humble me and remind me that God is big.  Things you don't see every day shake me from the trance which tells me that my days are full of sameness. The bagpipes in the picture are made from chair legs and who knows what else, and the bagpipe plays.  I think it's wonderful.

9. Budding Friendships and Old Friendships too.- Sitting on the sidelines at the Heritage Festival and watching Hayden and Hallie stroll with friends reminds me that God provides.  Them finding friends has been a prayer of mine; one that has been answered.

10. Carefree Moments- When my mind has stilled I see better; I see deeper.  In busy-ness I see boys throwing rocks.  In a carefree moment I see time shared, without worry. Carefree moments are a sight for sore, tired eyes. 

What's a sight for your sore eyes?