Tag Archives: thirsting for righteousness


Jason and I dropped Hayden off with thirty- something youth from our church.  More than ever I am burdened to pray for them.  I can’t exactly put my finger on it; can’t recall certain incidents that require urgent prayer on behalf of our youth.  I can only explain it like this.

On our vacation, Jason and I hiked up a mountain in the San Juan National Forest.  I was quite impressed with us.  It was over a two hour hike.  Jason brought a small bottle of water.   I took a swig  somewhere near the top.  But  I didn’t feel thirsty;not even when we finished our climb and had reached our cabin below.  It wasn’t until I was handed a water bottle some time after we returned that I took a drink, and kept on drinking.  I drank an entire bottle of water.

I’ve read that much of the time when people are dehydrated, they don’t know they are dehydrated.

Naturally we drink when we’re thirsty.  The problem is that we don’t always feel thirsty.

I think of our church and what it provides.  Our church like most churches is full of servants who love God and love people.  Bible Study, worship, fellowship opportunities and other activities exist to fill us to overflowing,  with the knowledge of God. We have the Word of God in our grasp and prayer at the tips of our tongues.

Most importantly, the Spirit of God who is in our presence quenches our thirst.

It's good to thirst.

But what about times we don't even realize we're thirsty.

We find ourselves in a world, and in an age where we have so much.

This is especially true for our young people.  Often as a parent I find myself allowing my children to be disillusioned by prosperity, comfort pleasure and success.   As parents we seek to temporarily satisfy (our children) and an underlying thirst goes unnoticed.  I speak most loudly to myself.

A bird’s eye view of Glorieta, the place where our children are camped, would show on its map, thousands of trees. Composed of trees and rock-hard red dirt; it is a dry and thirsty land.  It would be easy to be lost in this forest of trees.

I’m thinking of Hayden.

I’m thinking of the two buses of youth we have at camp.

Are they lingering and satisfied? Or do they realize they’re thirsty; I pray that they would. I pray that at camp they would be lead to drink. I pray that when they return, that we would lead them to drink.  And I pray as they drink, they would increasingly know what it is to thirst.

And as they thirst…..

I pray they would KNOW a refreshing sanctuary is supplied in their midst.

Come all you who are thirsty, come to the waters –Isaiah 55:1

I'm so thankful for Micah and Laurie who consistently and without reservation tirelessly serve our youth.  Thank you for the cool water you offer our youth. I'm thankful for our youth.  I'm also thankful for the sponsors who are at camp with our youth.  Please pray for great things!