Tag Archives: tired and weary


I know you're tired

even though you went to bed last night at 8:30

and it's only a Monday.

Thing is, the tired you're feeling isn't fixed with ten hours of sleep or a fresh cup of coffee -or whatever it is that "gets you going"

You're disheartened deep down

-because for all your effort, there still remains a mountain of laundry

and a world of problems you can't solve

You're discouraged.

The word discourage is made of two parts- dis and courage.  Sorry, here comes a definition.  It's my teacher coming out.

courage /ker-ij/ mental or moral strength to persevere, and withstand danger, fear or difficulty (Thanks Merriam)

dis- (as you know) is a prefix meaning "apart"

Through calamities our moral strength is ripped apart.

You haven't experienced a calamity lately?  Even the wear and tear caused by daily demands can cause you to become unraveled.

Dirty dishes.


Bickering around you.

Practices and appointments.

Finding the toilet unflushed for the thousandth time....

Isaiah reminds us that even the young "grow tired and weary". We get tired and we need rest, yes.   But we need something more.  When rest leaves you with a tiredness of heart, and Monday finds you anything but refreshed - hold tight to these familiar words

...those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31

The laundry pile will never permanently disappear. That someone in your house may never learn to flush. Some real calamity may even present itself in your life. We can expect these things.  But while we know life is full of these troubles, let us look expectantly to the one who helps us through.

What has you unraveled?