Tag Archives: victory through Christ


I just had the pleasure of meeting Iscis a couple of weeks ago. I knew there was something special about her when I met her. She has a sweet spirit and a genuine smile that lights up the room. We've made fast friends.  She'll tell you she loves Jesus, and she means it!  A young lady, not even twenty, she is wise beyond her years. She has endured things my mind can hardly fathom, but has learned to hand her suffering over to God allowing him to write a story of healing and victory. It's a story she's bravely decided to share with you. 

A Guest Post 

By Iscis

The hardest thing for me growing up was trusting people; especially males.  I was molested from the time I was two years old until until I got a little older and was raped at nine by someone else I trusted.

This left me to feel insecure, jump at the slightest touch, and not feel lovable.

I felt as if I were only here to be abused.  I also had an abusive father.  He would beat my mom, tried to kill my sister, and tried to strangle me.

Because of all this abuse, I grew up thinking all men are "that way".   At eleven I was baptized and accepted Christ then.  Although this is true, I still lived as if I were a victim to my past.  It wasnt until this year,a few days before my seventeenth birthday at hot hearts, that it came to me.

I'm a victor because Christ had won for me.

I'm worthy, not because of anything I could do, but because of what Christ already did.  I am in the process of being completely healed.  Daily I have to remind myself of these things.  I can now hug and I'm starting to be able to view myself as a Child of God and not a label.

Even if my father and mother abandon me,the Lord cares for me.

Psalm 27:10

This verse lets me know that God is constant.  He is my father. I may not have had a male figure in my life, but I have a father who cares for me and loves me so much!

His name is Jesus!

So if anyone can relate and may have been failed by your earthly father; I'm telling you God is your father. If anyone has been through abuse with males, whether it be like me or in relationships and so forth, I'm telling you that you can place your trust in Jesus 100 percent and He will never fail you.  

When I am afraid I will trust in you. 

In God, whose word I praise, 

I will not fear.

What can man do to me? 

Psalm 56:3-4

Truth is, there is not a single thing man can do to you that God can't completely heal you from. I know that full well. 

If you feel so led, leave a word of encouragement for Iscis.