A Mom’s Advent Celebration: Keep on Keeping on

Gifts wrapped in prayer for an almost sixteen year old







I could start making a list of your victories.  I could go to your big plastic keepsake bin in the garage and pull out the wrinkled ribbons you won for storytelling and throwing the football. I could look at the small trophies you received for Flag football or a season of Upwards Basketball or soccer. I have videos that show you scoring in those games. Those are fun memories.

Still, your ribbons, certificates and trophies don't hold great weight in the becoming of you.

When I think of the young man you're becoming, my mind goes to trials that you have suffered. The wisdom of Romans 5:3-4 tells me that it was those sufferings that produced endurance; the ability to keep on keeping on.

I remember watching you in second grade trying out for your yellow belt in martial arts. I remember inwardly tensing as I watched.  You knew the positions and  kicks, but you didn't know your left from your right, literally, and it cost you.  You didn't pass your yellow belt test; and for that you received a yellow belt with a big black stripe on it.

I was angry at your instructor.  I remember thinking that your inability to know left from right had no bearing on your form.  You were almost as crushed as I was.

You had to train for another six weeks or so before testing again; in my mind putting you behind the other students.  You passed and were on your way to earning that green belt.

As I am writing, I had to look up the color order to make sure I remembered correctly.  Interestingly the sight I found gave a meaning behind the belt colors.

White-Since white represents purity, the belt is given to a novice learner who has no prior knowledge of this field.

Yellow-given to a karate beginner and symbolizes a new birth just as a seed begins to grow

*That black stripe was a reminder that sometimes we have to try again.  We should be thankful for opportunities to try again, for there are times in life in which we fail that we must accept grace and just move on.

Green -symbolizes the color of spring, growth as if a green plant sprouts out of the ground

There are more advanced belts, but I believe we spend much of our lifetime bouncing between yellow and green. Black stripes say "Keep on keeping on!"  Ironically, it is those black stripe seasons, and the reflection of those seasons where we truly become greater.  Those are also usually sweet seasons where we find ourselves closer to our Savior.

There is no true victory without endurance.  I love the definition of victory-"success in a struggle against difficulties or an obstacle".  We really want to skip the "difficulties" part.

There is also no true character without endurance.

....we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character....Romans 5:3-4

It's important to know that some difficulties are self-inflicted.  Other sufferings are heaped on without any wrongdoing.  God works through both circumstances to bring about triumph as we endure.

So hey you

-with your left arm breaks, the playground fight and your first break-up

You and the hard work put in on that technology project that took hours of your time and though fabulous still didn't win

Because of less than stellar report cards and criticism from coaches

Rejoice, for God uses our sufferings.

You have overcome.

Though you have overcome, know you will repeat  the cycle of suffering/success.

It's the cycle of character.

As a nervous and doting mom, but one who trusts in God's promises- I pray for endurance

-for endurance is the stuff victory is made of.

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