Gifts wrapped in prayer for an almost sixteen year old
Nobility comes from NO ABILITY of your own.
I say to the LORD,
"You are my LORD;
apart from you I have no good thing."
Psalm 16:2
Anyway, it sounds funny saying "nobility"... It sounds as if I'm referring to a prince. I guess I am. While a guy would never admit to aspirations of becoming a prince, it's this mother's prayer that her son would be noble.
Everybody knows a prince is simply a child of the King. Becoming a prince involves no merit. BEING a prince is an entirely different story. Prince Harry of Whales is a great example of this concept. He easily became a prince, but acting like one has proven far more difficult. Then again, Prince Harry didn't have the best example in a father.
Great princes and great kings come from great fathers.
Hayden, I think you have a pretty good example in a father. You also have a long line of noble men in your life to follow after.
Learn their story.
The Bible is full of Kings, namely Josiah, King David and King Solomon whose character is marked not by what they did, but by a love for God, their father.
By salvation you have become a prince, but outstanding character is the true mark of nobility. Outstanding character isn't gained alone. Nobility is not self taught. Jesus, though tempted, is the perfect example as he walked perfectly providing footsteps to direct our path.