Resolve Free in 2013

I've diagnosed myself with claustrophobia.

I've also loosely diagnosed myself with agoraphobia, fear of open spaces.

I have a fear of having no escape, being trapped like a caged bird.  Oddly though, the thought of my cage door being wide open providing me freedom scares me too.  Who knows what's "out there".  When I think about such things my imagination runs wild.

This is a New Year post.  Wait for it....

While we were all at the table eating the other day, Jason asks the year-end question.  What have you guys resolved to do next year?  What a big question. That's an open space kind of question. There are hundreds of things I'm resolved to do; hundreds of things I am resolved NOT to do.  In spite of my resolutions, I'm pretty sure I will still be drinking more than a healthy share of Dr. Peppers come 2014.  Sadly, I also know that I'll lose it with my kids and Jason despite my annual ambition to be a person of gentleness and self-control.

No, thinking about resolutions and knowing with certainty that I will fail is futile.

Twelve months of being resolved to do anything is intimidating.

2013-What will I do with this open space?

I don't know what is out there.

And then again, I do know what's out there.

This might make you think I'm a "fly by the seat of my pants" kind of girl; one who lives for the moment.  That's not true either.  I have stood in the candy bar aisle frozen in indecision.  Should I have a Reeses or a Watchamacallit?  I often think that my decision to let one of the kids spend the night with a friend can alter the course of the earth.  What if something bad happens.  I live in terror in my closed spaces.  Will forgetting to hug Hallie this morning be followed by a day of her feeling alone and unloved?  In twenty years from now, will she think I was an absent mom?  It's as if every small decision made, holds failure or success, life and death significance.

I think too hard already.  I don't need to make resolutions.

In fact, I'm resolving not to make them.

I'm also determined to lighten up when it comes to decision-making and its effects.

In 2013  I don't want to be that bird in a cage, being suffocated by the imagined weight of my small decisions.  And I don't want to be the bird flying free, faced with the great unknown, and known future.

I want to recognize my place in the palm of the one who holds time and space.  I want to be with Him in the here and now, and the beyond.  I want to be close enough that I can hear him whispering words of grace and assurance in my bad decisions.  I want to be close enough that twelve months of open space don't seem dangerous; close enough that I am being......

 recreated by His resolve .

He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. Psalm 90:14

It's He who is faithful.

What about you?  -Have a resolution?





6 thoughts on “Resolve Free in 2013

  1. Kristina DeVillier

    We have things that are like New Year's Resolutions except they stick with us all the year round. It is something that you decide and you carry with you all of your life. What are they values, morales, and rules to live by. Maybe the things that we call New Year's Resolutions are just things we know we ought to do but don't find important enough to keep or are just bad habits that we really like and value more than giving them up or starting new good for you habits. So having said that I'm going to have really evaluate and maybe give my New Year's Resolutions a new name. : )

  2. Paul Baker

    I picked a word last year (2012). It worked out well for me. This year I selected a new word - faithfulness. Resolve daily to be faithful. The word has so much potential and that gives the year endless possibilities. Revolution!


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