Tag Archives: be yourself

You're the ONLY ONE  who can be you.

Don't miss out!

 Hallie, pictured above, is like no other.  It's one of the things I love about her the most.  Through the years much time has been spent in a distant land known as "Hallie World".  She made the rules, and not everybody was allowed to visit.

 There was also a time she started noticing a bit of hair on her legs.  She thought her neck was growing longer too. She was convinced she was turning into a horse.

For two years of her life she referred to herself as "White Kitty".  Many mornings she literally crawled out of bed,......and then kept on crawling.

 An individual creature for sure!

This is a picture of Hallie, Rylie and our fabulous friends Laurie and Ronique.

there's only one hallie

 rylie, there's no parallel

laurie you're matchless

ronique, you're it girl

 -4 sweet girls with much to share

Thank you God for our sames and differences.