Tag Archives: congratulations

Don't cry because it's over.  Smile because it happened.

-Dr. Suess

This week, and last week for some of you, is a week filled with emotion. - A feeling of anticipation and pride mixed with some sorrow.  I know Rylie is only graduating from Kindergarten, but I feel Jason and I are starting to experience the First- of THE LASTS.  We have passed the chapter of rocking little ones to sleep.  Rylie has lost all of her front teeth. I took pictures of the last toothless smile as those "big girl" teeth are growing in.  Hallie has said goodbye to elementary; Hayden to junior high -just last year.  I gave Rylie her last Kindergaten kiss this morning. 

It's really ok to feel sad. It just means that something deep of heart has happened in the first place. Experience has been had, worthy of our wanting to hold on.

And for that we can be happy! 

Thank God for this gift too wonderful for words. - 2 Corinthians 9:15   NLT


 Graduating Seniors -Friends from FBC Nederland, Trinity Friends, other friends and my second grade students from Chilton

Graduating Kindergarteners (including our Rylie)

and College Graduates: Jacob Allen and Noah Brown

Prayers for you and your families as you seek God's will in this new chapter of life.


While I'm on a celebratory roll I thought I'd add two other fun items we use at home for  special moments.

I don't feel the need to break out the fine china very often, but this celebrate glass has been a special treat for birthdays.  I got this on Boston Ave. at Occasions.  We would be using it tonight if we weren't going out this evening to celebrate.  -No birthdays but someone redeemed themself this week by making a very much needed eighty-eight on an important test.

I might as well keep this party banner hanging right where it is.  In the last month I've used it for Jason's birthday, my Spring Retreat peeps and for some of our God's Girlies who met here on a Saturday.  I know all of you out there could probably make one of these.  I, on the other hand, am not crafty. I work with hot glue, spray paint and sharpies only- which I believe can fix everything in life that chocolate can't.

With all of the pomp and circumstance I always have to remind the kids and myself  that all victories belong to God; each success  is a gracious gift.

Ascribe to the LORD glory....Psalm 29:1
