Tag Archives: devotion


As soon as we moved to Nederland, we learned that dance is majorly popular here.  My girls have never had the opportunity to take dance. Here, you would have a hard time escaping it as there is a dance studio on every corner. I immediately said no (to myself) when confronted with the question "Are they going to take dance?".  My swift answer came for two reasons. First of all, upon moving here I immediately met several dance instructors like Dawn and my neighbor Petrina; both super sweet.  I heard raving reviews on them as well as dozens of other dance instructors in town.  How could I possibly choose one over the other?  But that wasn't my big reason for saying no.

I realize I risk sounding like less than the banner mother, but truth be known, I am not a fan of sequins.  I love the way they look, but only when I don't have to mess with them.  I managed recently to fail in applying iron-on badges, which I feel disqualifies me from being a sequin mom.  So I posed a question to those who would suggest certain dance studios: What's the sequin count? (implying that only a very low count would be acceptable). In my book a low sequin count indicates a low level of effort and dedication which I'm perfectly fine with.  To aid in my negative response, I shared that Hallie doesn't even like to dance.

Early in the year, we learned of the Saturday clinics offering a day of instruction and fun for girls.  There was a Westernaire, Goldenettes, Cheerleading and Twirling Clinic.  Hallie surprised me by deciding to go to the Twirling Clinic.  Long story short (not really-I don't think I'm capable of that) both of the girls loved the twirling.  And while I don't know if twirling is really considered dancing, I'm going to go with it.  I was really excited because Twirls and Swirls is a studio owned and run by generations of sweet ladies from our church.  We love Ms. Phyllis, Ms. Dorothy,Rebecca and Rachel.

And get this, Twirls and Swirls Sequin Count:Low to zero!

Rylie's recital outfit has no sequins. Hallie's outfit is covered with sequins, but I don't have to apply them. The cost for Twirls and Swirls is also more than reasonable.  I love this place!

Speaking of the upcoming recital, I have a challenge ahead of me.  Hallie and Rylie will be performing a Sisters Routine.  I read over the note describing the matching outfits the girls will wear for this special routine.

 Now don't laugh.  I get to design them-using sequins; oh the irony! 

This will be my first time applying sequins for a recital.  I'm not counting the time last summer when I tried to apply red sequins to bling the heart on my- I heart VBS t-shirt.  By the way, the applying went fine.  It was the washing the shirt afterward that went badly.

This morning I had my Dr. Pepper and a little bit of meditation  I began to consider how much effort I wanted to put into this. What will my sequin count be? Afterall, my girls love twirling.  And I love watching them.  I know too that twirling is teaching them so many important things.  All of the ladies that work with the girls are patient and wonderful women of God.  My girls see Rebecca and Rachel as young ladies who are brilliant in twirling and who serve brightly in the church too.  Both of my girls have made new friends at twirling.  I believe twirling has in part, helped Hallie come out of her shell. Rylie told me that her twirling teacher Rachel never gives up on her, thank you for that.  The cost for twirling is NOTHING compared to the benefits!

Oh!  Isn't this like our relationship with God!  Blessings from him flow and I find myself unwilling to make an effort to do my part.  Read my Bible EVERYDAY?  Can't I get a break?  How many times do we have to be at the church this week?

The sequin count required to be a Christian is zero.  God requires nothing of us aside from our trust in him and repentance from our old life.  But in light of his goodness, shouldn't we, in gratitude, be looking for ways to give him thanks and bring him glory?  In my life and in my ways, shouldn't I have a desire to glow brilliantly for him?

Shouldn't my sequin count for Christ be countless?

Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of heaven, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.  -Daniel 12:3

I must close now as I have sequins to buy and apply.


Wish me luck!

Recital pictures to come

If you missed yesterday's post in honor of mothers, check it out. Things Learned Though Mom Never Shared


 Well, yesterday I went to the dentist.  Even the word dentist makes me nervous.  I’m not exactly sure why I have such a dislike for going to the dentist because it usually ends up not being as bad as I imagined.  In fact, most visits I’ve made were pretty much pain-free.  The dentist who checked my teeth and the lady who cleaned my teeth were super friendly.  I thought they could tell I was one of those patients that needed some calm reassurance.  I’ve wondered before if the folder they have with my name and dental record has a brightly colored sticker on front warning- “special (hard to work with) patient”!  Am I the only one who feels this way?

     I brushed my teeth twice as long and flossed extra good in the morning.  I wanted to make sure my teeth looked dazzling.  I also wanted to ensure that there wasn’t much work that they would have to do.  I ‘m a pretty good girl.  I brush and floss daily though I doubt I’d get an “A+” on my teeth care report card.  Truth be known, I don’t brush after every meal.  And even though I make sure and brush the front and back, down low and every gum line, it doesn’t make up for the times that I don’t brush.  I should also mention that I didn’t go to the dentist for six years.   So, in some ways I’m doing great, in other ways-UTTER FAILURE!

      While I was lying back in the dentist chair I tried to distract myself.  I could see the giant metal hook scraping my teeth moving back and forth.  (It’s easy to notice when it’s right between your eyes!).  So I tried closing my eyes, but the sound has got to be just as bad.  It equals nails scratching a chalkboard.  I had decided at this time I should try and think about how even this moment was in God’s hands.  And immediately I began to think about sin.  Yes, sin.  You see plaque, the sticky film that forms on our teeth naturally, is bad for our teeth.  It can harden and cause tooth decay and gum disease.  While we can brush and floss, it is necessary to go the dentist regularly to have it removed.  And like sin, plaque can be hidden in places where we don’t see it.  It often takes a professional to see the “plaque” and remove it.  Though my mouth is often tender after having my teeth cleaned, I know that my hygienist is preventing bigger problems in the future.  Likewise, when God is helping us rid ourselves of some sin in our life it may be uncomfortable.  I can think of a particular time growing up I was caught in a lie.  My cousin and I were cleaning my aunt’s living room with a friend.  While vacuuming I stepped on a lamp cord and my aunt’s beautiful glass lamp hit the floor shattering into pieces.  My friend saw what happened, but blamed my cousin.  That lie worked in my favor so I went along with the story that it was my cousin’s fault.  My aunt knew we were lying and sent us home.  That was so embarrassing!  Looking back, I know that it was a good thing that I was caught in that lie. It hurt my aunt and my cousin and maybe even my friend who knew I was a Christian. Would I have even thought twice about that lie had my aunt not revealed it?   Even more sad are the hidden sins I’ve committed; sins I’ve held onto with an exhausting grip.  Like plaque that hides beneath the surface, sin quietly grows and eats away at our peace.  God wants us to have peace. And though sometimes the process is uncomfortable he offers to clean up our “sticky” situations.

  Even as a child you know the rules.  Don’t lie.  Be kind.  Don’t be jealous.  And most of the time I bet you follow the rules pretty well.  Does it seem like the one time you break a rule there is an adult there to catch you?  You heard me say catch right?  When you’ve done something wrong it’s easy to feel like an animal caught in a net with nowhere to run.  I want you to picture getting caught differently.  Picture someone falling from a height with nowhere to go but down.  That person wants to be caught.  God has put our parents and other adults in our life as our safety net.  They are in our life and in our business to help us rid ourselves of what isn’t good for us.  You’re fighting with your sister and your parents get on to you?  Just maybe they’re thinking of what’s best for you. (Thank you mom and dad!). Next time I go to the dentist and they’re in my face and in my space I intend to grin and bear it.  And when I have a beautiful smile to show for it, I will remember the ones who patiently worked with me and be thankful. 

1.Can you remember a time when you were caught doing wrong?

How did it make you feel?  Angry?  Guilty?  Sad?  Disappointed?  Mistreated?


2. Who are some people God has placed in your life to guide you and correct you?


Listen to this prayer and say amen if you agree.


Dear God,

We know that we are not perfect.  And we know that there is no perfect adult.  But we know that you have placed adults in our lives to guide us.  Help our moms and dads, grandparents and teachers, coaches and other adults to listen and trust you so they will be able to lead us to you.  Even when adults seem unfair, help us to be obedient.  Help us to know that you will bless our faithfulness to obey.  And help us to always remember that you want every part of us; good and bad.  There is nothing that we should hide from our parents.  And there is nothing we could hide from you.  Most of all, help us remember that by knowing you “neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of (you) God”

 (Romans 8:39)
