Tag Archives: gods girlies


 No matter what hat you're wearing

Girls.  and Girls with experience

There are those of you who make me laugh.  And there are those of you who look at Pinterest and actually follow through -making cute cupcakes for your kids' parties. You're probably the same ones that make sure your children brush their teeth twice a day and your kids' socks are super white. Some of you seem to never drop a ball in your juggling efforts, though I know you must. There are those of you who always speak encouraging words. There are those of you who drive in Houston traffic fearlessly, and then those who still go to the bathroom in pairs. There are those of you who sing in the car until someone pulls up beside you at a red light.  None of us are exactly the same.

You have your coffee, and me my Dr. Pepper while we share life.





Some of you experience struggles similar to mine.  There are others of you facing struggles I can't imagine. I see you brave life's storms. There are those of you who have been there and done that; sages with wisdom.  You reassure me in tough times.  I think of you who I rarely see but trust that our friendship reaches across distance.

There are those of you still in school; those who wonder what Mr. Right looks like and when you'll meet him.  Some of you are frustrated with drama that surrounds you.  Some of you feel alone.  Some of you experience every feeling listed all in one day. Someone who's reading this, battles insecurity even knowing that God says we are enough.

I know that battle.

I'm thankful for you who pray with me; pray for me. You who have allowed me to pray for you; it is a privilege.  There are those of you who fear sharing your heart in Sunday School.   Your heart pounds in your chest when there's something you don't want to say out loud, but you must.

We are the same.

All of us have at least one bad habit.  Some days our hair aggravates us.  We each have that person in our life that makes us smile.  We love getting a letter or card in the mail.

And we all have a God who has given us a heart to be shared.

Tomorrow August 9, I would like to introduce A Thursday for Your Thoughts. 

Each Thursday I would love to highlight someone different.

I have mentioned before that I have a prayer for this website.  I pray that we as women would have a place to share; and that as we share, we are certain there are faces on the other side of the screen that are laughing, crying and just plain nodding their head in understanding.  I pray that we would grow together.

But more than anything, I pray that this space would bring much-deserved glory to our God who is with us.

Please consider sharing:

Your testimony

A beloved family story

A memorable family activity

A struggle

Scripture that has especially touched your heart

A recipe

A craft

A book review


Include pictures if you can.

There is no age range. Writing skills unnecessary.  Girls from all over.   SHARE.

I'm biting my nails in anticipation waiting to hear from you!

Send your contribution in a Word document to my email.  Also, shoot me an email if you have any questions.



Writing Life

As I mentioned in my last post, my mom and baby sister were here this past weekend.  My mom is in the editing stage of  her first children's book.  My sister and I offered our assistance.  We also took time to focus our teacher eyes on writing found of Rylie's and my nephew (our stubby fingered kiddos).

In other words, writing happened; editing happened.  Mistakes and inadequacies were reflected upon.  Smiley faces were drawn with our imagination as we looked at writing in its early stage.  Improvements were made.  We shared parts we liked. - Drew stars to show our favorite parts; we agreed and disagreed.

Jason even joined in the book editing with mom-often inserting the proofreading symbol for new paragraph on each page.  The more I write, the more I see the need to frequently start new paragraphs, much like in life.

Life like writing, is a process.

It's not so much the beautiful story written.

The magic and mystery is in the story being made. -Parts you scrawl out hastily with a pen; moments you can hardly keep up.

Parts of life seem like the blank space on the page.  You stare....and nothing.  You scratch your head and chew on your pen, still nothing.  Wordless, seemingly purposeless you sit and think.  You think so hard you want to get up and walk away.

Life has misspellings.  Life is full of errors;  errors that happen because you're in a hurry and other times just because you don't know better.  Sometimes you catch those errors and correct them.  Other times you are pained as your errors are pointed out by others.  But still...you write.

Like children your letters are misshapened, malformed.  Through tears you are forced to keep writing.

There are long arrows drawn indicating pieces or chapters out-of-place, like pieces of life.   -Not wrong, but out-of-place.  There are lines you deem unnecessary.  Take heart..... Those lines you scratch out.... the ones you try to erase?  They're part of the process.

Sometimes we stay inside the margins.  We are neat and display proper penmanship.  Other times we scribble in the margins.  Sometimes it's that which is beyond the margin that stands out in the end.

Keep writing.  Neat or messy, keep the pen moving.  Find comfort in the blank spaces.  Go outside the margins when necessary.

Write life, being thankful for the One who helps you hold the pen.




My mom is here.  My sister and her kiddos are too.   Yesterday we took a trip to the beach at Galveston.    Both the gulf water and the beach were teeming with life; each doing their thing.  There were small children with shovel and pail in hand and teens with footballs practicing the perfect spiral.  Grandmas watched while adults stole time to enjoy a good book.








Hallie, my animal lover, rushed to the water to show off her beach skill.  She has a knack for catching hermit crabs.  I see a new reality show in her future.  It could be called Redneck toe-crabbing.  Yesterday she and her protégés easily caught more than fourteen crabs in about twenty minutes.

Hallie scootches her toes through the sand along water’s bottom.  When she feels wiggling beneath her toes, she reaches down to the muddy bottom and grabs the crab's shell. Maybe this is typical hermit crab hunting, I find it creepy.

The crabs who haven’t lost their lives to Hallie and her partners have a near-death experience to share with their friends.

It is in honor of these crabs that I write this blog.

There is a behavior that has been observed in the life of the hermit crab which deserves our attention.

I'm talking about molting .  A hermit crab’s exoskeleton doesn’t have a life-time guarantee.  There comes a time when the hermit crab has grown and must shed his old skin.

A crab must molt to continue to grow.

A crab must molt for life to continue.

Interestingly the crab buries itself as it sheds its skin.  As the crab sheds its skin, evidence of the old skin disappears (the crab eats its old exoskeleton).  Its old self is gone.

The crab, in his much needed fresh “suit” is not immediately strong. The new creation needs time to come into its brand-new self.

God continually reveals himself in nature. I smile that molting closely resembles the transformation that we go through as we accept Christ.  For life to continue beyond this earthly vessel, our old life must be cast off and buried. “ As we are buried in Christ’s likeness, we rise to walk in newness of life.” We are not instantly strong Christians.  A disciple is made in time which brings me to my ultimate point.

This year at VBS we had fifteen salvation decisions.  New life has sprung. This beautiful picture will be displayed Sundays to come through baptism.  We have reason to pray; these babies in Christ need nurturing.  But above all, we have reason to rejoice.

I am an overprotective mother.  I don't say that with pride.

But sometimes Fear overwhelms me.

Last weekend Hayden and his cousins went to the movies.  I would have worried anyway, but considering the tragic event in Colorado, I played a chilling scenario in my head over and over.

Just last night, Hallie was invited to a friends to swim.  I started to list the thirty safety rules, she and her dad finished them for me- quite sarcastically I might add.

I'm quite creative when it comes to coming up with things to worry about.

But quite honestly, the world we live in is becoming an increasingly scary place despite security systems, vaccines and airbags.

I handle my fear in several different ways.

1.I avoid doing anything (or letting my children do anything) that might bring about consequences outside my control. This is my most used method.  I like to be in control.

2.I bubble wrap and proceed with extreme caution probably taking the fun out of many things we do.

3.I go ahead and dive in the deep unknown all the while trembling and terrified. Believe it or not I often feel this way when I speak in front of a small crowd.  I'm talking about simply responding to a question in Ladies' Bible Study. It's ridiculous.

4.Not near often enough, I allow the uprising emotion of fear be my signal. Yes. Fear is a distress signal.  And a distress signal suggests that immediate assistance is requested.

"Where does my help come from?

My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.

-Psalm 121:2

The only righteous fear, is fear that focuses on the Almighty.

I know I'm not alone in my struggle with fear. There are mamas out there sending their kids off to camps this summer.  There are others who are sending their babies to college.

There are daddies that threaten to cause bodily harm to anyone who lays a hand on their daughters.

There are those of you waiting for test results-in fear. There are small nagging fears and there is fear that comes from nowhere rendering you unable to move (like the sound of Hayden's weights crashing to the floor in the garage at 1:00 AM this morning).

Fear can be your worst enemy.


Fear can be your friend; a friend that urges you to lean on One who is stronger, the One who is wiser.

Fear can be the friend that reminds you, "YOU'RE NOT IN CONTROL, TALK TO YOUR FATHER-HE IS".

What fear do you struggle with?

Do you have a favorite verse that brings you comfort?




Going through my jewelry bag the other day I came across a treasure.  -One silver earring from Kenya.

Back in 2008, my missionary friend sent a package to Jason and I. We were preparing to go Kenya to serve with them at an orphanage.  The package held an envelope with one silver earring. I love earrings and I love silver; and this one was made from a 1954 East African shilling. I looked for its match but couldn't find it.  I decided that my friend must have sent one earring as a sort of deposit to get me excited about the upcoming trip.

The wonderful trip to Kenya came and went.

To my disappointment, Susan hadn't meant to give me one earring.  The whereabouts of its partner remains a mystery.

I loved the earring, but without its match, what use did it have?  It was nothing more than an incomplete set, so it has set in my jewelry bag for almost four years now- amidst a ball of broken necklace chains and tangled beads.  As I rediscovered it the other day, I was consumed with memories from my time in Kenya.

This earring is a reminder of a trip that forever changed me.  It represents a place void of  earthly comforts; but a place where God's presence is strong.  My earring represents hope for those in Kenya and beyond. It reminds me that there will be a time when "my faith shall be sight".  It is a reminder that some day there will be no orphans, no hunger, no sadness....

My treasure doesn't belong in a bag tucked away on a shelf. It is beauty and holds a purpose. Yes, it serves even on its own. And though it resembles a deposit of the glory that is to come, that won't stop me from wearing it now.

This emblem I wear,  once considered to be of little use, now beats in unison with my heart.

I am His.

And He is mine.

My prayer is that I would live a life of faith and love.  And that I would be an instrument that leads others- so they can know God is "theirs" too.

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.  Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.  -Proverbs 3:3,4 






She knows when he’s coming. Her bare feet scamper across the floor and into the front closet; the place where our mails spills in.  She’s been waiting.  Not for the mail, but for the mailman.  From inside the closet Rylie pushes up the creaky cover to the mail slot and shouts a greeting.  Sometimes she says “Hello Mr. Mailman”.  Other times she says, “Thanks for the mail”.

At first I tried to stop her.

I had noticed that he didn’t respond and I didn’t want to annoy the man.  I know that he moves quickly in order to empty the stacked crates full of important envelopes and bulky advertisements.

And frankly, I worried that he might find it strange to be greeted by a faceless someone. But I knew it was harmless and that it brought her joy so I let her continue.

One day this week Hayden witnessed her routine. Knowing Rylie must be wondering why he didn’t answer, Hayden suggested that maybe he couldn’t hear her.  He said that he had seen him wearing earphones before. …Quite possibly so.

We may never know why he doesn’t respond.  Maybe someday he will.  School days will be here soon and there will no longer be the voice speaking love from the mail slot.

I’ve wondered why he doesn’t respond.  Surely he can hear her.  Is he too busy? Does he not respond to her because he thinks it’s strange?

And then I wondered some more....


Is there somebody who calls out to me day after day?

Sure, some days I listen.  But then there are other times....

I’m so busy.

I’m distracted.

There are other voices in my head.

Sometimes I hear him, but I choose not to respond.

Don’t I know he’s waiting?  Don’t I know that he really wants to hear from me?

My sheep hear My voice, and I know them and they follow.  John 10:27


Yesterday I took Hallie out for some mom/girl time. We each had a frappe from McDonalds.

This may not seem note worthy to you, but a frappe costs several bucks a whop.  I'm kind of a cheapskate. Another thing you must know: I don't like frappes. I don't like anything that has a hint of coffee, but I chugged one down yesterday. I might also mention that one was spilled in the car. And our date ended with a second trip to McDonalds to retrieve a forgotten purse.  A small sacrifice I know, but it brought about these thoughts.

 Love is costly.

It may cost money. It also costs time.

Love is selfless.

It means looking beyond yourself to serve another.

Love keeps giving

Even though it may not be received or reciprocated.

It's what mothers and fathers do.  We love.

We cut the edges off of bread.

We leave out the onions.

We crouch down on our knees in the bathroom and hold back the hair of our little one  when a stomach virus comes to visit.

We sit in the car clutching the dashboard when our fifteen year old gets behind the wheel.

We make cookies, read books and wash clothes when we're dead tired.

We say no to requests knowing the eyeroll is sure to come.

We hold on.

We let go.

We refrain from saying "I told you so".

We forgive and forget.

And yet all these things pale in comparison to the love of our father;

How great is the love the father has lavished on us,

 that we should be called children of God!  And that is what we are!

-1 John 3:1










Yesterday I posted about modesty and how it begins in the inner room (and I don't mean the closet).  Modesty as well as immodesty has its roots in the heart.  The way we dress, speak and even act are outward expressions of our deeper self.

I also shared my belief that many times our style of dressing, misconduct and reckless speech reflect a need to feel accepted.  People in general, but especially young girls want to feel "good enough". Today I want to focus on dress, the area in which young girls often need direction and where I as an adult need reminding.

And as I mentioned yesterday, I am no expert.  And sadly I am not always the perfect example.  A work in progress, I pray that I might become a woman who brings all glory and attention to God.  My hope is that my being (heart and clothes) would point my daughters and other young girls to a modest and vibranlife with the Savior.

Here are a couple of links I found.  I've only skimmed through them so far.  So check them out.

–Rachel Lee Carter is the author of Fashioned by Faith~An International Model Uncovers the Truth about Modesty and Style (Thomas Nelson, 2011).


- A PDF checklist detailing how to ensure you're properly dressed before you leave the house


True Woman's Blog: What and What Not to Wear


Modesty in a Hypersexual World


I guess this is weird, but I'm giving you a link to my links.  If you haven't gotten a chance to check them out, I have a few to look at under Raising Girls.


Please share your thoughts, other links and your story.












I don't bring up this topic because I'm an expert on it.  I don't bring it up because I'm the perfect example.  I bring it up because I have a teenage son and a preteen daughter.  I bring it up because I have a soon to be seven-year old. I want to be sure I'm bringing her up as "wholesomely" as possible. I write about this....... because I want my children to be modest.

What exactly is modesty?

The second definition given by Merriam Webster is "propriety in dress, speech or conduct".  This is the definition I am familiar with.  This is the definition that has me asking the question "what not to wear", but the first given definition begs for a closer look.

mod.es.ty -

1 : freedom from conceit or vanity

In order for our young people to acquire a modest mindset, we have to go deeper than the style swimsuit we allow them to wear.  We have to consider more than whether or not to let them wear makeup (though these decisions are important too).  We have to go to the heart.

Being a preteen and even teen is difficult.  These years are often defined by a time when  "children" are struggling with not feeling "good enough". This is common if not the rule. How kids view themselves and how they feel they are viewed by others becomes all-consuming. -Not that this can't be an issue with adults (who think that bad hair days are bad days).  Can I get an amen?

As a parent, I know that I would do most anything to bandage their fragile hearts.  I'm afraid though, that even meaning well, in seeking to bolster my kids self-confidence I have jumped on the "How to make your kid feel like they're the prettiest/most handsome/funniest/most athletic/intelligent ... bandwagon.

I have bandaged  this heart wound of not feeling good enough with lip gloss and a new outfit. I have Scooby Doo band-aided this pain with one too many compliments, and dismissiveness to inappropriate dress or even attitude from my kids.

Could it be that my well-meaning compliments and allowances have encouraged my kids to be.....conceited or vain? Have I unintentionally taught them to think and focus on themselves?

If modesty is the freedom from conceit or vanity, then how are they to be free when I make it my goal to ensure their security by helping them "dress" their way to a better image.

Immodesty, I believe, starts on the inside. Immodesty is being held captive to thoughts of oneself. It becomes visible as inappropriate speech and dress becomes apparent.

Vanity is simply a condition which derives from a heart that knows it's "not good enough" and seeks to "feel good enough".

What if we help our children forget about turning heads. What if we help them to look up instead of constantly looking in the mirror.

Psalm 119:37

Your thoughts?


Yesterday you may have read "Food for Thought-A Grace Story". I introduced the God's Girlies mascot, Grace the plastic flamingo. I posted about the "pinkness" of flamingos.  Surely you know you're looking at a flamingo when you see a bright pink bird with the cane-shaped neck. Another telltale sign of a flamingo is a bird that stands on one leg though it has two long lanky legs.

Flamingos have an amazing balancing act.

As curious creatures, we want to know why.  Why does a flamingo usually stand only on one leg.  There are several theories.

1. The flamingo stands in shallow water much of the time.  It is suspected that just as we get wrinkly from being in the bath too long, the flamingo lifts alternating legs so that its webbed foot doesn't get wrinkly or water-logged.

2. Some scientists think that flamingos only think with one side of their brain at a time.  They also believe that as a flamingo rests, that one side of the brain is resting. And as one side of the brain is resting, the leg that is controlled by that side of the brain is resting too.

3. It is believed by others that raising one leg conserves body heat.  It takes energy to pump blood which in turn uses up body heat.  Tucking the leg is said to be similar to when we're cold and scrunch up in a ball. It conserves body heat. This is actually the most popular theory.

4. One other theory I read about is interesting.  It says that the raising of one leg is a camouflaging technique.  Supposedly the flamingo is trying to look like a tree?. And a tree has one trunk.  Two legs somehow doesn't look like a singular trunk of a tree. I'm not thinking a hot pink bird looks like a tree either.  If you're shaking your head at me, don't, I didn't come up with the theory.

I don't know why flamingos stand only on one leg.  And though curious, I'm not concerned.  My concern lies with how we as humans stand.

Here is where we are unlike flamingos.  We can't stand on our own two feet, much less stand firm singularly. Our balance must come from another source.

 Life is precarious.

 We live wobbly lives swaying this way and that. We need to be braced.  Sometimes we need to be held.  But understand, no thing or person brings about balance and right living in our lives like Christ.

To stand, really stand, when we're constantly up to our ankles in muddy water, it must be Christ that we are relying on.

Be on guard.  Stand firm in the faith.  Be courageous.  Be strong. 

 1 Corinthians 16:13

To Stand.

It doesn't simply say stand firm.

It says-  In the faith.

Not on your own.

Not living according to the prompting of your heart.

Not by the help of  your friends.

Not by some self-help magazine.

Stand firm in the faith even when it feels you're falling.


 You're being held up.

And this post my friends...............is not for the birds.

I'd love to hear from you in comments or email- www.kristiburden@gmail.com